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"The Twin Thing"

Tears in our eyes for Luke... These poor kids! 😭💔
That ending revelation though!! Can't wait to find out more! 🎩

The amount of time these videos took to upload was insane... So sorry.
Thanks for being here and for all of your support! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




Absolutely cannot wait for the next episode! So excited!


no need to apologize, guys! thank you so much for always giving us great content!


Nell and Luke are obviously connected (it's a twin thing) and he's feeling the phsyical effects of Nell's death. It's interesting that when Steve tells Luke that Nell is dead Luke immediately reaches to his neck. Nell has some "neck issues" that we find more about in the next episodes. I love the little details in this show.

Rick Runge

The real tear-jerkers are still to come.


I'm sorry ladies but the 1st episode with you guys was my first time watching and I couldn't wait another week for the 2nd episode so I ended up binge watching and leaving yal in the dust 😂 good thing now is that I can focus on your reaction 🤗

Moses Magele

Seriousy, this series is S tier... so good and emotional

Lachlan Smith

From ep 6 on serious recommend watching in a darker setting, will really help with the ambiance of a lot of the scenes.

Iceman Radioactive formerly Joe (Moore)-An, a.k.a. No Meds Muscles Ripley, Stalwart Neelix Defender, currently adrift in space

no spoilers, but have you realized that each episode is in order of the oldest "most stable" kids and moves down the line as you go? Also an interesting element to the ghost story that is Hill House, each individual episode has a "ghost story" told through one of the characters, ex: steven is told the ghost story of the dead husband, shirley gets the boy with his dead grandma, theo is "mr. smiley" and luke's was the blind mans story about the runny egg eyes. Just something to look out for :) Keep up the great work!


Good spot on the rigor mortis but also Nell has been in the morgue all this day and that's why he's constantly freezing and nobody else seems to think it's particularly cold today. Poor Luke, nobody ever believed him since he was a sweet little kid.

Zack Edwards

I think what makes Luke my favorite is how much he grows so quickly. Even in just this episode alone, he talks about not being brave but when he was a kid we constantly see him being brave in little ways (the dumbwaiter, checking the hallway for the tall man). Then at the end of the episode after showing us how he was an addict and used his addictions to run away from his trauma he ends the episode turning to face his fears again, a grown man so afraid hes crying yet he still turns around to face it. As the saying goes "Bravery is not being fearless; it is being afraid and doing it anyway"


Luke's always been my favourite character. His story is the most real and grounded of the alive siblings and other than Nelly he's the one I felt the most sorry for. Like Nel he just needed support, he needed people to raise him up and not push him down like Steven does. It makes the scene at the wedding even sadder because you know that Nel's wedding meant as much to Luke as it did her and he got pushed away by the rest of the family, who never told Nel that Luke tried to come. Used and abused by the world around him and now he has to live with the horrid guilt of thinking he could've done better for himself and Nel. Truly heart breaking episode and also one of the scariest imo.


I remember binging this series when I first watched it. Don't blame you, it's such a great show. If you liked it you should check out Mike Flanagan's other shows, Midnight Mass and House Usher are personal favourites

Isac christensen

Wee The Twin episode one of my favorites.