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E55 - Miraculous Creature! Apis's Secret and the Legendary Island! (Canon)
E61 - An Angry Showdown! Cross the Red Line!
E62 - The First Line of Defense? the Giant Whale Laboon Appears!

We made it! 🏴‍☠️🫡
Thanks so much for watching with us, we can't wait to continue on! Looking forward to our crew's adventures. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Max Mustermann

oh I just got home, perfect timing :)




Welcome to the Grand Line!


Hayleechan!!! Carissasan!! Here we go!!!!

Salman '96

The Grand Line! Where the real journey begins

Kyla Munoz

I don’t care if it’s been 1,000+ episodes already; this running gag between the crew and Crocus is still one of my top favourite gags in the show. They adapted it so perfectly in the anime and actually made it so much better without changing anything (just correct timing and emphasis for punch lines) which is rare for manga to anime or book to movie adaptations 😂

Salman '96

Lol the fact they watched this right after last double, you know they're getting hooked

Drew Sims

The Sickle-Sickle fruit is actually the first anime-only devil fruit we see. It's not considered a cannon fruit! Fun Fact


To clarify what's canon in episode 55 and 61: Only the calm belt and Luffy's ability to understand living creatures is canon. The millenium dragons are not, neither is the guy with wind slashing devil fruit


Just an idea, even if you skip the fillers I definitely recommend watching them on your own time eventually. I personally started watching the fillers after I cought up with the current episodes and it's just a fun way to spend more time with the crew

Jonathan Charles

H&K: "I'm SCARED!" Everyone else: "YAY, LABOON!"

klairvoyance (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-09 14:00:57 Nami simply sent that dude to go sleep with fishes 💀 no biggie That's the proper way of "getting rid" of left over characters from previous filler I guess lol
2024-04-09 13:42:57 Nami really sent that dude to go sleep with the fishes 💀 no biggie That's the proper way of "getting rid" of left over characters from previous filler I guess lol

Nami really sent that dude to go sleep with the fishes 💀 no biggie That's the proper way of "getting rid" of left over characters from previous filler I guess lol


Heyy, just wanted to let you know that i love your reactions and thanks for reacting to my favourite Anime. ♥️ Keep up the Reaction/Journey

Irene coates

Nami’s so funny and smart HAHA Love her so much

Morgan Hellström

Maybe you should remember Mr 7 that zoro killed from the live action now


Into the Grand Line! Crocus's house inside Laboon reminds me of Kame House from Dragon Ball, which was Master Roshi's, the first teacher of the main character Goku, home. Eiichiro Oda was heavily influenced by it so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a nod/reference to it.


The musician....yohohoho

The Otter Man

even the ability to understand living creatures was filler here actually. the only cannon part of 61 was reverse mountain and their entrance into the grand line (not including wind slashing guy ofc)

Mitch Davis

Crocus' introduction gets funnier and funnier the more you've watched the series. No one wants to listen to him talk about his zodiac sign and blood type, but I'm sure he's got some great stories!!!




Laboon the GOAT


So fun fact, the first English dub 4kids replaced Laboon with an Iceburg 😂

Cyrill Attakpah

dont worry ... it gets much sadder xD


I don't want to go into details to avoid spoilers, but given what we learn later, it's pretty much canon, even if it wasn't here

Alec H

How far ahead was the manga when the animators made that filler arc?


Welcome to the Grand Line, ladies! This is home…

Kitsune Inferno

Pretty much, yeah, the Calm Belt is a critical component as to why the Grand Line is so isolated and difficult to enter, and without really spoiling anything later, it is an important piece of worldbuilding. Viewers who skip filler tend to also skip 55 and lose out on the context of WHY the Calm Belt is an unviable means of entry to the Grand Line. The Warship Island filler (54-61) is generally skippable because it's anticlimactic (it would have landed better for me if it came BEFORE Loguetown personally), and of all the filler in One Piece, it's the one arc that most aggressively contradicts actual canon story developments that come later. My one piece (lol) of advice is to not take any character development from filler as gospel. It's just a shame that so much canon material (Calm Belt and the actual entry of the Reverse Miiverse) gets baked into it. It is worth going back and looking at later with a non-canon lens. The filler tends to crank the comedy up to 11, so it's not completely unwatchable or anything.

Green Hog

I’m surprised they didn’t connect the dots with the Live Action Zoro’s fight


those sea monsters are so scary they make crocodiles seem like nothing


Yeah, this is why fillers are bad. It completely contradicts the author sometimes. Nami wouldn't do that, and other screw-ups, i won't say...


The sickle fruit guy was a filler character, and after watching his ending, I think you get the point of all future filler arcs characters lol unceremoniously dumped into ocean never to b seen again


I loved your reaction to Nami just casually murdering that character. It's one of the first on screen deaths in the anime and Nami was just so cheerful about it lol. Caught me so off guard the first time I saw it I laughed for like a full minute.

Iris Martinez

Omg you unlocked a childhood memory… he was an iceberg?! See this is why I’m glad i rewatched OP from the start on crunchyroll years later 😂


why is the intro kinda fire tho

Sewer Lord

What a nuisance you are, have some self control... there's no benefit to being this dumb mate

Daniel Atkinson

I seriously cant get enough of your reacts. It is like reliving the series again through fresh eyes which is every One Piece fans greatest dreams.


Agree as one piece fan for years and still wait for new episodes every week it’s make me happy to see other people that don’t experience this masterpiece over the years and reliving this again

Lukas K.

hey what happened to the episodes between 55 and 61?

Adam Lewis

It's technically filler. It's a small mini arc that doesn't relate to the story. Many people often skip it.


Yeah the filler gets pretty crazy sometimes lmao. Everything with the girl,dragons? and the sickle guy was made up