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Hey everyone! So it appears that the VOD of today’s livestream has had a copyright claim filed against it and is, consequently, currently unavailable. We are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible!

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who watched live or joined us in person today! We had such a great time putting together this show and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!

-Emma :-)

**UPDATE: We are currently in the process of rendering a new video! Link will be distributed as soon as it is available - and the timeframe in which it is available will be extended accordingly.**



That is so weird. I’m watching it right now. I wonder if that’s cause I started it before the copyright claim hit?

eric micke

Just want to be clear my message and tweet to Kristian were meant as informational, not bitchy "where's my entertainment!?" Whiny crap.


Depending on how long it takes to get it back up, will you extend the time frame that it’s available to stream? I didn’t get a chance to watch it tonight.

Lee Dellbridge

Who copyright claimed a show you own? A troll?


Yeah I was watching it then I switched off and couldn't switch back on

Jim W

Saw it Live and hats off to everyone involved. Just an amazing event. Thank you all.


It was Thadd’s music I bet 🤦🏻‍♂️ (kidding)


Great show happy i got to see it before it was tanken down


I just got home I wasn’t able to watch live I’ll wait Hopefully it will be resolved soon Thx Emma!


Thank you emma!


Thanks! Eagerly awaiting :)


I friggin’ hate UMG. They try to copyright everything. I know several creators who constantly get claimed even though they only use non-copyright music. The labels just try to claim everything they can and hope it sticks. They have no concept of “fair use”


Aw. I had an obligation tonight & was planning on watching tomorrow. Hope it gets resolved.


YouTube is ass... Good luck getting it back though


Im stuck in the 5 minute intermission! The suspense is killing me! Damn you UMG!


ugh was really looking forward to watching this. Well do we know if there is any chance you guys are getting it back up tonight or at the very least a time frame on when to expect it back up as we bought a ticket for it :(


This sucks, something came up and I was late tonight. Was hoping to watch and come to find this... hope it gets fixed..


You should start a lawsuit, they havent heard of fair usage I guess. I really would love it if Youtube listened to people like pewdiepie that have offered to help with this growing problem. Now it's the wild West and everyone is claiming shit left and right.


Who copyrights an unlisted video


God bless all of the ones hard at work tonight


It will be available by tomorrow morning at the latest and we will adjust the time fram in which it is available accordingly.


Should be done by tomorrow morning at the latest! We’re going to extend the length of time for which it is available as well!


Damn that sucks. I always wondered how you guys could have all sorts of music in your videos without it getting claims.


Kristian talked openly about this on Collider Live recently and said the video just doesn’t earn ad money but idk.. Doesn’t seem like it’s that easy with this video. Hope it’s up soon. Planned on watching this tonight and now.. we wait.


Can anyone give an estimate of how long the video is? I need to plan around when I watch it (once it's available).


Wow why would there be a claim. Youtube is useless time to move on to move on to twitch or another platform

Rob McDonald

The Schmoedown Free 4 All getting flagged for copyright infringement is finally proof: Skynet is out there!


I had the video up when it was claimed but the claim didn't stop my viewing till i was 2:30 hours in. Excited to finish it.


These copyright strikes are soooo stupid!!! But thanks so much to all of you continuing to work (now unexpectedly and well after the event) to get this fixed for us. We really appreciate it!!!


There goes my Sunday night :( hope it’s up soon!!


Awesome to hear the timeframe is being expended. The people who paid to see it should be able to watch before it goes live.


This really sucks for everyone that became a Patreon or bought the event and haven’t be able to view it. I know things don’t always go as plan and no one could have predicted it, but all the hype and we can’t get to see the result




Chill, dude. It's pelmeni money. Emma, Kristian and co will fix it. Or if they can't they'll refund probably.


These accidents do happen. I’ve worked in the streaming industry for almost twenty years.. it’s unfortunate, but I’m sure the team is doing all they can!


Wow Nick, really? You want your money back(?) and SCREAMING at them? Why? Because of a copyright flag you couldn't watch the LIVE STREAM tape when you got home! Really dude. You were either their at the LIVE event in person(?) or at a different show, is MOOT! The video is getting re-posted probably later on today, and your SCREAMING IN ALL CAPS WANTING YOUR MONEY BACK? ..And btw, the ONLY issue with the Live stream, was their Camera "switcher" crapped out, so they couldn't switch camera angles! Not 1 TIME did the stream fail, or glitch! We didn't have an "up close" view of all 5 players, but you could see all the players on stage, saw the scoreboard behind them, saw Krisitian and Mark, and the audio was fine!..and you're SCREAMING! As Emma said, they are re-posting the show as soon as they can.....Unreal, between you, and some of the supposed fans in the FB group who were HAPPY they didn't buy the link(because of they heard the stream died, the audio sucked and more (None of it true)! Yeah they ONLY had 1 camera angle, and again, you saw and heard EVERYTHING!....IT'S CALLED TECHNICAL ISSUES, IT HAPPENS TO EVERY BROADCASTER AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER...Do you think they're happy about it, knowing people paid to watch it live,(And still have access too it for another day and a half!), and or got it for free via $10+ Patreon supporters. Of course not. But they had a technical problem they couldn't resolve atm, and again didn't affect ANY part of the stream, except switching a fkn camera angle! .FKN RELAX...YOU'RE STILL GETTING THE VIDEO when they re upload it.....Jesus Christ it blows my FK'N MIND how you're reacting and some in the FB group...Its not like the stream got interrupted a bunch, audio kicked in and out or worse, and yet that doesn't matter.


Agreed! Shit happens... these guys go above and beyond most of the time.


Any update on this yet?


It's disappointing that it still isn't fixed. Sucks for people in time zones that didn't suit watching it live.


Honestly with all the entrances using known songs I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. YouTube is ridiculous.


IT'S FIXED...SO AGAIN, RELAX Emma just posted it!Hey there $10+ Patrons! As discussed, we are going to be extending the time period in which it is available to view due the unforeseen copyright claim making it temporarily unavailable. The link will now be available to view until Monday night (exact time TBD - will update when I know) instead of the originally planned Monday morning. Thank you so much again for your patience and understanding in the matter! We are going to be extra cautious about competitor entrance music in the future.


Any update on when we can watch it? I was at work and couldn’t watch it live...and I go back in a few hours. Bless us with the Free4all !!


You should probably delete this. The link for $10 Patrons has already been posted behind the paywall and posting the link here essentially gives a free link to all that have not paid the $10, paid for the live event separately, or may not even be patrons at all.


Can anyone tell me where i can watch it now ? or when it will be put back up?