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If the two of them are not within touching distance next episode, I'm walking away. (Okay, you know I won't, but I'm gonna be pissed). We're so so so so close!

Do we think that our flashbacks are going to consist of Brianna and Roger going forward? I don't think we've seen the end of Frank though. I think he'll continue to show up in flashbacks.

You know, in hindsight, I feel pretty bad for Brianna. When I was watching I was so anxious to get to a Jamie and Claire reunion, that I think I rushed through Claire's goodbye to Brianna and I feel pretty bad about it. I 100% rushed through this episode because I was so excited that our loves were getting back together.

I was so concerned that Claire was gonna end up walking in on Jamie with someone, but I don't think this is that kind of show. So, he just fainted instead. 🤣

I'm not sure I've ever been more happy to be watching the following episode the next day. At this point, I'm certain I've never seen a love story like this depicted on TV. I'm obsessed.


Outlander 3X5



This was probably my favorite reaction of yours to this show!