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A ton of work went into getting this ready. I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for being patient! 

Your previous saves won't work on this version (as I scrapped the previous version's entire code base) but there's now a skip button so it shouldn't be too painful :)

Brief summary of additions:

  • Subtle character idle animations
  • More spell effects
  • More story
  • Entire UI rework
  • Improved saving function
  • Other stuff I'm forgetting 
  • A skip button

As always, let me know what you think and report bugs!

Let me know if the boss fight is too easy ;]

The previous version is now available to the public for free.

OK Bye!

-Bytes of a Fox




The boss fight is kinda difficult xD Also if you save in the battle that JuLeon joins in and load that save, his health bar doesn't appear. At least for me it doesn't


Haha I wanted it to feel like a real boss fight :P I’ll need to fix that health bar thing, thanks for the heads up!


Been trying for 30 minutes, it's near impossible. I think you can only heal when he's shocked or else he gains back way too much health. Or I'm just missing something ^^


Anyway, solid update :D I really like what you've done with the interface, the health bars and font look really sick!


any tips on beating the boss? i tried for quite a while but every time i did enough damage to get him to the last quarter he just healed back up to half by draining health through the shields, i tried everything i could think of and i'm just really stuck. thanks for your time!


i tried what you said but i keep dying before i can get that many stacks, i shield and heal at every chance i get but the damage that seeps through the shield is too much to out heal so i just end up dying at a max of 5 stacks on gear


update: i managed to beat him but it really just felt like i was lucky and got tinker procks more often this time, maybe adjust the difficulty just slightly, i dunno but anyway loving the story!


Woo! Can I ask if you were getting any love point ability procks? So did Rein do extra damage or Grizz shield more?


i was going for grizz and he was getting 3 shield stacks, one thing that confused me a little was that he loses a stack on the turn he uses the shield so he effectively has 2

Hyou Vizer

Gear keeps dying at 4-5 stacks before he can get 10 stacks. The highest amount I he's gotten in one fight was eight. I use Defense Up with 3 shield stacks and Cat Magic Heals as much as possible before then. Gear's "tinkering" thing is too RNG base. annoying boss fight aside, I love the new UI especially for their HP bars, very steampunk.


cannot get Gear stack more than 7.. I tried like 20 times.


Have you stopped to adapt the game to Win 32 bits?, because I can't play the newest public updates...


No, I don't know why it didn't let me play it when I dowloaded it... And I had tried several times, said something about files missing... But don't worry, now it works, or so it seems.


Stupid question I know (don't hate me. Im working with what I got) can this run on MacOS?