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The best early game start is to do camps at 1 minute. Usually it is better to start with siege giants camp since it is safer with you taking less damage, less likely to be invaded. Do not try to do both camps at the same time, this is very dangerous and you basically automatically lose to any invades because your team is too split to defend either side. Better to do the camps 1 at a time, 1 right after the other. 

The standard lane storm league lane setup is 4 man rotates mid-bottom and does camps, while your solo laner either rotates mid-top for double soak or stays top to keep control of the shrine. 

Once the beacons spawn, you usually will have at least 1 person in the 4 man anchoring bottom shrine, with the rest either helping or roaming. In solo queue this will most commonly end up with 3 people bottom defending the shrine, and 1 person going mid to clear that wave and rotating after they do. Make sure the person going mid has good wave clear because whoever clears that mid wave first will have priority to roam first and gank first while the other team is stuck clearing the rest of the wave.

Be especially aware of the beacons while doing camps, if you are going to lose one soon go help the beacons instead. It is not worth giving up a dragon knight for a camp. This is a common mistake teams do when not paying attention to beacon status and spending too much time or resources taking their own knight camp. 

This map is also very good for roaming, similar to Braxis your goal is to never lose both shrines so when you know you are losing one shrine, roaming to the other one is very important to make sure you don't lose both. 

Stalling middle is also an option on this map but should be used as a last resort, as if you have no control of either shrine it is a very bad position to be in since you are forced to never leave middle or risk being picked off when you do. In this position, it is often better to just give up the DK and have 5 people alive to defend rather than have people get picked off nonstop trying to stall or get a shrine with no vision. 

The most important secret about winning on Dragon Shire is to prioritize pushing bottom lane. Any push you do either with the team or a dragon knight should be on bottom lane. This is because bottom lane has 3 merc camps, so it is the easiest lane to end the game with. The winning team also often can stack 2 or even 3 of these merc camps for a very strong death push(same concept as pushing the lane with your boss in it).

Controlling the Dragon Knight(DK): It is usually best to only hit buildings with DK, it does a lot more damage to buildings than heroes. Buildings also cannot be healed unlike heroes(except for mule which is rare). 

It is also usually best to not use the W(kick) at all because it has a long casting time. In the time you W someone, you could have attacked 3 or 4 extra times on a building which amounts to thousands of missed building damage. Also the person you try to kick will often be able to dodge it by using unstoppable, or going behind a wall or fort. 

The only time I recommend kicking with DK is when they have a heavy damaging auto attacker or stacker such as Tychus or Zuljin, and you know for sure there is no way they can negate your kick with a dash behind a wall.


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