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Medic is a very interesting hero with an extremely powerful early game and great synergy with enabling autoattackers in particular. Positioning is extremely important on this hero and we'll talk about why in the video.

All you need to know about every build and talent for Medic! Lots of Medico specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Medic Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!




As someone who plays medic a lot, I've found a couple of interactions that are sometimes useful to know about, especially in low elos. Firstly, reinforcements' timer is long enough that you can do a budget samuro hearth trick with it, and other teammates can join too if they need it; takes a much longer cooldown than sam's old trick, but still can be helpful given the ability has a lot of downtime anyways. Secondly, minions are your friend! Minions proc the passive 2% heal from q and if you take medi-drone you can get the 75% heal on yourself if you put q on a low-hp minion for much better self-heals (medi-drone only gives the safeguard target the healing if the q target is actually getting healed, so can't use a full hp ally or minion). Keeping your q on full health targets will not consume energy but will give you the passive self-heal so it is useful (though it will also stop energy regen, so use with caution). Lastly, vanadium plating (definitely still the best talent) loses its extra armour when the stuns/roots end, which doesn't change how you use it, but it's helpful to be aware of. As a final note, something good medics should get used to is making sure to manually drop q if they're going to get stunned or silenced. Q usually doesn't have any appreciable cooldown, but if it is cancelled by an opponent it has a much longer cd (this makes things like mura skull cracker and other micro cc's really dangerous to a medic), but if you drop it manually before taking the cc then it gives the standard, very short cc. Praxis is to just not get cc'd in the first place as much as you can help it.


Just like the other guides, it was brilliant! Thank you Fan :)