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I've been sitting at this desk for like... ever. My back hurts.



TLDR: New stuff, warnings,  and other stuff.


New Stuff!

  • Rein's BIG surprise is unveiled with this update. 
    • I also updated his clothed/unclothed art and made a bunch of new expressions.
  • The new combat system is live !  
    • Rotating turns, updated spells, targeting system, and more!
    • The previous combat system will remain part of the story before this update (I didn't want to rip out those fights and the story that was part of them).
  • Cherry Blossom title screen - I just really like this.
  • More story!  


  • I jammed a lot of work into this drop and I'm pretty happy with it; however, I do plan to polish this chapter a bit more in the future. Things such as:
    • Cleaning the UI
    • Balancing combat
    • Cleaning the spell animations
    • Probably other stuff but I'm really really tired :D

Other stuff.

  • Apologies for being a bit late. I underestimated how much work it would be to keep the story update its normal size + new combat/art stuff.
  • I've been thinking of how to increase the game's exposure so I can pursue developing Uncommon Breed and other furry games full time. So you'll be seeing an ad on furaffinity for Uncommon Breed soon! Moreover, if any of you have suggestions, such as where to advertise or how to increase exposure in general, let me know :)
  • We hit $400 on patreon! Thank you for all the support. I'm not sure how to say things without it sounding too sappy so just know you've awoken a beast who's truly passionate about developing (+ drawing/ writing)  for you guys.

Ok, bye!

-Bytes that might be a fox.




Finally i'm in tears now haha


So Rein will appear on the screen if you load a game right before you catch him training outside before you even see him. But immaculate update otherwise ^`^

Husky Lee

The Dark Magician is always killing me. :( He is really nerfed?

Husky Lee

That's it... I give up! Defend is not working, because he is always feed himself, and my crew healtbar is decrease. Healt magic is bad too. Zap is not working because the chance to shcok is really low. After 30 round only once the shock the enemy. I am a little bit angry at now. :D


Hey, yeah I nerfed him. Gear needs less stacks of tinkering to finish his device. Rein does more damage. And there's hints via dialogue on living until Gear finishes. Try rotating between heal and sheilds when they come off cooldown :)


Doesn't Rein doing more damage make the fight *harder*? More damage -> More drains -> Juleon can't keep up and everyone dies. Like, this is actually my main gripe about this fight, is that love points don't help, and quite possibly hurt. More on Rein or Grizz make the fight harder and more on Gear seem to do nothing at all. I'm not sure if this is implementable, but making Gear always hit the right number of tinkers on a specific turn might also help you tune the difficulty by letting you directly adjust the length of the endurance portion, rather than relying on luck.


Thanks for the input :) I'll definitely give all of it some thought. I didn't want to make the fight too easy but there may still be some needed adjustments. Though I did want players to think about the fight (as opposed to spamming damage). I looked at Rein as the "finisher" for this fight. Gear has the chance of providing a little breathing room with his shock chance and the lowering of stacks required for him to finish seemed to make the fight significantly faster while I was testing. I also liked the idea of no fight being the same with the randomness but maybe I need to tweak this?


I do like randomness and needing to react to variable situations, it just seems like Gear's stacks progress can change the difficulty quite radically in response to minor variations, as compared to, say, somewhat-random damage numbers.


You have some really valid points and I'm definitely going to keep them in mind while continuing the endless struggle of game balancing :] I'm hoping the new combat system addresses some of these issues though as always everyone's feedback helps me to continue to improve the game.

Hyou Vizer

exposed Rein stuck on your screen until he puts his shorts back on.........honestly its the best "glitch" ever haha


Lol gosh dang it. Is this happening for you too Hyou? Is it if you save in the cabin before going outside or first outside snowing scene? Also, does it happen for your first play Through? It would suck if it ruined the “big” reveal.

Hyou Vizer

his sprite only shows up way before hand if you load a save from being in cabin, rein naked sprite doesn't appear early playing regularly first time. so no it doesn't ruin the surprise or anything o.o


Nice! Love it!)))


I feel the same, tried many, many times. I’ve played “all” game again to get as much love points as I can, but it not worked. I will leave the game for some days and try again by the wekend.


ughhh i have to wait until the next update to play 0.6 i finished 0.5 last night and now i want more to play (also rien is the best so yknow kinda want to see his surprise)