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You'll need to sync up your own copy of the episode in order to watch along with us. Watched on Netflix. Open 2 windows, one with our reaction and one with the video, then arrange them how you see fit! Press Play on "Go".

We use a watch along format in order to comply with copyright laws.
Thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Sindre Kristiansen

My Saturday is saved :D Looking forward to this! Thanks for the upload <3


As always yall are awesome!! the growth of this channel from the last of us to Aot and scary shows like this is a great variety for many more people to find the channel. Keep going :D !!!


also love the new intro looks very fancy smancy


While watching for the first time, I was like you, Haylo. In the scene where Luke is looking for Joey, I was looking at the girl, because that is what Luke was doing, so I totally missed the guy with the Bowler hat. This show is so good at misleading you, like only the best illusionists are able to. Everything you need to know is there, you just can't see it. Judging your lack of reaction you already missed at least three or four ghosts in the shadows in the first three episodes, because your focus was on something else in this moment. 😱😅 Luke's way of coping with his grieving is depression. 🙈 One minor detail I noticed: When Luke said to Joey "How much have you left?" he talked about money, not drugs and she gave him a crumpled 20$ note, not drugs. Yeah, the bowler hat guy was creepy as hell. The way he was introduced without any loud jump scare or fast cuts made it only worse. A great and - again - incredibly sad episode. Can't wait ot watch the next one with you. 👌🙂

Peter Schön

Next episode is all out amazing and the episode after that episode 6 is in my opinion a true masterpiece and probably one of the best episode of any show in the history of shows.


Ah thank you! Now we want to go back and pay attention to the shadows! 😅 And thanks for the clarification about the crumpled money 💕

Em McG

no... I'm not crying you're crying... 😊🥰😄

Kyndra Carr

This episode made me scream at one point and cry during the rest of it


Salud (bless you)


What that therapist did in the group session before Luke left was the absolute worst thing she could have done, and is not how that kind of thing should ever be handled. She deliberately called him out and shamed him, and essentially blamed him for another patient leaving. Which then drove him to leave. I know it's fiction, but man that burned me up the first time I saw it. There's holding people accountable, and then there's what she did.