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This was probably the most exciting Disney film I've seen! So full of incredible songs that I wanted to jam to and the overall story was really endearing. Also, Robin Williams (took this movie from an 8 to a 10). Enjoy :)

Julia Stark Insta: https://www.instagram.com/stark.ju/?hl=en



Watch "ALADDIN PATREON" on Streamable.



Hey! I was just wondering if it was possible to upload your videos like you used to. Without the sound. I prefer being able to choose my soundlevels on my copy. And I like being able to watch the movie on fullscreen with your video on a second screen. (Ofc I don't care if you upload two different versions. One with movie sound and one without. Or just adding a link underneath to a version with no sound) I hope that's not asking too much. But I'd like to know if that's something you could do going forwards, and if you can't I would like to know as well ^^'


with sounds is better but each to there own

Katie DeFonzo

It’s such a joy to revisit these Renaissance films ☺️Another animated movie (not Disney) that has a similar really sweet message about how being yourself is always enough is The Peanuts Movie (2015) - a solid choice for whenever you might need a little pick-me-up 😌


split opinion on it but i really enjoyed the live action adaptation of the movie, enough was the same with alot of great aditions to the story and charectors