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During early game you have several options. You can play the standard storm league 4v4 bottom lane meta if you think you are winning the 4 man. If you don't think you can win 4v4,you can also roam, either by attempting to gank the other lane or by sneaking the solo lane khazra(siege) camp if you have a good hero for it. Make sure to let your remaining 3 man know you are roaming so they can play defensively and not feed 3v4. 

It is very important to start the shaman camp at around 2:30 in game time, because the first immortals spawn at 3 minutes. This allows you to have just enough time to finish the camp and go to the objective, and will make the shaman camp push during the immortal phase, which forces opponents to choose between defending the shaman camp or defending/attacking immortals. 

If your team has the better race you should try to race(attack) or trade immortals. If your team has the worse race you should try to defend your immortal and get kills for an level lead. The idea here is that with the level lead the enemy team wont be able to step up to your immortal anymore(or you kill them with talent advantage), so you can take your time slowly killing theirs.

Other useful information: 

While the immortal has shields, it has a ranged attack which allows it to take much less damage, so try to get as much shielding as possible on the immortal.

The immortal always pushes the lane with more structures still alive.


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