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If you aren't at the 10.00 tier and higher, you can still get access to the live stream:

And THAT is how good the Schmoedown production team is: Here is the new link to purchase the live stream is avail NOW! It will be available until tomorrow night at 11:59PM.  https://www.theschmoedownlive.com/buy-livestream   if you ou purchased from previous link, check your email or spam for the link.



Can I still buy it?


There is an error in the URL entered into your web browser. "Please check the URL and try again. The page you are looking for has been moved or deleted."


The link in this post. The next word is connected to it. So what you can do for now is click the link, and when you see the error screen, click on the url and go to the end and delete "if." Then hit enter on that link, and bam. You're good to go.


Yeah, I tried to just order it too. Couldn’t get the link to work.


Try this link: <a href="https://www.theschmoedownlive.com/buy-livestream" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.theschmoedownlive.com/buy-livestream</a>


I’m having an issue. I just followed the link, bought the event “I thought “ but now I can’t access it anywhere? Can someone help?


such a fun event i was soo glad i got to attend great job to all!!


So I was hoping to still purchase the link and watch tonight before the cutoff deadline, but on eventbrite it says it's "Unavaiable". Did I miss out? Or is there now another way to access it?


I would check the facebook group, but I was worried about coming across spoilers...


The link does not work for me either, Tristan. :(


@Erik, yeah the link in this specific post has a typo, but my specific issue is when you go to the correct buy live stream link on the website, the eventbrite page lists the VOD Stream as unavaiable to purchase at the moment, or so it seems on my end. I can't imagine the headache that the admins and tech side of schmoedown are having over this, so I'm not that upset. I'm just really worried about being accidently spoiled somehow.


When will it be available to all patrons?


That's what I meant. The eventbrite link does not work for me either. <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free4all-3-livestream-vod-access-tickets-59292411198" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free4all-3-livestream-vod-access-tickets-59292411198</a>


Do patrons get it earlier than Friday ?