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The best early game start is to do camp at 1 minute. Respawn time on this camp is low so you will be able to do it twice before objective even spawns if you start right at 1 minute. 

Try to figure out what your opponents are doing with your vision on the map. If they are doing their own camp, then finish your camp but hold the cap and cap 10 seconds after they cap. This way their camp will end up fighting your camp under your towers, and you can get a very beneficial clear on their camp. 

If you get a camp advantage on this map it is good to push with the camp for a bit, as the camp lowers the armor of defending heroes and buildings which makes taking walls and doing siege damage pretty easy. 

When objectives spawn, the best play is usually to keep double soaking with your solo lane and have the 4 man just play defensive poke to make sure enemy team cannot get a full channel on your objective.

If your team insists on fighting no matter what, then sometimes it is better to just fight with them instead of soaking even though this is not the best overall play.



When our team capped the 2 bosses is it better to push with one of them or do obj?


It depends but usually pushing is better. Basically whichever outcome you think will end up with the enemies losing the most buildings. The problem with doing boss-> obj is that the obj on alterac takes longer to cap than the boss takes to clear, so you risk giving enemies a free boss clear and then they still make it to the obj and can stop you from capping it fully if they win that fight.