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I'm surprised to say how much I like little Jamie. Usually, I'm not a fan of kids in adult shows, but for whatever reason this kid (and honestly, Christoper in 9-1-1 too) is pulling at my heart strings. Lol.

I love that Peyton and Brook are both back in Tree Hill to stay. And that Brooke is taking over the cafe, and Peyton the back of Tric. I love the full circle-ness of it all. Also, I agree with Brooke and Lucas, I do really think that Peyton will be good at this.

Why is Mouth's boss such a bitch? I hate her. I'm hoping that there is some reason behind it (but there are so few reasons I can think that would fit the bill). I hope he takes her job. She's awful.

OMG. Haley! You never tell kids that it's your first day and they are your first class! I told you they were gonna eat you alive. Sigh. But also, screw those kids! Haley needs to be protected at all costs.

And speaking of protecting Haley, she basically give Nathan an ultimatum- shape up or Jamie and I are gone. It really needed to be done, but fuck it hurts to watch them broken like this. On the plus side, he really took that to heart and sobered up, so to speak, and make a bit of a breakthrough. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the start of this family fixing themselves.

Also, I really need to know what happened between Peyton and Lucas! It really seems like they still love each other. I need backstory!





Jamie is definitely the best as always, and I love that Nathan finally came around after some much needed tough love (the extent can be debated, lol, between Haley's reality check, and Peyton's) and he went and woke up Jamie so they could go finish the race together. It was the perfect culmination of things for sure, and a great father/son moment between the two. Also have to mention that when Nathan first flings himself into the pool and jumps back up.... the OG fans at the time had dubbed Nathan's long hair and beard his Jesus look, lol, so when he comes back up to the surface...it's like it was his baptism... Nathan Scott reborn, lol. Still cracks me up to this day thinking about it, lol. And that kitchen/living room scene between Naley was dynamite for sure. I think somebody already mentioned that Haley throwing the beer bottles at Nathan, and him flinching was all improvised by Joy and that reaction from James was as real and raw as you can get. Paul directed the episode and Joy was getting tired of always having to keep picking up the bottles and resetting them after every take, and Paul was like just do what you want to do with them then, and Joy's like "I want to throw them", and Paul's like "go for it then", and so when you see Nathan flinch...James had no idea what was coming, lol.. I love when he recounts them filming it, he was like..."man, Joy means business this take", lol. It all turned out so perfect. The JL's rocked that scene, and the emotion was as real, raw, and genuine as you come to expect between them.