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E25 - The Deadly Foot Technique Bursts Forth! Sanji Vs. the Invincible Pearl!
E26 - Zeff and Sanji's Dream! the Illusory All Blue!

Zeff and Sanji's time on the rock was not as gruesome as the live action, but was still every bit as impactful... We love the way the writer makes small connections throughout each episode. The character development is masterful already!

Thanks so much for all of your love and support here on Patreon. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Xanakone SPT

I'm not a big fan of One Piece (for now because I'm waiting till it's almost end then I'll rewatch from ep1) But I'm happy that live action version do that scene by based on Manga, it's darker but it's good to show that they respect the original. ( I respect anime version btw because Oda sensei is involved in decision making).

Kai Raine

I've just started watching, but I just wanted to say that I love your reactions. I scour Youtube for ONE PIECE reactors regularly but I cannot state enough how much you stand out; I love your reactions and the joy you seem to find in this story I've loved for more than 2/3 of my life. I make a point of watching your reactions in 1x speed, for what it's worth. Thank you so much for this content and if you somehow end up feeling compelled to do more One Piece reactions I, for one, would be over the moon. (But also I am very happy at the content you currently grant us <3 )

Jamie Fraser

I love how they depict each of the crew members as children, emphasizing that their motivations and dreams have been present for a long time, since they were kids.

Kai Raine

I love how your reaction to Sanji kicking the paddle boat was basically akin to everybody in-story XD


You're gonna get this comment a million times probably but Zeff did eat his own leg in the Manga. They added that scene of him under water cutting it off to censor it in the Anime, so in this moment, the Live Action was closer to the source material than the Anime :)

Nellie Johansson

Highlight of my day seeing an upload from you two!!


Great as always! How many episodes are you typically ahead of the ones you‘re uploading on here?


One Piece anime censorship is so strange to me, because I feel like alluding or hinting to self-cannibalisation like the live action did isn't as bad as some of the other stuff the anime/series has hinted or even shown before. Maybe it's because they wanted to test the waters with the series and weren't comfortable enough or that censorship at the time was different but it's something the anime canon sticks by even to this day. Regardless I guess the message/intention behind it is pretty much the same, Zeff sacrificing his future for the future he entrusts to Sanji. Also I completely forgot Pearl was a thing and it further reminds me of how much padding this arc had and that the live action version of it is much better. I used to like Baratie more than Syrup Village but re-watching this with you two has made me change my mind entirely. Sure Zoro vs Mihawk and Sanji's flashback are here and 100% carry, but can't help feeling that Syrup had the emotional weight still, a better villain and the padding/pacing wasn't weird.


Honestly live action Baratie over anime Baratie. In fact I might go as far to say that I think LA Baratie is the only arc in the LA that's done better than both manga and anime. It had the best of the arc from the original (Zoro vs Mihawk and Sanji flashback done faithfully) without all the unnecessary fluff of Don Krieg and it actually built up Arlong better as the final proper antagonist of East Blue. Just felt like a perfection of the source material for that arc tbh


unfortunately the Anime changed the Zeff foot eating to be a more child friendly version. In the Manga he ate his foot exactly like in the LA


In the manga, Zeff really ate his leg


naw, it leaves out way to much Sanji development, and the krieg hate is overrated. Arlong showing up, why nami left, etc are all much worse.

Vjong Trias

The live action adopted the original manga version.


fun little fact, kid sanji voice actor is also pikachu's voice actor :D


Yup, Zeff totally ate his leg in the manga. They removed it from the anime because apparently it might be traumatizing for young viewers hahahaha.


The anime, while it did censor the cannibalism, did highlight: - more about Sanji's time onboard the passenger ship - his old disregard for leftovers - how DEVASTATING it was to lose moldy bread - the irony of not being able to eat when so rich - how so many people in history have died cursing the vastness of the sea - Zeff's wish for a restaurant on the ocean. I think the anime version of the flashback does so much right, that the cannibalism censorship doesn't feel like a HUGE deal to have changed. It's purpose was for shock value about the brutal nature of the sea and to explain how Zeff stayed alive during that time, but whether it's ship anchor chain amputation, or rock amputation and cannibalism, the point is that Zeff does this to save Sanji. I have a hunch as to why a certain segment of the fanbase insists on calling the cannibalism storyline superior, but that's not really relevant here.


Funfact: You can actually see Pearl in the sand in the LA during Mihawk's introduction

Ben Asay

If you pay close attention to when Crieg shows up in the live action, Pearl is one of the guys with him behind who get taken out by Mihawk.


You may be getting an idea of why existing fans saw the disrespect Don Kreig gets in the live action and were like yep, it's what that ass deserves haha


That's just you my friend, for me baratie in LA is the one that fell short the most. Also, you could wait until the arc is over to tell someone who's currently watching it that you didn't like it, let them have their own experience of it first


One thing that the Live Action failed to showcase, is Sanji's relationship with food and how much he hates wasting it. There is a line in the LA where Sanji says that if he had to make one more steak he would die of boredom. That felt like a completely different Sanji than this Sanji here, who after his past respects even the smallest grain of rice, and would never look down on any type of meal.


"I can't wait for Luffy to punch him in the face." Will be a sentiment that will arise in every single arc 😆


I respect your disagreement but evidently it's not just me since not only have I seen other people make the same criticism and point but my comment has likes. Your opinion, my friend, is but one of many that people have or don't so don't begin to assume mine is any different in that regard, people have it or don't. Also if we want to talk about your logic of letting them have their own experience then we should remove all the positive comments about the arc as well, they're just as influential as my opinion. My thoughts, feelings and opinions I want to share as a result of re-watching the show with them just as they've decided to share their reactions with us and I'm perfectly entitled to use this comment section in order to do so as long as I don't spoil. If Haylo and Kiss take issue with it, it's up to them to voice it to me and I'd be more than happy to oblige and refrain from repeat offenses.


Agree to disagree but I feel that Krieg provides nothing substantial as a villain and amounts to a budget craft store Iron Man whose only purpose is to be a placeholder villain. Sanji's development has multiple repeated establishing moments that while nice additions aren't actually necessary to give the viewer an understanding of who Sanji is and where he stands. The Live action captured all the significant defining moments in the time given and gave the viewer a successful establishment on his character, it cuts the fluff and padding and feels like it has more natural pacing imo. As for the Arlong stuff in the LA I won't go to into it as much as I'd like because of potential spoilers, again agree to disagree but I felt like it made more sense and flowed more naturally. Nami thought she had the upper hand but in the end, his arrival forces her back rather than giving her the open choice to return to save the village. She never had a choice to begin with, just as it had always been, a slave to Arlong's will which is very in tune with other things in the story. Also Nami having Arlong drop Luffy in the sea was a gamble (she's the biggest gambler of them all) but she knew someone would save him as she'd seen it countless times before. Arlong wasn't going to let him live so therefore have him do something where he believes he'll die but have it be open for him to be saved, it also raises the stakes for Arlong as a villain. In the OG she literally fucks over the people she'd grown to like by stealing their ship, here she almost leaves a parting grace because she's genuinely grown fond of them.


Yeah you even see him bashing his leg with a rock in the manga


I’m sure everyone already said that Zeff ate his leg canonically in the manga and that’s why they did it in the live action, but it’s so awesome this version still impacted you guys and it was a good point that Zeff COMPLETELY starving himself was in a way worse. You guys are the best, please keep reacting after you’re done with Arlong’s arc 🙏🏼


Of course I recognize that others may share the same opinion, it was just a figure of speech, but still in the vast minority, I could debate you about it if it was face to face as I get tired quickly in writing. As for the impact, you said it yourself, one is positive and the other is negative. Telling someone who is clearly enjoying something that you love it too, and Telling them : "I actually don't like it for this and that reason", are not the same thing. One just augments the positivity, while the other might ruin it. Now of course, this is just a suggestion, you are free to do as you wish. And the final say on the matter is of course up to the ladies.


Having purely positive viewpoints in terms of entertainment isn't a healthy perspective imo. It's important to balance and discuss the differences in a healthy way and be able to recognise or see things that the other didn't before, just like in life generally. If anything to criticise things that you enjoy showcases how much passion and enjoyment you have for a product. It showcases that there are things that the creator could do to better and voicing it allows others to feel compelled to think more critically about what they're consuming leading to a more balanced opinion. Also I never stated they were the exact same, I stated that they were just as influential, which they are, just for different reasons. Creating a positive echo chamber nullifies constructive dialogue and if anything creates an environment that isn't inclusive to individual thought. It strips identity from discussion and makes it heavily one sided, sometimes sporting positive toxicity and oppression. Having everything be super negative in the same vein singles out positive feedback and discussion and creates antagonistic oppression, once again eliminating individual thought. All I was doing was giving my critical opinion of the arc upon re-watch, I wasn't spoiling, I wasn't forcing my opinion onto others, it was just for discussions sake, which I felt you were shutting down. As for figures of speech, which I know you were being hyperbolic, it felt more like a biased jab (and no I'm not insinuating you were being antagonistic) from the perspective that you agree with. There is nothing to suggest that my opinion is in the minority, nor does it mean anything if it does, it's as valid an opinion to make which I've based upon the objectivity of the product and the subjectivity I took from it. There's no need to infer a "popular" or "unpopular" opinion rather it's better to create a healthy back and forth between the two, which again I felt was being shut down. Thank you however for not responding to my replies with antagonism and apologies for my verbose nature (I tend to like to put everything I think and mean into one post to be as comprehensive as possible). But I'm sure you and I can both agree we're looking forward to the next reaction and I hope we can have more fruitful conversations in the future :)


Considering in the LA Zeff wanted Sanji to leave and go after his dream. I interpreted that as Zeff basically trying to get Sanji to leave by giving him the most menial and not creative dishes to frustrate Sanji enough to leave. So I don’t think it was Sanji hating the food more the fact he is doing the same thing over and over.