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Wow March disappeared so fast! I've got all prints going out today from January and February (woops! Sorry for being behind @_@)! It's the first set of 3 minis!

Here's the prints before they were signed!

If you'd like any high-res images from basically anything I've ever done in the last year PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! I haven't been the best in giving you guys like a dropbox package of prints each month, so just, like contact me if you want anything!

April is going to be a fun month! First I have Wondercon tomorrow where I'll be wearing Tharja!

My episode of Cosplay Melee airs this Tuesday! I'm both really really excited and nervous, so please watch and cheer me on and tweet at me! I'm gonna be barely able to look a the screen because I hate seeing myself talk on camera XD

I also have Anime Matsuri April 7th-9 in Houston Texas! I'll be wearing a genderbent version of Victor Nikiforov and Ramona Flowers for just casual/fun cosplays! Please message me if you're gonna be there I can meet up with you!

IT'S ALSO MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!! What should I do?! Maybe a cake and ice cream shoot?! Sakizou has really cute dessert lingerie designs...it would be fun to recreate one of those!

THEN at the very end of the month, I'm apparently attending Calgary Expo!! WHAT UP CANADIAN FRIENDS!! I'm really excited to finally make it up to Canada for a convention! I'm not a guest, but my friends Moderately Okay Cosplay and Nathan Deluca are, so I'm just gonna be hanging out at their booths XD



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