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I was tricked so many times in this episode! It felt like the episode with all the dreams and I couldn't figure out what was real and what wasn't.

That said, I had no idea if this wedding was actually going to take place for the entire episode. (And that includes AFTER Lindsay ran out of the church, because I didn't know if it was real!)

Am I the only one who had no idea that Peyton drove a Comet? I never even thought about it. In my mind her car is just a black convertible, so I would have never put that together. And it looks like Lindsey didn't either until she literally picked up a sweater off Peyton car right before she walked down the aisle.

I know Brooke is trying to be a good friend here, but does she not remember what happened last time she encouraged Peyton to talk to Lucas about her feelings? He ended up proposing. I think it's way too soon for her to think about his. In most instances I'd only think it was too soon for a single 22 year old to think about having kids, but Brooke's got more than enough money to pay for whatever help she might need.

Also, I'm sure the wedding was supposed to be the A plot here, but fucking Carrie KIDNAPPING Jamie was really vying to overtake it. What the fuck?!? My son is the ring bearer. GTFO. I HATE this bitch. You haven't caused enough problems? Seriously. I wish Dan had killed her.

And speaking of Dan, why wasn't Jamie more afraid of him? This kid is petrified to sleep at night because he thinks Dan is a monster and is gonna get him in his sleep, but now it's all, Grandpa Dan saved me? I don't buy it. I need to see more of that scene.

Ugh. And the complete smugness of him when he walked in after returning Jamie. This changes nothing, sir! I really hope that this doesn't open the door for him to be part of their lives again.

However, I think that this might bring Naley back together. It was a brief moment, but there was a glimmer of hope when they bonded over this tragedy. I guess we'll see in the coming episodes.


(No title)


The great mist of Gaming

You heard it correctly Haley did say: 'You should have been there' 'Your his father, you should have been there to protect him' 'You should have been here, and I should have let you come home' And by saying this she is blaming herself for not letting Nathan come home earlier and is basically saying if Nathan had come home Jamie would not have been kidnapped becuase she feels guilty and is worried for her sons safety and life at this moment in time her emotions are everywhere. And then Nathans conforts her telling her it is not her fault and that she should not blame herself which is true because wheather or not Nathan was back home that biatch would have still tried to kidnap Jamie because she lives in delu delu land and thinks he is her actual son. Overall I really loved this episode and it's one of favourites of the season and it's a pretty solid 100th episode.


I hope you enjoyed this episode Dana.....it was a big one and pretty important for the series. To answer a few of your questions...I don't think that the fans originally thought that the Lucas/Lindsey wedding was supposed to be the A plot and most important thing of the episode. The 100th episode was a milestone for the show and was supposed to be an episode centered around all the main core and the characters who got the show to this point, so while the backdrop of the episode was the wedding and it initially is what brought Karen, Lily, and Andy back to town, Naley's storyline and Jamie's subsequent kidnapping at the hands of psycho Carrie, and Dan saving the day, were all the bigger and more important plot in my opinion, so you weren't wrong to pick up on that fact, lol. Also, the promo that ran leading up to the episode featured all the main plotlines and characters and wasn't really focused much on the wedding at all except to say that it would be the biggest event of the series, lol, but that wording was specifically referring to the culmination of everything that happened with Jamie, Carrie, and Dan, and not the actual wedding ceremony itself. As for how many fans actually thought that the wedding would commence...idk about that, but Lucas did end up saying "I do", so you'll just have to stay tuned to see what becomes of that, hehe. Also you were wondering why Jamie wasn't more afraid of Dan and how come it was so easy for him to trust Dan and just go with him...remember that Jamie was initially afraid when Dan peered into the window and Jamie dropped his candy and cowered in the corner...but Jamie is a very smart and perceptive kid and he knew that his beloved nanny wasn't who he thought she was and had taken him away from his home and parents, so he probably figured that Grandpa Dan was his next best and only choice, and he turned out to be right. Had Dan not showed up...there is no telling how far out of town Carrie might have gotten with Jamie. And yes...tragedies tend to bring people together again, and you can clearly see that happening with Naley. Loved the scene between them in Jamie's bedroom, it was so powerful. Such an emotional and angst-ridden scene between them that James and Joy rocked together. They were so distraught over the prospect of losing their son and not knowing what happened to him, and when Nathan pulls Haley in close to him to comfort her and just let's her cry her heart out.....as she screams that she can't lose him, he's all she has, that was such a powerful moment and an immense response from Nathan not to include him in that equation and tell her that she'll always have him too, but he relented and didn't press it, and just held her. Such an underrated scene that still gives me goosebumps today watching. The emotion is always so real and palpable between those two. And little Jamie just walking in at the end like the boss he is, hehe, calling out for his mama, as Naley scoop him right up in their arms and shower him with hugs and kisses and thank you's to God that he's home safe.....as Dan enters the house in front of his entire world, a hero now, instead of an enemy.....is some amazing storytelling right there. That entire coda coupled with Apologies by Grace Potter playing over the entire sequence was a homerun hit for sure. They nailed it!!! Like I said...I hope you enjoyed the episode; it was a special one for sure!!! P.S. Happy 4th of July!!!! Hope you have a great festive day celebrating!!!!