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If you want to see a real game example of how to use Lucio and what things you should be looking out for, I talk about some of them in these Grandmaster games that I played with Lucio! 



Great examples as always! I have a question, when I play Lucio I tend to abuse his harrassing capabilities to dismount the enemy team slowing down their rotations. But in that case that is just me. When approaching a fight sometimes I kinda hesitate on my positiong because I don't know if I should look for a flanking position to disperse their enemy team from saving the picked target, or if I should play front to back. I know this is probably very composition dependent but what is your main thoughts on this pre fight positioning. I usually look at our engage, and if in lower elos we do have a great engage then I default to simply wait for the pick and push back the enemy, if we don't have the engage I try to get aggressive and do the D -> Q to push an enemy out of position and try to create the engage that way through a more flanking position. Tell me your thought master! Also POGGERS rerun dono :)


Situations like that should really just be whatever you think has the highest chance of getting the kill, it is a very case by case basis.