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 I did the thing. This is that thing.

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Update 0.05

Hey guys, this update focuses on the story of Grizz, Juleon, Rein (kinda :P), and... B? 


Who is B? 

I've been playing with the idea of taking a poll to determine what species B (the bartender) will be. 

I figure by the end of this update you'll all have a pretty good grasp of his character and I think it'd be awesome for the community to pick what B becomes. 

 Let me know what you think. 

Future stuff

I'm not sure how many of you follow my twitter but I've been working on making a more complex combat system! 

The goal is to create a turn based, targeting combat system that allows for more dynamic battles. This would change combat in that instead of the flow going: 

(Your turn)->(Enemy turn) repeat

It would be:

(Grizz turn) -> (Gear turn) -> (Enemy1 turn) -> (Rein turn) -> (Enemy2 turn) ect...

This creates some cool options like more enemies, multiple skills per character and Love points effecting stuff in a completely different way.

Example :

 (this is not the final Grizz sprite, he's already changed a lot since I took this screenshot) 

I've been working on updating the character art to work with this style of combat but it's most definitely going to be an iterative process.

Just wanted to let you know where my heads at and stuff.

Feedback welcome!

Ok Bye!

-Bytes of a Fox



Hyou Vizer

for some reason i automatically assumed B was a dragon, i don't know why lol


Can't wait the 32bit version of the previous update :3


Does anyone know of a way to kill that mage cause honestly I'm really having a difficult time trying to beat him I've. Only beaten him once and it was out of luck is there like something I'm missing cause whenever I deal damage to him he always restores his own health to the amount that was taken from him


hey so i just tried doing rein's route and i'm not sure if this is a bug or how it's meant to be but his nipple piercings were underneath his fur? it just looks a bit weird and i'm not sure if this is how it's meant to be or if there is something wrong with my game :/


Dude I stopped playing this game because I couldn't figure out how to get past the battle vs the deathseeker, I tried posting a comment on one of your posts here but you ignored it, and I just saw that you liked my tweet without answering my question ??? WHY ?? Can you just help out one of your supporters if that's not too much, that would be fucking helpful.

Monte Nunn

Is there a best known method to take down the death seeker? I have tried several times now.


Gear's tinkerin on something that will help you win the fight! Buying him enough time typically does the trick.


Gear's tinkerin on something that will help you win the fight! Buying him enough time typically does the trick.


Ok thanks very much for your answer, but could you please explain some more ?? I'm still new to this game.. Gear's command for the battle against the deathseeker is ZAP, does this mean that I have to select Only his command in order to win or am I missing something ?? Anyway, even though I am at the beginning of the game I'm enjoying myself a lot, you put a lot of effort into it and I really love the quality and the characters. P.S. You might as well consider to upload a video of the fight in question as well as the others on your YouTube channel so that I may avoid bothering you with my questions in the future.


And another question Mr, how can I get the love point effect combat trigger during the battle ?? That would certainly help a ton, thanks in advance. Oh and don't forget to post a video of the fight on your YouTube channel please, just so I won't have to bother you again..

Hyou Vizer

i still can't make it past deathseeker. gear keeps dying at 4-5 stacks, and im using cat magic heals and 3 stacks of grizz shield too. edit: finally i beat him, gear got to 13 stacks and didn't die, god that dragged on forever lol


Hello, Nice game. Id like to play but when i try to open in my smartphone the app crashes and keep telling to close It. How can i fix It?