Soothing Escape - Spa Soundscape (Patreon)
Can you blame me? lol
The past months I've been exhausting myself trying to make my videos amazing that I had to do something low key to change it up. It still took a couple attempts to get usable footage but here we are. A tribute to the lo-fi ASMR from a decade ago. I want to slap my palm on the table and shout "Back in my day, this is how we did ASMR!"
Therefore, I wanted to keep the soundscape simple, no layering, just triggers that I don't get to use a whole lot so you can enjoy each one individually for a little while. Layering, especially noise like the bubble and foam sounds, can get really busy, really fast. I wanted it to be as soothing as possible without adding more stress. You all really seem to like brush 7 which is what I used to 'apply your mask' in the beginning. Brush 1 was also pretty popular though so I decided to use it at the end to 'remove your mask' when the cloth I originally wanted to use ended up sounding scratchy. A little bit of ear to ear stuff here, a little bit of tapping there, starting out soft spoken and slowly fading into whispering - and then soft spoken again at the end of this 30 minute power nap relaxation session, friendly reminder to go to bed.
I want to make a long version of this which is open ended so you can fall asleep to this and not be awoken by my melodic voice lol. But I need your feedback for that.
I need you to tell me if the foam bubble crackling sounds are any good. For the bath portion I wanted to simulate a bath tub filling up with the hot tub sounds and then the crackling sound of the bubbles popping around your head for laying in a foam bath. (Fun fact, this is what inspired this video in the first place - the face mask portion came later with the mic brushing from the October Livechat) ... While editing, I remember thinking those sounds were annoying though. Maybe it's just me and the fact that noisy and repetitive things really set me off. It's like the sound version of marbled walls. (If you weren't aware - if you have ADHD marbled walls are the devil himself.) I mean, I found it nice for a while, but after a minute it started to really aggravate me. Originally I was gonna loop the foam sounds for like an hour or 90 minutes or so but that's only if you guys like them and can see yourselves falling asleep to them. Otherwise it's just gonna be (my first ever?!) 'standard 30 minute ASMR roleplay.'
Let me know what you think.
Side note: The bokeh was filmed with my new Sony camera of course. I learned that the frame rate aswell as shutter speed affect the size of the bokeh and tried to adjust it to get the largest possible bokeh while also being able to slow it down in post so it wouldn't be, well, an agitated Xmas tree. I'm not sure why it's heptagonal. While choosing the color I decided to go with a soothing dark green because it equally fits the evergreen trees in November and the cool grass in May. Thinking of you, Steve.
Side note 2: The ambient sounds in the beginning are candle lighting/flickering and towel folding, in case that was confusing.
I hope you enjoy.