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Hey y’all,

Just a quick check in (“only a few words today, and that too with pencil”). I’ve been getting some concerned comments and messages, so I figured it was time.

My personal health continues to be complicated and challenging, and a number of serious concerns are still unresolved. I’ve been doing a lot of work to bolster my mental and emotional well-being, and that’s been genuinely helpful in making my physical concerns less overwhelming. Many people have reached out with thoughts and suggestions regarding my symptoms. I want to say thank you—I do read your words, and I’m truly grateful you’ve taken the time to write them, but I hope you will understand why I can’t respond to them all.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has stuck around, in whatever form that may take—even if it’s as simple as just not unsubscribing. I’ve lost a number of subscribers and patrons and, while I hate the idea that people may have walked away disappointed in me, I recognize that different people subscribe or pledge for different reasons, and I want to be clear that there aren’t any hard feelings on my end at least. Aside from a very few cruel comments, people have been overwhelmingly understanding and I’m so thankful.

I have the raw materials for a couple of audios and one video. They just need to be edited, and I hope to have that completed soon. Nothing extravagant, just me dipping my toes back in. I hope you’ll keep me kindly in your thoughts as you’ve all been in mine, and I should have a few simple, relaxing things for you soon.




You must continue to be kind to yourself. You have been a help and inspiration to others. Take care ❤


Your fantastic and I appreciate you and what you create. Good luck.