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Lucio is one of the strongest healers in the game, but has a very high skill cap. It is one of the harder heroes to play and you need to really understand his specific playstyle in order to do well with him. We explain all of that in this video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Lucio! Lots of Lucio specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Lucio Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Summer anthem is really easy to get value from if you take it to guarantee that your teammate (-s) won't die while you are casting sound barrier.


This is an ok use case but that's kinda like insurance, if they end up not dying anyways in the cast time then you basically have no level 20 for that fight. In most fights you also wouldn't want them to be so close to death before casting barrier so I think the value here is far less than the value in another level 20


i have play lucio for ages.. and at begin on first skill i use the first.. however i change and then i use he third supersonic due cause i can get more mana and life by hitting on camps turrets and at 16 if you pik up the frequeny u need more mana. but i will try different now,thanks