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1. Here's your link to the ad-free version of my newest video! https://youtu.be/GH3yK4t6uRE

2. A thought for the day:

As many of you know, a while back I invested a bunch of time and money into converting one of our rooms into a studio space (I'd previously been recording in a closet). The idea was that I'd be more comfortable and, most importantly, I would be able to record during the day since the room is on the quiet side of the house.

It hasn't been working out. The sound in the room just isn't very good, despite numerous investments in DIY sound "improvements" and, most importantly, it's still not quiet enough to record in during the day.

I realized all this very shortly after moving in there, but I couldn't admit it to myself—not after all that work and money (look up "sunk cost fallacy"). Today, I finally accepted it. I'm going back to the closet. It will be fine, but getting to this point was disappointing and difficult.

So, here's a thought for all of us: How much of the "hard truths" we all sometimes have to face are due to our own stubborn refusal to accept simple facts?

Clearly, this is a case-by-case basis kind of thing, but sometimes I know I am my own biggest obstacle. 

Anyway, I truly am SO grateful for all of you. I'm easing back into content creation and I'm looking forward to helping you feel comforted and relaxed on a more regular basis. 




just the way you are: asmr guided meditation


Jeremy Brett

I totally understand your willingness not to give up, but you're wise to realize that some things can't be fixed. At any rate, JB, we all love you and are so glad you're here!


... I like the closet ones... ❤