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OMG. I think this was the best episode so far. So many things are happening right now, and they are all amazing.

Clarke really needs to find Luna, because Ontari is awful and needs to be stopped. However, I do not understand why the rest of the ambassadors are just going along with Murphy being the (fake) Flamekeeper. Do they think Titus passed it along to him right before he died just because he was there? Did I miss something?

Bellamy letting Octavia beat the hell out of him was both kind of cathartic, but also sad. For both of them. She's hurting so much, and I'm sure he feels terrible about the part he played in getting Lincoln killed.

Ugh, Ally is just the worst. She tortures Raven into submission, and then coerces Abby by an ultimatum of 'take it, or Raven dies.' All the while Jasper is running around trying to the bracelet that can save Raven (he has no idea this has happened) and when he finally gets back, he realizes he's alone because they've both succumbed. And Abby is handing out Ally pills like they are hosts at church.

But, the good news is Bellamy's come back around and tricked Pike into thinking he was still on his side. However, he just handed him over to the Grounders. So, that's (potentially) one problem solved, but we've got so many others!

By the end, Clarke and Jasper are escaping with an unconscious Raven. I don't think they have a plan though. And as soon as Raven wakes up, Ally will be able to track them. Ahhh!


(No title)



Small things to comment on lol but I love that Clarke tried to immediately explain about Luna and the flame cause I feel like in shows they usually bury the lead and you’re like just spit it out but this time Clarke was trying and the obstacle was that Jasper’s issue was more immediate. I think Bellamy could have done it for both reasons but I think Kane is concerned that Bellamy only did it for his sister and he hasn’t actually come around to their side in beliefs. Cause Bellamy only tried to switch sides to try to save Lincoln for Octavia and he only did something about the trap when Pike told someone to put a bullet in Octavia’s leg. I agree though about Octavia beating up Bellamy. For me, the powerful part of the scene isn’t Octavia’s anger (though that’s good too) but Bellamy’s willingness and insistence that she get to do it. It just really pulls into focus for me that big brother role that’s been at the core of who Bellamy is. It kinda felt like he lost that when he started targeting grounders (which Octavia basically considers her people at this point) but when it came down to the wire that fundamental part of him his mom instilled kicked in.