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All you need to know about every build and talent for Artanis. I cover all 3 builds that I see him played with as well as talent variations in those builds! Lots of Artanis specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.


László Török

Hi Fan! Thank you for the video. Actually I had a debate with my friend about artanis green or blue shield is better. He argued that green shield does nothing until you get below 25% hp and you die anyway after that. He said with blue shield you can have infinite spell shield after 13. But with blue shield I feel like they can get rid of it easily (as you mentioned if the enemy focus fires you down) and true you have 4 seconds less cd on the shield but nothing else. In the end we couldn't convince one another which is better, so we agreed that we disagree. Now I feel like that before 16 blue might actually be better because you have no extra cd reduction on the shield but after 16 is the green shield's power spike. So blue shield is better in early-mid game and 1v1s, while green shield is better in teamfights and post 16. But I am not entirely sure. Green shield might be better early game with some shield management. - What do you think, would you still pick green shield on Braxis where you mostly 1v1 on top or switch to blue in that case? - If you are playing against a varian not necessarily on offlane, just in team fights or in general would your lvl 4 talent choice vary? Since varian is the most common shield breaker after 13. Sorry for writing a complete book, maybe I will just send a word document next time. :D Thank you for the videos, guides. Keep up the good work! c:


I like green shield more, I think in any kind of high ELO when you are artanis, people will focus fire attack you and blue shield is useless when they focus fire you, green shield saves your life much more in those situations. If artanis was a ranged hero I think blue shield would be better but since he is melee and always gets focused, the bigger shield is much more likely to keep you alive, at least in higher ranks.

Igor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 04:06:04 Sad you didn't dicuss all of the talents. I think AA talent at 7 is hot garbage, slow at 16 is not bad, sometimes % damage is important, and that trait at 20 is extremely important in teamfights.
2023-11-26 04:06:04 Sad you didn't dicuss all of the talents. I think AA talent at 7 is hot garbage, slow at 16 is not bad, sometimes % damage is important, and that trait at 20 is extremely important in teamfights.
2023-11-26 04:06:04 Sad you didn't dicuss all of the talents. I think AA talent at 7 is hot garbage, slow at 16 is not bad, sometimes % damage is important, and that trait at 20 is extremely important in teamfights.
2023-08-08 00:19:46 Sad you didn't dicuss all of the talents. I think AA talent at 7 is hot garbage, slow at 16 is not bad, sometimes % damage is important, and that trait at 20 is extremely important in teamfights.

Sad you didn't dicuss all of the talents. I think AA talent at 7 is hot garbage, slow at 16 is not bad, sometimes % damage is important, and that trait at 20 is extremely important in teamfights.


Yeah I think the 16 talents all have a place situationally, but usually I find either ultimate upgrade at 20 to be far better than all other 20 options.


Only thing I would add is the mechanics of the shield is unique in that any fatal damage that procts it will leave Artanis at 1 hp. So for example if you are getting pyro blasted wit like 500 hp and you have shield cd up. I am almost positive you will not die.


Yes this is how the shield works and that is a good thing to keep in mind for sure!