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You'll need to sync up your own copy of the episode in order to watch along with us. Watched on Disney +. Open 2 windows, one with our reaction and one with the video, then arrange them how you see fit! Press Play on "Go".

We use a watch along format in order to comply with copyright laws.
Thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




LOL The version you display in the uncut is actually the HULU version, not the Disney+ version... Did you watch it on Disney or not? Please note that Hulu and Disney versions have different runtime. So it's not the same if you watch it on Disney and put the Hulu version for syncing....


It sync's fine when I try it. It's a second or so off but sometimes that can't be helped. We watched on Disney + and recorded on Disney +. Not sure what your issue is.


Hatamoto means Bannerman. It's a respected position.

Daaylen Watson

Favorite characters so far? I love Fuji and Yabushige, Every time they are on the screen is a great scene.


Blackthorne and Mariko for sure but they are all so great!

Тень навсегда

48:00 So as a history student I wanted to point something out, between the 1600-1700 the new world discovery etc, European countries were on and off at war with each other over the riches of the East and the Americas (new world), they used to also sign truce and peace treaties while still conniving to weaken each other. In such situations, select skilled private sea crew (with more or less naval warfare experience/knowledge) used to be 'unofficially tasked' with missions that formal militaries could not do (piracy and other villainy at high seas) but since one country would be at official peace with the other, they could not officially authorize a pirate so they financed their private countrymen to purchase 'Letters of Marque' from nations that their enemies were at war with officially at that time (In this example Protestant England probably had a temporary peace accord formally with Portugal but sponsored Blackthorne's crew to buy Dutch letters of Marque authorizing them to attack and seize Portuguese ships and goods), in times of official war, a letter of Marque need not be from another country like Holland. To come to the point, it is possible that Blackthorne would have been permitted to meet the Queen (although not in open Court) because such political/military action against rival nations would not be possible without powerful sanction (large military ships, men and guns-cannons).