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 Hello, this is RedSpike. Ver. 0.3 is now uploaded. Thanks everyone for the wait.
The current ver. of 0.3 features New Monsters, New Levels and an improvement in convenience.

In next ver. of 0.4, there will be a Title Animation and Cutscene to a prologue.

Download: Nakara Alpha Ver. 0.3 
Password: 7ooZvuSXX0IEPYf

New features and changes of Ver. 0.3

  • Forbidden Desert added

  • New Monsters, Lamia Guards and Sandwitches added

  • New Gallery H-Scene poses with UI improvement

  • Able to select first level and level progression reworked

  • Japanese language option added

Click the link below for more patch details.

 Patch notes

*Alpha version will be updated when each new map is complete.

 Feedback is always welcome!
Always will do my best for your love and support.




Yippee!! :D

i love gyros

to this day i have never once seen a werewolf girl spawn in the dungeon, i am convinced they aren't real. the ones in the cages are merely spiders in cosplay.



Very Fun. Good Work!


I really did enjoy the work. But would have liked there to be a respite in between the match to take a break. Not everything at the same time. New enemy is hot! And you scared me with the spiders and the sound design. But I have questions. With the sex angles statues shouldn’t he be blindfolded? And if you include a boss. Will they just be one in the maze with you? The game has no negatives about it. Aside wishing I could get coins better if I was wider lol


I'm wondering if there are going to be more curse related scenes.


Also I've noticed the sound design is getting better! Would be interesting if the next level is something fire related.


There are sounds and voices to the scenes now! Maybe the voices were already there and I don't remember, but there's definitely something new there and it makes them more immersive. The sand witches are now the toughest enemy in my opinion. Their precision magic casting combined with the tight walls of the maze makes survival difficult when you're trying to go fast. Especially towards the last quarter of the level when you have 3+ witches active at a time. The swamp stalker feels more aggressive than I remember. Also the health system seems to be different. in 0.2, by default you gain health by defeating monstergirls with the sword. In this one it seems less clear. I've gained health, but I can't tell if it was from clearing a level and/or if it was from a passive I picked up along the way. I absolutely LOVE the new H gallery. Every girl is placed in their respective biome and their sprite's pose is unique to that room. My favorites are the harpy and nightmare. The harpy because she is sitting in a nest and looks super cute, and then the nightmare is lifting her dress to the side which is very different from how you see her in the forest. Their rooms have actual depth to them and are very much like the levels you encounter them in. You can actually look and appreciate the artwork that went into objects, textures, and the skybox/background. I have NEVER seen that in an H game's gallery before. It really is wonderful. Then there's the part with the direwolf where you can unlock the additional scenes in the cages. What I like the most about it is that it's a proof of concept of a framework that can enable future unlockable scenes with other girls or even the ones we already know! Thank you for implementing a stage select system. We've been asking for a while and it helps immensely when you're trying to find that last girl to complete the gallery. Something that I'm recently curious about is the swamp and forest stage. The other 3 have two girls each but the swamp and forest only have the stalker and nightmare respectively. I wonder if they'll get a second girl someday. Perhaps an arlune, undine, bee girl, or zombie. As for things to improve upon, one thing could be what I mentioned before about the HP system. I personally liked the 0.2 system better where you get some HP per defeated monstergirl. Getting additional HP from other sources is fine too, it just seems like a nice mechanic to get HP per foe as a baseline. For the gallery you could orient the X-ray to match the pose of the scene. Like say vertical for cowgirl and horizontal for missionary. Also dick direction depending on if the girl is on the left or right side. Then finally with the forbidden desert stage. There were a couple times where when the maze would appear, I'd be on the upper level with nowhere to go but into the maze. Even if I can see rings I need to collect, I can't get to them. Granted that'd be a great opportunity for the ring draw ability and play into the strategic nuance of the stage, but that'd be the only thing you could do there and only if you aren't holding the big ring or if it isn't on cooldown. If there were little bridges I could walk across to make staying on the upper level an option, it could help the level flow better without having to solely rely on the timing of the maze trigger. Overall it's a really cool update and you're doing good work!


Thank you for the feedback! I appreciated. As you expect, Swamp Of Death and Dark Forest Stages will have more Monster Girls in the future update. In the ver 0.3, after clearing the 4 stages You will gain one heart. This system may not fit the 0.3 trial, but It is designed for play 8 stages. Clearing each level will make monsters are getting aggressive and faster. If you reach the 8th stage that will be a tough battle. That dick's direction in the X-ray. that's a nice idea. I will consider this after adding more X-ray scenes. I'm thinking about game-play balance for the Forbidden Desert stage. This is not fully decided but here is the idea. Do something specific action, sand will fill up the lower level and the player will ascend to the ground. This will prevent the slow game pace.


I agree with taking a break between levels. I'm designing new gameplay content about this issue. After clearing the level, You can choose what you encounter next. Battle or other warp (including minigame, or encounter the specific situation) Other warp can also collect rings A Statue of Reminiscence is just a statue not related to Nightmare. If the stage has a Boss-like enemy(like a Beholder), it will be focused on clearing the labyrinth. But In the Final boss battle, it will be different. It will be focused on battle more than clearing the maze.


That concept sounds fun. Collect and navigate the maze dodging the beholders attacks then after boss fight. I do enjoy your sword swinging combat. Sometimes I do miss the ring through.


I pray for a VictorxMC scene or at least some solo animations 🙏🏻