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So back in November, RIGHT DURING BLIZZCON *cries* I was a part of this amazing experience that was Cosplay Melee!! My episode aired last night (you can buy it on Amazon if you'd like to watch it!) And I created this absolutely crazy demon thing that I wish I could wear every day of my life XD

I feel like, as patrons, the whole point is that you guys get an insider look at the experience, so here's a few notes that I'd like to talk about for the show (there's obviously a lot I'm not supposed to talk about, so most of these are just personal opinions):

-- I know it was the case with watching past episodes, but as someone who LIVED that episode, it was CRAZY seeing everything so rushed. Like they didn't show me throwing a fit over not being able to find supplies ANYWHERE (being in a time crunch AND being in a new workspace was infuriating!). Or Jesse struggling tremendously with working with insulation foam for the first time, or the amount of times Marty sang while crafting >_> it was insane just seeing basically that entire week get cut out of the show!

-- I kind of figured I would know who one of the judges was, but when I turned around I had NO CLUE it would be one of my close friends in the community, Leeanna! I still haven't asked her if she had known, since we're not supposed to talk about the show at all!

-- I know I was depicted well, but I'm gonna make a note here on patreon, my trusted friends, and say that I don't LOVE how I was cut? I mean, I really pushed for my message to be about anti-bullying and overcoming obstacles, or how nothing about my work is professional and yet I can still have fun, and they went with that I'm a budget cosplayer, which is kind of not true. I spend $200-400 on my cosplays, which is 'budget' in comparison to a lot of cosplayers, but to younger audiences that's STILL a lot of money, and I'm sad they gave that message that 'budget cosplay' is still spending a lot of money on a costume, you know? I didn't mean for that. But of course I'm nitpicking, because it's my brand that I put in their hands to represent. I also felt that I looked ditzy, but I always think me looking 'cute' is 'ditzy' because I always wanna look cool and badass and am simply incapable of it XD

-- By the end, I was actually dilly-dallying. I had made a bow that I decided not to use because I couldn't operate the wings while holding it, and adding that little bit of glitter trim to the collar edge or re-glittering my wings better was, like, painstakingly slow, but I wanted to keep crafting and doing stuff while time ticked on. I think if they actually recorded my entire process from beginning to end and showed it, no one would be nearly as impressed with this build XD it's really just a crapton of hot glue XD

-- We did not get to keep our costumes after the show, sadly! Although I'd love to remake mine anyway to be a million times better XD I only wish I got to keep those wings, because I would remake theme exactly the same, even now!



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