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-Haylo & Kiss 💕



I was waiting.


Anime does a lot of weird censorship in order to stay "kids friendly". In the manga, Zeff did eat his own leg; they will censor someone pointing middle finger, someone using guns, or in Baratie case, all cooks had proper weapons in the manga but they changed it here to goofy oversized utensils. But dont be fooled, even if its marketed towards kids and its generally fun (vague spoilers ahead) anime will tackle most of the our world big issues like racism and discrimination, human trafficking, inequality, pollution etc (and much worse) in a way that can be presented towards kids and teens


Live-action is closer to Manga about Zeff's leg, in the Manga they show it all, how he takes the stone and smashes it on his leg, while anime had to censor it more.


It literally tackles every bad thing that could happen in real life, especially in recent manga chapters.

Ilsuk Yang

Ah yes, censorship issues. One Piece was mainly for kids and teens at the time, so they decided to have Zeff cut off his own leg to save Sanji instead of eating his own leg to survive. That's where the main differences between anime and manga show up, when they feel the need to censor an especially intense scene (for various reasons) for the younger audiences that watch this. The live action did a good job with the Baratie arc, especially with how little time they have for these episodes. Still prefer the anime, though 😉


damnit this wasn't the one. Either episode 27 or 28. You will see why people like Luffy so much. When he fights Don Krieg for real.


When the EBS or EAS comes on wednesday. No one will go to work. no internet. no reactions.


Before watching the live action I knew nothing about the anime, but now I'm on episode 434!


All blue!


Zeff ate his own leg. That might not have been clear in the anime but its pretty clear in the manga.

Shockwave BTK

Ya what sandwichgod said it is portrayed in the manga that he ate his leg, it is one of the inaccuracies of the anime. They thought it was too graphic for a kids show.


What LA did best was presenting this epic universum to the consciousness of millions of people. Let it spread!