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The best early game start is to do camps at 1 minute. Usually it is better to start with siege giants camp since it is safer with you taking less damage and a watchtower, less likely to be invaded. 

Do not try to do both camps at the same time, this is very dangerous and you basically automatically lose to any invades because your team is too split to defend either side. Better to do the camps 1 at a time, 1 right after the other. 

If you see the next tribute is on the other side of the map, then it is okay to hold the siege giants camp and cap it 30 seconds before tribute spawns so the enemies are forced to choose between the two. A common mistake is prioritizing this too much to the point where you don't do the camp, it is better to do the camp than hold it for two minutes because by that time the camp would have almost respawned again. 

Remember only the 3rd tribute does something, giving up the first two is acceptable if you have a good reason. Good reasons can include split pushing and trading a fort for 1 tribute, defending enemy camp which would take your fort if left uncontested, or just avoiding very unfavorable fight positions if it is on your enemies side of map and close to their forts. 

When you curse the enemy team, it is very important to still be soaking. The minions are 1hp so you can soak extremely quickly with any hero. Unless you can end the game or get a keep minimum by grouping as 5, you should always be catching side lane soak. You can even soak the side lane and immediately regroup as 5 after since it takes only 1 second to kill the entire cursed minion wave. 

If you get a choice about which lane to push, it is usually better to push the lane with your boss because if you end up getting your boss in the future, that lane will already be weakened and it will be more likely to end through that lane with the boss.


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