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OMG. Felicity found a counterpart! And Oliver seemed jealous!

So this super human strength stuff is not new to Oliver (or Barry it seems). But somehow this is all tied back to Blood. He's making this race of super people. Not quite sure why yet, though. Is he trying to create an army to do his bidding? What is he trying to accomplish here?

Dude. He shot Roy! I get it was to try to keep him out of direct harm's way, but come on! Plus, Thea is gonna be super pissed if he start trying to be a faux vigilante again.

For a while I thought Barry was trying to be a member of the team, but then I thought I was wrong. Now, maybe I think I'm right again. I have no idea why Felicity thinks he can save Oliver, but here we are. He's in the Arrow Cave and aware of everything.

Yes! I don't think I want Thea to know that Malcolm is her father. Yes, in real life that's probably bad, but this is TV. She's totally gonna lose her shit if she finds this out. But it seems like Malcolm is out of our hair for a little while. Fingers crossed.

And poor Slade is dead. Sigh.


Arrow 2X8