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Best early game start is to do camps at 1 minute. Usually it is better to start with siege giants camp since it is safer with you taking less damage, less likely to be invaded. Do not try to do both camps at the same time, this is very dangerous and you basically automatically lose to any invades because your team is too split to defend either side. Better to do the camps 1 at a time, 1 right after the other. 

The standard lane storm league lane setup is 4 man rotates mid-bottom and does camps, while your solo laner either rotates mid-top for double soak or stays top to keep control of the shrine. If your solo laner is good at taking camps, then make sure someone goes to cover the soak while he does camps. 

The objective is similar to cursed hollow, so many of the same tips apply here. If you see the next seed is on the other side of the map, then it is okay to hold the camp and cap it 30 seconds before the seed spawns so the enemies are forced to choose between the two. A common mistake is prioritizing this too much to the point where you dont do the camp, it is better to do the camp than hold it for two minutes because by that time the camp would have almost respawned again. 

Remember only the 3rd seed does something, giving up the first two is acceptable if you have a good reason. Good reasons can include split pushing and trading a fort for 1 tribute, defending enemy camp which would take your fort if left uncontested, or just avoiding very unfavorable fight positions if it is on your enemies side of map and close to their forts. 

In higher ranks the best play is to usually prioritize soaking and camps over the seed, because it is very difficult to cap the seed with the 4 guards. Also without the full team there, it is easy to get the channel interrupted by any long range poke which only requires 1 or 2 heroes to do. 

Once your camps are all done and the soak is covered, then making a quick rotation to try to secure the seed with the entire team is optimal. However, if your team does not defensively poke and insists on dying 4v5 no matter what, sometimes it can be better to just go along with them even though it is not the best play.

When you are defending against the objective, focus down the overgrowth that is summoned first, it is easy to kill but will disable your buildings for a long time if you do not focus it. Also look for undefended garden terrors and try to take those down first.


Jan Bahr

Is rotation between mid and bot as 4 a common thing? i usually see a 1-1-1 with two people rotating and doing camps, ganks etc.


On maps with a lot of camps such as garden, the 4 man rotation is only for the first few early waves before camps spawn yeah. Once camps spawn you break up into the 1-1-1 and do camps. Once all the camps are done however, you likely can resume 4 man rotating or 1-1-1 and have other 2 ganking, both ways work. The idea is if 1 team is 4 man rotating and 1 team is 1-1-1, the 4 man rotating team always has the advantage as they can clear the wave first and leave to gank first as the split up team cannot contest the 4 man group.

Jan Bahr

Thanks for your response. I have to try out if a fast enough rotation is doable on that map, always thought the map is too big for it to work out properly. :)


No problem! If you have a proper waveclear hero it should be fine, 4 people can clear a wave in 1 or 2 seconds with a proper waveclear hero if you focus on clearing the wave and not randomly araming for days which unfortunately most pubs like to do. If you are solo queue you probably wont be able to hold a 4man rotate for long but if its 4 people in a party you definitely could.