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Okay THIS is the best episode so far!! 😭😭💖
What a way to end this season! Actually speechless.... and more confused than ever 😅
We will be posting the Lost Girls 1&2 on Monday and then we're straight in to season 3! Can't wait!

Thanks so much for all of your love and support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Xanakone SPT

I feel like time went so quickly, we are going to season 3 .



Let’s goooooooooooooo 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


It’s all confusing to everyone at first. Every question yall have will be answered and when you understand it, your mind will be blown. You guys are smart but I can’t say what you almost got.


This show is going to ramp way the hell up from here. This episode should be a reminder that the show will give you more questions than answers but will all be answered in due time.

Green Hog

Next is when potato girl Sasha transforms into her titan form and eat Connie and Jean 😂

Petting Cats

LOOOL that synchronised curiosity for the beast titan was a sister moment

Owen Zon

Even though you guys are probably ahead, just incase I want to point out two things. First, remember that the titans are weirdly light. This was mentioned by Hange back in season 1. That’s why Hanes was able to hold back the smiling titan. Second. In that final scene, notice that the steam was rising off of the beast titan where that man was standing. Whoever it is, it might be the person controlling the beast. Love your reactions so far!!

Jonathan Charles

A couple more puzzle pieces for the collection, haha! Personally, I love how convoluted and confusing the story is. Rewatching this with you from the beginning really makes the AoT veterans among us appreciate the storytelling.


This episode was so chaotic, I love it. Armin protecting Jean by flailing his sword around, Reiner throwing titans, Hannes (RIP) is just being munched by 'the smiling titan' all whilst Eren and Mikasa are having their little love moment. Not to mention that revelation at the end changed everything. Season 3 is my personal favourite out of this show, can’t wait to watch it again with you guys! :)


Also just a small point, this whole chase happened between wall Rose and wall Maria, so they technically did not leave the walls this whole time however, wall Maria is broken rn from Reiner and Bertholdt's Original attack. Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir and the beast titan were on wall Maria at the end.


“Ymir, go save them real quick” like they’re homies, is one my favorite Kiss Quotes. 😂😂 Eren’s VA is extra phenomenal in this episode. No wonder he’s won so many awards. 🙌❤️


Lot of music in animes are just best! great episode to show off so much of it and works so well! great reaction Haylo & Kiss!!!!


It just feels like yesterday i started rewatching AOT with you two and we r already done with Season 2 , can't wait for your S3 reactions cuz this is the point from where this story will get more complex and convoluted while giving answers to many questions u seek !!!!!!! For the time being " Shinzou Sasageyo"


These girls are so clever man, let them watch and figure things out themselves. They don't need to be spoon-fed any additional information/hints


So many questions from this one!! just when you think you have an idea whats going...all the characters have different pieces of the puzzle but they are confused whats going on... poor ymir :( im sorry for you (and yes she is jaded by her life but historia made her care about something again) the revelation that Eren had some control power changed the game for all the players who did know anything and confused the hell out of everyone else including the audience :)


also another season down!!! on to Lost Girls 1&2!!! covering 2 totally badass ladies!!


"this one is called 'scream'" .... 4:26 and we have an explanation as to why :D


I wish people would stop hinting at things outside the scope of the previous/current episode ( or at most the next one because they most likely have watched it before posting )


Ive rewatched this series multiple times, and I could never distinguish the names of the walls, im impressed with yall lol

Stephen Richard

Realized I said there was an after credit scene on this episode, I was wrong it’s the last episode of the first half of season 3! Sorry for the confusion!


Bro they don’t need help for how to comprehend things. They’ll figure it all out on their own like most people do

Zain kb

did u notice what ymir said in the end to bert and reiner “ you cant go back empty handed. i will give back what i borrowed from you back then” she ate their comrade marcel and now she want to give them something in return she want them to have something to go back home with since they failed to capture eren, Ymir never got to live for herself no matter how badly she wanted to. also hannes 💔 attack on titan has many depressing scenes and hannes’s death is one of them whenever i watch reactions to this ep i get teary eyes. mikasa probably thought that they’re both gonna die right after this so she tried to comfort eren in his last moments


Really looking forward to your "lost girls" reaction. I loved Annie's little detective story and wished there was more.

Victor Ortiz

I’m so excited you’re gonna start season 3, so many answers and questions to come !

Craig Beattie

I just love how this show answers some questions, but then just leaves you with a dozen more. So well written.

Sean Carroll

who actually thinks about the name of the show on their own, people like you just tell them anyway, and by the way you have told them too early

Sean Carroll

they shouldnt watch that as it spoils future events, and dont give me that dumb "theres no context" argument, just let them watch the episodes as they come and not see that unnecessary after credits scene

Bishal Adhikari

Love is more powerful than rage 😅 nice try but there is no place for that kind of cringe in this show... EVERYTHING has a reason


they are not ready for the first 2 episodes of s3, been waiting for them to get this far


The end credits scene is the “episodes as they come.” There is no spoiler without context in this case, just speculations.

John Doe

Cant wait to see yalls reaction to season 3 and levi


Thats cool and all, just never felt it so important to remember the name of a specific wall 🤷‍♂️


Eren better wife her up and put a titan baby in it 👶 😤 will yal be reacting to OVAS 6-8???


Titans are only light once their limbs are cut ✂️ off or they're dead. Hannes stopping that titan wasn't all that surprising but he took on the full force of that titans swipe

Zekrom XI

No need to watch Lost Girls yet

Michelle Meliton

His breakdowns in general are tied with him being inferior despite having this ability. Hannes saying "you lacked the strength and I lacked the courage" and that the day his mom was eaten and the day that Hannes was eaten was very much "nothing has changed" despite having this amazing power. In addition his mom putting the idea in this head of "try to be strong for Mikasa for once". Now it comes full circle where now Hannes finding the courage to fight the smiling titan and Eren SOMEHOW pulled the strength out of his ass to save everyone. Thanks for the reactions again! and being so consistent :)

Michelle Meliton

I disagree. Love had a lot to do with that scene. With one surface level observation that Eren didnt have the strength back then to save a loved one in danger and now by some miracle possesses the strength to save someone he loves (Mikasa). I get what u mean with the typical love trope that sometimes is in anime's. where just feeling it makes u overcome all obstacles.


They are light in general. They only measured a limb, because they dont have titan sized scale


now and forever :((((


I have the same trauma response as Eren. I laugh hysterically. Either that or I just disengage entirely from reality. So when Eren started laughing the first time I saw this, I cried so hard because I KNEW what that feels like.




I'm not sure if anyone has stated this yet or if its a breach. However, the writer was supposed to make Eren and Mikasa kiss in this scene. He was either too shy or embarrassed to draw it I remember reading.


Not even half way through and you guys love this so much. I am here for everything


Same lol I always had to search up the map to confirm some stuff


The music in this episode made me listen to Attack on Titan suite by Hiroyuki Sawano.

Rafael Ramirez

It's not cringe to have love be a stronger motivator for someone than hatred. Love is a powerful reason cause you can see the lengths someone will go for others.

Rafael Ramirez

It's a brutal realization for Eren to see that even with Hannes finding the courage and Eren finding the strength they still suffered heavy losses.

Kevin Narciso

what a way to end a Friday, by ending Season 2 lol


I'm glad you guys caught how Eren showed he loves Mikasa in this episode...a lot of ppl misunderstand him in this episode and try to say he rejected her. it's so annoying cuz are they watching the same show loool

Daniela Fangueiro

About the rainbow thing... I agree. And the 1st scene of this ep agrees as well :D


This is important to keep in mind too. It’s a common trauma response many people have when conflicted with so many emotions. I also do the same.


Yea the music is really cool in the series. At least in German there are cool fan covers of the intros. Maybe it would also be something for you to react to a fan cover in English. Greetings from Germany


For future reference it’s in reverse alphabetical order. With M being the outer, R being the next, and S being the innermost.


This is the only actual death in this show that I've cried at the death itself. (Not counting tears for fakeouts or tears due to the reaction of a surviving character.) Also, be excited for season 3. Other than having more Levi than the other seasons, it's in my opinion, the season with the best finale episodes out of all 4 seasons.


Big props to Eren's voice actor. He does these moments of naked anguish and frustration so well.


Super excited for y'all to watch the next season because things will get HECTIC. The cliffhangers in the next season are absolutely horrible xD

CZ2 Delta

What's the Coordinate? How did Ymir turn back into a human after 60 years roaming around as a regular titan?


Honestly, I'm glad he didn't draw a kiss here. Of course, I'm surprised that the anime didn't force one to happen. The anime definitely pushed for more Eren x Mikasa moments than the manga. The anime actually removed Armin (or replaced him with Mikasa) a few times, because the anime wanted more focus on Eren and Mikasa.


To be fair, the anime pushes Eren x Mikasa more than the manga does. S1 in particular actually removed Armin (or replaced him with Mikasa) a few times, because the anime wanted more focus on Eren and Mikasa. Maybe the people who thought Eren was rejecting her were manga readers? Or maybe they were turned off by Mikasa giving "adopted sister" vibes... while simultaneously being in love with Eren?


Man, I could never be a reactor. Ignoring the fact that I'd probably be boring to watch, sharing my reactions and reading comments from viewers would make me nervous...about people sharing spoilers, setting expectations, telling me how to watch the show, confirming my theories before the show does, saying my theories were wrong before the show does, trying to be clever by making references I probably won't (but potentially could) understand, or feeding me information about things I would have discovered during a rewatch. I realize that most people who pay for a Patreon membership (to watch blind reactions) probably have good intentions when they post comments, but all it takes is one mistake to ruin the blindness. And I've seen it happen before. I'm hoping that won't happen here. Ladies, you're doing much better than I could. Thank you for yet another fun reaction to Attack on Titan, and I'm looking forward to next time. :)


The irony. "My name is Historia!" "yes Christa. Own it" 🤣🤣🤣 Nearly fell out of my chair. Sorry Ill compose myself. This episode is something else. When Eren finally connects... chills.


no, they obviously aren't light in general, because they are able to trample and squish people. hange observed that dead titans were abnormally light as their bodies decomposed very quickly.


double uploads of aot plssss


No they're heavy alive but light weight when dead. I mean how else can they pick up humans, boulders, horses and knock down towers??? Not with the strength of a human


Yeah, I think they should wait until after S3 to watch those.

Guillermo Rodriguez

You two have been doing a great job reacting to AOT, y’all er all I hope for when it comes to reacting to AOT. Next season is a change in theme but it’s loaded with more information. Keep the theories coming, it’s fun hearing what those brains of yours come up with. 😁🔥


H&K put out 3 episodes of AOT a week, as well as multiple other series. This many videos a week is no small task (thanks to copyright and the like), so it'd be kind to let them upload at the pace they'd like. Have a good one :)

Andrew Stuart

This show is overwhelming, but in a good way. I miss the times where every “answer” created more questions. Try not to get too caught up in figuring it all out and nope you just enjoy the ride.

Zekrom XI

People have issues with hyping up episodes and hinting at spoilers unnecessarily.

Stephen Richard

It really doesn’t spoil anything, go back and watch what they show. I remember watching it and being confused and even more excited to see why what was shown occurred. Of course they can make their own choices but they should be aware that it’s there. Also the show wouldn’t put it in there in the first place if it ruined anything later on

Isac christensen

Now With more sadness and confusion: The episode


This is my personal favorite episode and season of the show, even if it’s not actually the best of the show.


season 3 is gonna be so insane!

Santos The Highkage

Can’t wait for season 3 😇 this is probably my 7th time watching this show LOL

Sherin Nahed

I thought there was a post credit scene?

Charles Malo

15:00ish, i mean yah, Attack on Titan is clearly a love story, didn't you read the synopsis? it's obviously a romantic comedy :P All jokes aside, with the ragako village confirmation that the titans were/are/originated as humans similar to the people inside the walls that we've been following, do you think that the Smiling Titan who may have been a past human, deserved being torn to shreds by what Eren triggered on the dozens of titans? Most other titans just got a clean swoop kill, but not her/him/it, it got shredded. :D Never under estimae the rage and love that Eren can wield to push forward.

Zain kb

ova 6 has some spoilers but i think you guys already watched it but if u didn’t then no need to right now, u can watch it after s3


I was away for the weekend and i was dying at the fact i had to wait till now to watch this


It doesn't spoil anything, it hypes up future events. I know reactors communities are sensitive about spoilers but some of you are taking it too far, enjoy the show as it is.


We did not see one on Crunchyroll! We waited for one because there was no "To Be Continued" screen.

Talha Sayed (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 08:54:33 What a great reaction! You laughed, you cried while you are still overwhelmed and confused with the emotions. Tell u wat, the show gives us chills and then ur reactions giving us even more chills. We r getting chills over chills! Overwhelmed with the chills now!❤️🥶😄 Since you guys r loving the music, I was wondering if u guys would react to Attack on Titan Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano Project emU https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=mMMwDpDdlr1lWcst We would love to see you react on that 🙌🏽
2024-02-19 08:54:33 What a great reaction! You laughed, you cried while you are still overwhelmed and confused with the emotions. Tell u wat, the show gives us chills and then ur reactions giving us even more chills. We r getting chills over chills! Overwhelmed with the chills now!❤️🥶😄 Since you guys r loving the music, I was wondering if u guys would react to Attack on Titan Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano Project emU https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=mMMwDpDdlr1lWcst We would love to see you react on that 🙌🏽
2024-02-19 08:54:33 What a great reaction! You laughed, you cried while you are still overwhelmed and confused with the emotions. Tell u wat, the show gives us chills and then ur reactions giving us even more chills. We r getting chills over chills! Overwhelmed with the chills now!❤️🥶😄 Since you guys r loving the music, I was wondering if u guys would react to Attack on Titan Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano Project emU https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=mMMwDpDdlr1lWcst We would love to see you react on that 🙌🏽
2024-02-19 06:52:21 What a great reaction! You laughed, you cried while you are still overwhelmed and confused with the emotions. Tell u wat, the show gives us chills and then ur reactions giving us even more chills. We r getting chills over chills! Overwhelmed with the chills now!❤️🥶😄 Since you guys r loving the music, I was wondering if u guys would react to Attack on Titan Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano Project emU https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=mMMwDpDdlr1lWcst We would love to see you react on that 🙌🏽

What a great reaction! You laughed, you cried while you are still overwhelmed and confused with the emotions. Tell u wat, the show gives us chills and then ur reactions giving us even more chills. We r getting chills over chills! Overwhelmed with the chills now!❤️🥶😄 Since you guys r loving the music, I was wondering if u guys would react to Attack on Titan Suite - Hiroyuki Sawano Project emU https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=mMMwDpDdlr1lWcst We would love to see you react on that 🙌🏽

christian n

I’ve been following y’all reaction to AOT on YouTube and I just wanted to say, this reaction in particular filled me with immense joy. It’s like I’m reliving the emotions with you guys. Thank you!!