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Surprise!! 😄
WE are pleasantly surprised by this show so far! It looks absolutely beautiful, and we are so nostalgic... It takes us back to sitting in front of the tv as kids. We went into this with open minds and expectations low 😅 We are treating it as its own thing and fingers crossed that it continues to impress! How do you feel about it?

This particular series will be on YouTube shortly after Patreon in order to (hopefully) benefit the channel since it's new. We hope that's okay with everyone here! We will post these as quick as we can, however our other shows still take the priority for editing.
Thanks so much for all of your love and support here on Patreon. Until the next one!
- Haylo & Kiss 💕



Ben Asay

You guys are going to love this! I am seven episodes in. Please let me know what you think! I found that they made the story flow perfectly and everything just fit. Awesome the acting cast is awesome


Yessssss!!!!! I wasn't gonna watch this unless one of the few Patreon channels I sub to does it, and I'm so glad it's you two!


Oh what a nice surprise! I extremely enjoyed this adaptation. The casting was phenomenal, the bending effects were extremely well-done, and most of the changes done were refreshing to see. Now we have two marvelous pieces of ATLA media to appreciate and enjoy for years to come.


Im glad you guys seem to like it so far! Personally I loved the whole thing I think they did a great job, I really dont understand the hate it's been getting


I watched this when I was a kid and it was the first show that taught me about sexism and “toxic masculinity” - Sokka character ark and growth. I think they could have incorporated it into show without “dumbing” it down. Missed opportunity there i feel like and some other character development points too. But it’s still pretty good viewing and people have to remember they can only do so much in live action. It’s still like y’all said nostalgic viewing and highly enjoyable if people go into it with an open mind and treat it on its own. Excited to hear your thoughts and comparisons 🔥😇

adamisajoker .

Lol. That scene between Aang and Gyatso was lifted straight from Man of Steel.


I personally didn't like the first live Avatar movie so I didn't even take a gander at the series but since yal watching, I will too. Dont be surprised if I like it and leave yal behind again 😉


I had the same thought, "Can I keep pretending I'm your son?" works better in Man of Steel.


The thing that really hurts about Aang remembering Gyatso, is that for Aang, that conversation happened yesterday. Such a large mount of loss to go through in a blink of an eye.


I’m so excited about this being the next show. I loved it and couldn’t be happier with how the show went. For the next poll can we get the Reacher series as a choice. It’s a fantastic sort of crime drama with twists and turns

Roderick Hare

I just watched y'all reaction of episode 1 and it was great, can't wait for y'all reaction of episode 2 😊🙌

Rainy Days

No matter what anyone else tries to say, I will always believe that this show is an anime, not a cartoon! xD Looking forward to this show with everyone so far after just episode 1!

RJ Jackson

Aww man I got so excited when I saw this I thought you guys were reacting to the cartoon for a second. Oh well. I will say if you guys want to grow your channel the original cartoon is the way to go. Plus it’s better