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Hey y'all! I'm continuing to work with the doctors I've been seeing, working towards a diagnosis. We have a few good theories but we're not there yet.

I still intend to catch up on all the perks I'm behind on, but it might take a while. For the sake of my health, and per my doctors' advisement, my return to content creation is going to be gradual. I have some serious logistical issues I need to find solutions to in order to get back to a regular filming schedule, and I may be asking for suggestions and input soon.

In the meantime, I'm going to be evaluating the perks I offer here. It makes me sad to do it, but I may need phase out or rethink some of the higher tier perks ($10–$30). Patreon is going to begin charging for the next cycle overnight, I believe, and I don't want anyone's pledge to go through if this is a dealbreaker for them. I really should have sent this message to you a few days ago, and I apologize. If your pledge goes through tonight and you'd like a refund, please let me know! I'll wait until Friday to remove my funds from Patreon, which should make it easier on both ends if anyone needs to be reimbursed. PLEASE don't be shy to ask if it's something that feels right to you. 

I'm so grateful to all of you. I'm trying to walk a very fine line here: I don't want anyone to contribute money because they feel guilted into it or because they feel like that's the only way I'll be able to make videos, but I also want you all to know how much your pledges and support help me during this challenging time. SO ... your financial support truly does make a difficult time of my life easier. However, even if I have to sell 90% of my belongings and move into my shed, I'll still be making occasional videos on my phone and posting them for you. This part of my life brings me a lot of joy and I'm not going anywhere.

These "quick" updates are always much longer than I intend them to be. Thanks for sticking around. I love you.

<3 JB



JB: Please don't give me more money. Me: *ignores request and instantly ups Patreon because JB has got me through my own health issues* Love you always, Jelly Bean. Feel better.


PS Save doing the perks for me until you're better. I want you safe and well, not worrying about a postcard.


I hope JB is doing well, it's been a while now...