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During early game you have several options. You can play the standard storm league 4v4 bottom lane meta if you think you are winning the 4 man. 

If you get an early kill or have great camp clear, you can usually do your bottom camp before the first beacons spawn. It is easy to be invaded on this map however, so only do the camp if you have some advantage(for example if you have global top and they don't, or if you get a kill or see 1 of them backing) or think the enemy team is too busy elsewhere to invade(maybe ganking top or doing their own camp).

 If you don't think you can win 4v4,you should roam. Roaming is a key part of winning on Braxis. If you are playing solo queue it is usually best to pick a roamer so you have that option available to you at least. 

Best roamers on this map are strong 1v1 or 2v2 skirmishers, some examples include Genji, Fenix, Valeera, Maiev, etc. Stun tanks also can be good roamers but will leave bottom without a tank so you have to make sure they play safe if you roam on tank.

 Once beacons spawn your goal is to never lose both beacons. This is where roaming is OP. If you are winning bottom, a quick roam to top can secure both beacons for a while and get some Zerg %. If you are losing bottom, a roam to top will guarantee you win top 2v1 and not lose any Zerg %. The team that can do this better will eventually end up with 100% Zerg. 

You almost always want to push with 100% Zerg, if you do not push with it and just defend, then your zerg is worth the same as theirs because a push with no heroes behind it is easily defendable and gets basically nothing no matter what % the Zerg is. 

If you ever win a team fight with your healer alive and at least 2 players more than the opposing team, try to get your team to do boss right away. 

I personally do not like Ragnaros on this map because I think it is playing to lose, Ragnaros loses most 1v1 matchups against strong solo laners so you are basically playing to lose Zerg. Even though he is good at defending Zerg, I believe it is better to play to win the Zerg rather than to lose less.


Marine One-sixteen

Hey Fan, could you pls make bruisers matchup table for this map? Samuro was nerfed, so im often struggling with good pick. Sincerely yours, DesuExxMachina


How do you counter rexxar on brexis or dragonshire? Which hero would you pick? With the latest samuro nerfs (hearth trick gone), would you say Samuro is viable? For me, I have Leoric as my go to.. i will take the q talent at level 1, and take the range q at 4, spam q to hit 2 targets consistently and drain whoever I can seems viable. I know illidan and deathwing are said to be counters too.. but I wont want to pick up illidan/deathwing just for the match up. I do have leoric and samuro in my line up hence thats why Im asking if leoric and samuro are viable rexxar counters.. and if so, how would you talent and play them. Thank you so much for your reply!