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Update time!

This week was spent focused with one task in mind, rollback. Anyone who's ever played a renpy game is familiar with this helpful feature. At any point, if you misclick, or want to make a different choice, you can just scroll up your mouse wheel and go back to the previous dialogue line. This feature is awesome, and one that was often requested for Bell Master. Unfortunately, supporting it requires some forethought and much heavy lifting behind the scenes. So I couldn't just add it without having to do a massive engine rebuild. Fortunately, a massive engine rebuild is exactly what I'm doing now! Much of what I've built so far has been, at least in part, in service of supporting rollback (in a stable way that doesn't break under mild wind). And I'm happy to report, Body Language now has full rollback support! You can roll back up to 30 sentences back. You can even roll back over things like choices, transitions, and minigames. Rollback in Unity was one of my engineering goals for this game, and I'm extremely satisfied with how it turned out.

This feature will also make adding proper save and load support relatively easy, so that's next week's task. Depending on how much dev time I manage to steal next week, I'll see about adding that other nice renpy feature, infinite save slots. But I'm not promising that just yet.

On the art side, I've added some music and animations to the main menu. More importantly, Phoenix got back to me with art for so called ballet girl, ready for 2D rigging. I'm only starting to experiment with rigging based animation, so it may all end up being nothing but a massive time sink, but hopefully it'll pay off. She's currently working on rigging ready art for the other two girls. 

Wash your hands, and have a great week!


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