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All you need to know about every build and talent for Arthas We Cover both Main Tank and Bruiser Variations! Lots of Arthas specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section. 



When to go Q vs AA build as a bruiser? Basically I would only pick Arthas bruiser as a counterpick to Artanis and Varian. Maybe others?


I would just go the max CC build over both. Q vs AA though is somewhat personal preference you can try both and see which you prefer. As counterpick to melee AA is probably better since you can AA melees pretty easily. vs Ranged it could be better to Q

László Török

I always thought Arthas has been one of the weakest tanks and only should play him against a dive, melee, aa comp because for example a valla can still easily kite him even after Frost Presence is finished. Thought he is better on offlane against a melee hero on for example braxis. :/


He's definitely better against melees but with W quest level 1 you can root ranged heroes pretty easily when finished, and with E quest level 4 even if they leave your radius they are still slowed for quite a while after, so he is also good vs ranged AA when played well.

Dre Person

Great guide! I'm assuming the little buffs Arthas got don't really change anything about the build?


Yep, the only thing I would say is new about Arthas is the Q build has now become viable whereas before it was not. Everything else still plays the same