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All you need to know about every build and talent for Anubarak! Lots of Anub specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section. It's kinky time!


Bruno Franco de Aquino

Does he really say kinky? That's what I hear, but it seems so out of character... For a more gameplay question (though the first one is sincere), could you explain somewhere about the role of tanks in lategame fights? I sometimes don't know if it's better to use ccs to dive in and try for a kill or wait back to peel for my team from their diving


Yeah he does say kinky, the role of tanks in late game fights is both of what you said. Whether you dive or peel just depends on the situation. If you think you have a guarantee kill with a dive, then you dive. If you think the enemy team got a better engage and you need to peel, then peel. Basically do whichever one looks more likely to win the fight. If you don't know which one that is, then its a great time to look at the replay after the game and figure it out. Check out my targeting guide for tanks on here if you haven't as well, as that is pretty related to your question.


Is cocoon upgrade ever worth taking?


Usually rewind double stun is better but if there's a case where you think simply keeping 1 person out of the fight forever would help win it then you could. For example if theres a 1v9 player on the other team that you can't land stuns on reliably but you know you'd win the fight if he was in cocoon for most of the fight.