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‪For those wondering #mtsdraft2020 is the hashtag (if ya want to help us get this thing trending) and there will be SPOILERS from the official @TheSchmoedown account and FB page. Wanted to give a fair warning to those wanting to avoid spoilers. ‬



Will there be a live stream?


Any idea, and I understand you guys are working hard to put on a wonderful event, when the awards and draft will be posted to YT?


Oh awesome, I know on SEN they were talking of a ban until Tuesday. Kristian said they are shooting for Monday or Tuesday for awards, draft by Wednesday


Think it is very poor for the accounts to be posting spoilers when there is literally no way for the majority of the audience to watch it live.


I thought I saw something originally that the awards and draft were available to live stream and or to Patreons ?? What happened? We had this date on the ical ! LOL


Thanks 😊👍🏼


Will ONLY the draft be spoiled on here? Awards will remain banned, right?


I'm sorry but I'm not really understanding the decision. There should be no spoiler bans for matches that are available for the public to purchase, and spoiler bans for events that can only be watched live by a fraction of a percentage of the Schmoedown fandom. Right now the policy that's in place is the opposite of what makes sense in my opinion. Not trying to be a jerk just giving some feedback. I guess I'll follow along on Twitter.


You've really disappointed me, Schmoedown team. No one should have to worry about being unfairly spoiled. A lot of us pay to see live events each month and not only are you telling us only people who could get to LA get to have this experience live, but that there isn't a live show at all this month for those of us at home? I had higher hopes for you.


I dont mind spoilers, on the contrary, they will get me more excited to watch the video


I don't think anyone should be worried about spoilers. This is a draft not a TV show! It's not like the NFL waits to post about who took the overall first pick. This isn't just an occasional youtube show. This is a sport! It's a Trivia Sport. Like Jeopardy, NFL, and Wrestling had a baby and birthed pure awesomeness!


Is this thing not being streamed live? What the heck?


I just want to say I’m happy with the spoilers live and watching the draft later.


I guess i was not paying close attention to the shows, because i was sure the draft/awards would be live streaming today.

Todd Warring

I was under the impression that this was going to be live-streamed and available on the Patreon page for viewing and it doesn’t look like I was alone in this.


Yup, me too. I'm not sure how Kristian expects to keep people on Patreon when he dies this stuff.


where can i see the result of the draft and awards ??


I know this is a sport and drafts happen in sports so spoilers aren't required. I could be completely wrong but aren't those drafts live steamed with sports centres constantly updating fans. This sport hasn't got that yet so at least a 24 hour spoiler ban should be in place for people who want to enjoy the events.


Let’s just call this what it is. This is f*ing stupid. How much percent of the audience is abel to watch this live, there being no livestream. Probably 1% or less. So you want to spoil this event for 99% of the fans. I call that realy unfair. If there was a livestream I would find it ok. Not great but ok. I just don’t get it. Do you want to deliberately annoy your fans. I’m at the 10 dollar tier. I love the Schmoedown. But if this stuff continues I will downgrade to the 1 dollar tier very fast.


I would say you need a spoiler ban until 24h after you uploaded this on youtube.


Another thing. I can avoid facebook if it is spoiled there I can deal with it. But if I get Patreon updates with spoilers I‘m out of here. Please, please don’t spoil anything in a Patreon update.


I want to emphasize this. PLEASE no spoilers in any Patreon updates until the video has been online for at least a day or two.


Already spoilers on Instagram from players 😭😔😢😒


Where do i find the link to the awards/draft


Really disappointing start to the season. No possibility to watch and spoilers on official accounts. This is definitely what I pay a monthly fee for SMDH


Tell that to The Comedy Store who won’t allow the event to be live-streamed.


They knew they wouldn't be able to livestream tho, no reason to just post spoilers on all accounts.


I agree with everyone else. This is a bad decision to start the season. All this build up for zero payoff to the paying audience.


So when exactly is it going to be posted up? Any rough ETA on that?


Wow, so dissapointed in y'all. Coy is live streaming about it now, players are spoiling all over social media and your paying fanbase, aka your customers, haven't had a chance to see anything. Y'all just leaked on yourself and turned yourselves into another collider. Kristian, I thought you respected your fans better.


So, even after blocking the #, i have now seen Roxy and RMB tweet the list of the people they've drafted AND some players have now started with Thank You tweets for the awards they've won. I was SO hyped for the draft/award show ... not even sure if i'm going to watch it at this point.


No official response from Schmoedown / SEN to all these comments?


So I can miss the awards/draft show now that everything has been tweeted? Even the new commish has been plastered everywhere? Disrespect for the fans is crazy here


The spoiler issue is getting ridiculous. There's so many shows and movies that get spoiled on twitter. Doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to talk about it. You miss the Super Bowl and we have to wait a week to talk about it. Come on. This isn't even a match. It's a draft and awards ceremony. The competitors need to promote this just as much as we do. Also not all draft picks were completed on Saturday and were notified via twitter. That's how you drum up excitement for the show. Tagging competitors and the draft. I might walk out to a coffee shop and unfortunately hear a spoiler to a show or game I didn't see, but other than that we really have to come to the understanding that it is our personal responsibility to avoid spoilers to things we care so much about. If you have a smartphone, turn off notifications to facebook and twitter. Like my wife and I did for Avengers Endgame. You want to avoid having the discussion until you see the results yourself, but the discussion isn't going to wait. It's happening whether you or I are there.


I have seen the request for no spoilers (from Kristian directly, and other powers-that-be) even after live events that are also livestreamed. It was that way for the Spectacular. I truly do not understand this decision with the awards/draft. I get that the venue didn't allow live streaming. Ok fine, but to just so brazenly post spoilers and tell people 'oh well'? I'm super disappointed by this. Players are also posting spoilers so even if you mute the hashtag and other key words, things are still slipping through. I really hope this is addressed for the sake of the fans :(


It'd be one thing if it aired and we missed it, but it hasn't aired yet. They tape several matches at once and wait to tweet about it until the air date, why not the same here?


I really don't see how everybody involved can abide by press embargos on movie reviews, but then claim to be powerless to stop themselves from broadcasting spoilers everywhere for their own projects. Really disappointed something that was so anticipated by fans wasn't shown more respect and common sense by the content producers.


Ayo are the awards dropping today or tomorrow?!?!


When is this stuff dropping? I’m too afraid of spoilers to go on Twitter Facebook or watch SEN


If you don’t live in LA, or on the west coast in driving distance or have expendable income to fly to LA, get a hotel, fly home, then you don’t really matter. I’m on board with the spoiler ban being lifted this season, on matches. Make it like a sport, that’s a great decision to continue this league into the future. And if I wanted to, I could have deleted Twitter 3 or 4 days, unfollowed the Schmoedown personality’s, same for IG, I don’t have Facebook so nothing to delete there. I chose to look at the draft results. I’m fine with it, I’ll still watch the draft and awards. But that shouldn’t be the point. This has been known for weeks that the livestream wouldn’t be doable from the Comedy Store. And it’s a nice traditional thing to have it there. What I do think is that money should have been pooled away to pay the editor to put in a few (I know it’s more than literally a few hours to edit)weekend hours to get the videos up on Sunday. Then you have not only the people in attendance (and the ones that didn’t care to be spoiled) but also the viewers at home that watched to raise the excitement level of the non televised picks on Sunday afternoon/night. Maybe even a live Schmoedown Rundown or Backstage to live announce the rounds 8-10 picks and have a table discussion about the draft. I think that would have made this thing have much more of a “sports” feel. I think we all understand that people have lives and families that would put on those shows, but so do people that can’t pick everything up and fly out to LA on a whim to watch the draft/awards live. It’s not like the draft was just announced a few weeks ago. This has been planned since the beginning of October. This isn’t a “I’m never going to watch the Schmoedown again” catastrophic event. I’m just saying it was poorly managed with the time involved between announcing the draft, location, etc. The fanbase just deserved more in this situation, imo. If you want the worldwide growth, you have to cater to more than just the people with expendable income, and the West Coast audience.


Wow, new post but still haven't addressed how upset some of us are over them spoiling their own show. This is why I am no longer a patron as of the end of the month.


Kristian addressed it on SEN Live


LOL, what the same show that we are all avoiding because he is starting each episode with more spoilers.... LOL


No spoiler ban for something most could not watch... terrible. Been avoiding everyones channels and twitter just waiting... still waiting since it was suppose to be up today... 630pm (Pacific time)and still nothing.