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Hey all, so I am pretty close to announcing some fun stuff for the 2020 Season. We have a lot of fun ideas for the WHAT IF series and more matches and streaming matches this season as well. We already know our main event for our first Throwdown amongst other things.

What would you all like to see this year for Patrons?




Whats the WHAT IF series?


Some rematches of exhibition matches i.e. Movie Release Dates, Rocky


I'd like to watch the draft and the awards, Kristian. Any idea when that's happening?


Last year Jay & Winston had a match that was supposed to come out in February.. can you do a series of unreleased matches or old matches that somehow missed the cut?


Hi Michael, Aaron got all the footage today. Looks like awards tomorrow and draft on Wed.


What If are some of the matches we hoped to see or if circumstances would ahve went another way. Example What if Andrew Ghai didn't beat Dan Murrell..


An exhibition match of SNL cast member films


They did have a match and it did post. But all matches that shoot usually post.


I've been watching since the beginning. And it just gets better and better. I really can't think of anything you haven't already. I'm pumped for this new year. And the What if series sounds great. I think a "What is Mark Elis beat Dan Murrell in the first Spectacular" would be a crazy one. Maybe bringing back older players. Even ones with loosing records. And maybe a star wars tournament. That's a I can think of.


A focus on engaging people outside of our sphere, would love to see the money go on promotion and getting new fans. Excited for 2020 guys.


More BTS! Exclusive clips of challenges and the conversation around those with judges.


Any plans beyond just movies? Not that those aren’t amazing, they absolutely are, but a TV exhibition match? Music? Wrestling?


Sports movies exhibition please!


I suggest a Clint Eastwood exhibition match. Maybe: Rocha, JTE, Bibiani and Synder.


Y'all have been hitting us with better, upon better, upon better. You know what to do. We trust you. - agent666


lol I go on twitter and see all the draft results. I thought this shit was supposed to be live streamed, has anything been posted about official dates? lol "hey guys lets try extremely re-vamping and expanding our product but lets keep our fans in the dark and spoil a bunch of shit we haven't released". Hire some advisors I don't want this to be a mess. I used to be a 20$ patron but the postcards don't even fucking exist anymore and you guys don't give us any updates about anything. I'm going back to 1$ because while I don't want to discontinue support, I can't justify 20$ a month anymore


I’d love to see a broadening of categories with the influx of many new players coming into the league. Screenwriters & cinematographers come to mind immediately. This could really add some depth to the questions since you’re going to be recycling older ones back into the mix (if I heard that correctly) IMHO

Oliver Gehrmann

It has been communicated well in advance that the layout in the Comedy Store wouldn't allow for a livestream. Personally, I also think it's unfortunate, but it just goes to show how much the bar was raised during last year; I mean, there was a (long) time where we never got ANY livestreams and look where we are now?! :-) The Postcards arrive in my mailbox regularly and I'm from overseas. I'd suggest getting in touch with Emma; she's been nothing but supportive every single time I sent in a question and I'm sure she can sort out what happened to your postcards. ;-)


3 Matches a week. I know it's tough but I think we can all agree of wanting more Schmoedown. Or at least an undercard for one match a week? The roster has expanded heavily and I can't wait to see all the new competitors grow into the game.


Team Action vs Founding Fathers, Founding Fathers vs The Patriots


SEN battle Exhibition, something like Kristian and rb3 vs Goddard and Rocha


I think we have enough players that we could do a second less important singles title (intercontinental style). That can be cashed for a singles title maybe?


How about a "Schmoedown" exibition match? Competitors have to answer questions about the history of the Schmoedown itself. Past winners, storyline questions, etc. I would be curious to see who are the biggest fans of the show. Bateman and Rocha would probably kill it!


I think a cool project could be a series called "Journey to the Belt" the concept would be that for each episode of the series it would follow one individual's or team's path to capturing the belt with footage from the matches leading up to it, interviews with the players themselves including their opponents,and even production ... A new episode could drop quarterly giving enough time to lock the interviews needed and to go through old footage to really put a special piece together.


I always thought it would be cool if fans on Patreon could submit questions. It could help make question writing easier and I think it would shed light on movies not asked about normally. A lot of movies have had tons of questions asked about them.


Mantz defend his Movie Release Dates crown against Bateman one on one in an iron man match and for you (Kristian) to defend your Rocky crown.

Oliver Gehrmann

What I dislike about Iron Man matches in a narrow category (although it can be argued whether MRD is a narrow category) is that it takes away so many questions in that category. Like... a category like Star Wars that's already hard will become impossibly hard if 30 - 50 questions are being used in an Iron Man match. There are only so many "normal" things you can ask about before you end up asking for the name of the third Stormtrooper on the right in the 127th frame of a movie...

Oliver Gehrmann

It's part of the rewards of one of the higher tiers. Personally, I also think it's unfortunate that they won't allow questions from Patreons on lower tiers (let's say 20 USD / month - *hint* *hint*), but I do get it. Just imagine it would be available for all Patreons and then Call to Action gets together and submits 50 questions, all of which are known to Bateman and Ghai. It can really cause some problems as this could make the difference in a close match and you don't want to have your matches decided by something like that. I mean, even something as trivial as asking the Bespin question in a live match was called out by some fans as they thought this was too obvious a question to ask (and Sneider openly admitted he didn't know the answer and he only wrote down Bespin BECAUSE of the crowd reaction) / players got an advantage by correctly reading the crowd. I'm not sure this should be part of the game to be perfectly honest.


Hey Kristian, just wanted to say Im taking your advise. As a new schmoedown follower (long time you follower) Im starting today with the draft and gonna follow the matches going forward! Super excited about it! Thanks dude!


Ok, this is a must-have. Your calendar last year was absolute trash. The videos were getting released on random days at random times. Why would you ever release a video at 11 PM??? Then some videos were uploaded to YouTube and taken down soon after. Part of what makes the Schmoedown great is that it's an event. It's part of the weekly routine like sports or TV shows. And you lose that by being so eratic. Also, the communication of when matches are happening is extremely poor. There needs to be some calendar. When there was a calendar last year, it was very difficult to read and often times was wrong. Even today, I have no clue when the awards and draft are being released. Why would you take a huge event and not advertise the release to get fans excited???? I like getting excited for matches. I want to know when they're happening and spend my morning waiting for the time they're released. You lose so much by dropping a random match on us at random time when we're not expecting anything.


I saw a comment on more categories like cinematographers and screen writers. Personally, I would love to see a box-office category. Dan does a box office show every week that's garnered a lot of fan love so I think there could be interest in box-office related questions.

Samuel Shearer

WHAT IF: Samm Levine didn't retire and the Shirewolves had to play Above The Line for the title.


Making the dates of the matches being released very specific and sticking to it getting uploaded by a specific time. Sometimes the Patreon matches were released so late to the lower tier patrons that you might as well have waited for the next day. I know you all work off PST and can’t accommodate the entire world of time zones but keeping that if it’s late then it really can affect people’s plans and attempts to see a match they have waited for.


I've been interested in the idea of a Patreon Belt. Any player can challenge fir it, but categories are chosen by Patrons.


What if you addressed the fan outrage in the comments for the previous post?


Should do a Above the line vs Shirewolves for what if


What if. Dan Murrel lost every title match.


More throw down style event's I like watching the live events but as an international patron who cant make live events the throw downs have always been my favorites Also #SaveTheWILDBERRIES


My dream WHAT IF'S are what if Smets had beaten Mike at Collision and fought Rachel for the title, and what if Shirewolves had fought Above The Line. I need those.


What if Shirewolves never retired


What if Bibbiani accepted Kristians offer to disqualify Bateman from the Tournament due to his back surgery and went on to face Paul Oyama at Spectacular for the belt? I’d also like to see the return of the live competitor Q&A videos on tape days. Those were fun to get to know some of the personalities a little more


Have a Bond exhibition match of top four stars who must then go on to face Kalinowski for the definitive Bond know it all of the Schmoedown. 🙂


IG team league, also FF vs. Above the Line what if, Cushing vs. Smets what if, and what if Rocha had defended the belt at spectacular: Rocha vs. Murrell in New York. Also I know they are far down the road but MCU league and Harry Potter league


I'd love to see new categories tested in Patreon exhibition matches. Not the genre/franchise stuff, but things that might make it into the normal schmoedown.


Kristian, since you haven't filmed any of the WHAT IF matches yet....Here's an idea, and I think a great one. When Mike was blackmailing Thad, everyone wondered, WHO was controlling him? Many names were tossed around by the fans.....So, WHAT IF, to kick-off the WHAT IF series, we see that scene again of the "big reveal of WHO'S been blackmailing Mike(?), and instead of you walking through the curtain, it's ELLIS!? Many of the fans thought in the chat, on FB etc., were saying, "Oh it'd be great if it was Ellis! He's tired of Kristian being "the guy", taking charge etc., Kristian would be floored.."Dude, how could you? Were buddies/partners, best friends!! We came up with this together, etc......Then of course, Mark's Chairman, he's making the matches, naming new Managers, even both Commish roles!......Just a thought!!!


When does the Awards show air for $1 patreons???


I want to pitch a survivor-series type teamevent. Each manager picks 4 members for his team which can be announced over several weeks (there are questions from innergeakdom, starwars and "regular ") There are two semi-finals (one with the teams ranked 2, 4, 6, 8 and 9 and one with the rest). The 2 remaining teams of each semi-final advance to the final. Each Team has 3 JTE and a challenge per match. All questions are at the level of round 2 questions (you may increase the difficulty if a match runs longer than expected). Each team selects a starting player. You only count the missed questions of each player. When one player missed 3 questions (pinned) the team is out. After each question there are 10 seconds where an active player may tag one of his teammates (who becomes the active player). There will be drama! The order of questions are 2 starwars, 3 innergeakdom, and 6 “regular”, then start over.i think perfect for showing a lot of players and managers in one event and building up over several weeks. the active player). There will be drama! The order of questions are 2 starwars, 3 innergeakdom, and 6 “regular”, then start over.i think perfect for showing a lot of players and managers in one event and building up over several weeks. have fun


Not bad Marc. Some have proposed similar ideas for a Survivor Series event. I sent in a, I don't know, had to be 4, 5, or 6 pages (if printed out), of numerous ideas for it, legit Tag Team idea, where the person asking question actually TAGS in their teammate; Each Team getting 3-4 tags (depending on how many rounds) 4 or 5 JTE's & 1 or 2 challenge rules, but if you tag your partner in, you lose 1 "tag; if you run out of tags, 1, you lose a Challenge, or keep the 1 challenge, and IF after a certain round, you still have all 5 JTE's, you can cash in 1 or 2 of them for another Challenge, etc...5 V 5 V 5 V5 Matches, where the manager can TAG in a player IF he thinks the current player "doesn't have it, and many other ideas....It adds in lots of strategy, and also could cause dissent in those factions, IF someone gets taken out, etc......There are some really intriguing ideas that have been proposed, and you know Kristian wants to figure out the best one...which may include taking parts, for example, of your idea, my idea, and 1-3 others.....Let's HOPE he figures it out, because we all want it, and with the Factions set up as they are now....WE GOT POTENTIAL IT CAN COME TRUE!


I'd like to see the draft and awards show. I ain't mad or nothing, I also ain't watching anything SEN related until it drops.


Get baked on camera a do a review of a shitty movie?


I just want another schmoedown in Texas!!!!


I would like: 1. A story line focused show once per week like a bizzare dramedy with the players. 2. JTE to make a return. 3. Turning up the volume on the soft spoken players mikes.


Intermittently uploaded videos of competitors performing a karaoke version of one of their favorite songs from a movie. Also time travel exhibition matches. Like if the match was taking place in 1985 or 1995. The wheel would look a little different I'm sure.


When does the award/draft drop on Youtube


I would enjoy more player commentaries


I know it’s tv but I’d love to see a Supernatural exhibition match


The Re-Trial of JTE


I’m not sure how the teams are going to work, so I would love a video about this. Or just a video for a discussion of the upcoming season..... Ken hosting would be cool 😏


All I would like for Christmas is the awards and draft to be uploaded on Wednesday :D


WHAT IF.... for one match you ran with Bibbiani's craziest story pitch?


• I would like more documentaries like the rise and fall of JTE. • Fast and furious exhibition • Video game move exhibition •Videos showing backstage/behind the scenes. •Players rewatching & commentating old matches. •James Bond exhibition. • Rocky championship rematch. • EXHIBITION: Jeremy Jahns vs. Chris Stuckmann •WHAT IF: Campea beat Murrell •WHAT IF: Schmoes defended against Top 10. •WHAT IF: Ellis beat Murrell @Spectacular for singles title. •WHAT IF: Team Trek beat The Patriots. •WHAT IF: Wolves of Steel beat The Patriots. • WHAT IF: Jeremy Jahns beat Hector Navarro @Collison. • WHAT IF : Rachel Cushing beats Samm. • WHAT IF: Clarke Wolfe beats Samm • WHAT IF: Founding Fathers beat Korruption the 1st time in anarchy to face WTB? in semi finals. •WHAT IF: Rocha defended at Spectacular III vs Erwin. •WHAT IF OR EXHIBITION: fatal 4 way team match- above the line vs. the patriots vs. the founding fathers vs. the shirewolves for the team titles.


I'm REALLY hoping you can get in another Black History Month match, possibly even a 4-way this time. I personally loved it last year.


*Ken Napzok to have some kind of show about SD *1on1 with Kristian Harloff but with Schmoedown personalities...especially the new ones in the league...like Oyama, Chandru, Chance, etc...and the veterans, of course *player commentaries of their matches *behind the scenes


I would love to see a What If match between the top ranked teams of the 2017 tournament (Top Ten vs Wolves of Steel) That would be a brilliant 5 rounder and you'd be bringing back Matt and Clarke!