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 TLDR: Rewrote the code for the game. Update coming soon!

Hey guys,

I've been quiet for the past couple weeks but I have a good reason I swear!

So... you all know I was messing around with the 2d side scrolling stuff. Well I learned a ton from my experiments. My biggest take away was how difficult it was going to be to implement something like that into the current version of Uncommon Breed. 

So I scrapped it. 

All of it.



I already rewrote the whole thing. I'll admit I underestimated how much work it would actually take ("nooo Foxbytes... you can cram 2-3 months work into a couple weeks it's fiiiineee..." -_-) but it's done! So here's some cool stuff that came from the refactor:

Character Idle Animations

Yup. Your favorite character is going to come to life with some subtle breathing animations. I'm sure I don't need to explain how cool this is! Basically, this is just the start. I want to keep pushing the animation experiments and bring the whole world of Uncommon Breed to life! 

Saving At The Exact Point You Save

I know I know... seems basic right? Well the previous version of UB really didn't allow it. The way I implemented moving the story was crappy for things like saving and mid dialogue animations.

Which brings me to the next point.

More Animations

So this happened behind the scenes but I was very limited as to when I could do things. Just know this new content drop is going to have a ton more animations and it has a lot to do with the refactor. 

Other Stuff Coming

  • Fun UI Changes (choices / dialogue)
  • New Save Menu (way better looking save file names too)
  • Health-bars that react to character HP (they move and break and stuff)
  • Tons of new spell animations and cleaned up old ones.

So yeah, the next update is coming really soon. I know some of you may be disappointed it wasn't with this post but I promise I'm working my tail off to get it ready for you.

Ok bye!





I’m really exited for this!

Hyou Vizer

well i was thoroughly teased @__@


Good news)))


Wow! That all sounds great. Can't wait to try it out.


wow looks nice cant wait for this update!


The demo doesn't work because the game is for 64 bit, while my laptop is 32 bit :(


Yeah the 1st version doesn't support 32. However, I'll be releasing the next version very soon which will make the current (supports 32) available to the public.


Hey man, great work with this awesome game. Just wanted to tell you that I paid it and downloaded it, however I'm in dire need of your guidance. I can't get past the battle versus the death seeker. I also tweeted you, my account name is ThyNoumenicKeyhole, please send some help.