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“You look...buxom today.” Makoto said, eyeing her friend up and down.

“Buxom? That’s kind of a weird thing to call someone.” Maya replied, furrowing her brow and twisting her lips in amused repulsion.

Maya knew she was different. Something about the previous nights at the mysterious campus had affected her outside of it, as both days saw her wake up bustier and more curvaceous than before. Sure, she’d thickened up in the waist and hips too, but that was a tiny price to pay for a larger chest and hardly a bad thing in general. In her closet were multitudes of all black outfits ranging from tanktops to jeans to cute, gothy dresses like the very one she’d chosen to wear that day. More than anything, Maya was delighted to have woken up without any bleariness or blurriness in her vision. Her eyesight had simply improved over the last coupe days, allowing her to skip along the campus sidewalk sans-glasses.


The changes in Maya’s body were seemingly unnoticed by the teachers and other students at school. In the end it was only Makoto who seemed to notice. It made sense, Maya thought. Considering that Makoto had also been affected by the school and then adding the fact that Maya could tell that Makoto was looking and acting differently, it stood to reason that the opposite was true as well. The question was: did Makoto notice that SHE was different too?

Gone was the shyness of yesterday, replaced with an almost aggressive inquisitiveness that bordered on cattiness. She sounded more like she was bitching at and criticizing her friend than genuinely expressing concern. Not that Makoto had any room to talk given her suddenly long hair and newly fashionable clothing, all in black of course. They were nothing like the clothes that she would buy or even be brave enough to wear if she did. Something had changed her.


“Well, it’s true. Apparently I’m the only one who thinks it’s weird that the shy girl with glasses grew tits overnight and is now walking around with them popping out of her shirt.” 

Makoto paused for a moment before continuing.

“What happened to you in there?”

Maya stood still, tipping her head in thought. She could remember little bits at a time. Something about a video projector, then a black woman…There was a classroom full of busty goths and a dominatrix teacher. She remembered a chorus of girls all chanting responses together.

Maya blinked, trying to snap herself out of the fragmented memories.

“I just feel like whatever is in there is turning us into something we’re not.” Makoto said, her mind flashing back to the gargantuan blob of a woman with her face and the chubby image of herself in the mirror. She shuddered, reflexively sucking in her stomach in an effort to look thinner.

“…And I’m afraid of what it wants is to be.” She sighed, fidgeting with her cute black skirt.
The words rung a bell in Maya’s mind. 

(I am a pair of tits)
(I am my boobs)

She felt herself mouthing the words, salivating at the memory of suckling the fat, milky breast of the teacher. Her lower stomach tensed for a moment, then relaxed as a flutter raced up her spine and caused her heart to pound  Maya squirmed as her panties grew wet.

“It’s…Wrong. And repulsive. We can’t let it have it’s way with us.” Makoto declared righteously.

Maya nearly growled at the interruption, irritated at her friend for pulling her out of the sexy fever dream.

“”Well then, you’re doing a shit job so far.” She grumbled cattily, immediately regretting it and hoping Makoto didn’t hear.

“…Wait. What? What do you mean?” The Asian girl asked, conveniently clad in black and lace.
Originally, Maya hadn’t intended on arguing. In fact, the very idea of confrontation used to send her into panic attacks but today she felt cornered with no way out of the situation but to double down. Instead of changing the subject or even apologizing, she went on the attack.

“Well I mean, look at you. You’re giving me shit about my boobs getting big (I am a pair of tits) when you’re walking around showing off your own like they’re not bigger too!” Maya said, scowling in anger.

Makoto gasped. “WHAT?! They’re not that much bigger! I barely even noticed anything this morning!” 

Maya rolled her eyes dramatically. “You BARELY noticed that you’re not flat anymore? Cuz if that’s the case, you sure as hell didn’t dress like it.” 

“What’s THAT supposed to mean?!” Makoto asked in a shrill, offended tone.

“It means I can see your nipples poking through the fabric of the rather revealing outfit that I’m guessing just magically appeared in your closet this morning. You’re even wearing makeup! Hoping to catch the eye of some hot stud?” Maya snarled, feeling pulses of horny energy rhythmically surging through her as she imagined herself and Makoto latching onto a pair of hot guys and making out with them in tandem.

(I exist to pleasure men)

Makoto was furious, ashamed, and terrified all at once. This would have never happened between the two of them before they’d ended up at that stupid campus. Whatever it was, she had to make sure she never ended up back there again. Even worse, she’d have to keep Maya from going back there too if she ever wanted to keep her friend as she knew her.

“I’m….None of that is true. Think, Maya. We NEVER fight like this. We must be cursed. Or possessed. Or something could have cast a spell on us. Whatever it is, we need to stay away and fight this as hard as we can!” 

Makoto said. She’d intended to sound strong and authoritative but instead came off as frantic and pleading, even to herself.
Maya wasn’t convinced.

“Well, have fun with that Makoto, because I don’t mind how I look. In fact, I LIKE how I look. I feel pretty. I feel SEXY. I feel more confident than I’ve ever felt in my life and frankly, I’m not at all complaining that my tits are getting bigger! (My tits can never be big enough) If you want to hide from your life and play the righteous dork behind the library for the rest of your life, go ahead. But I won’t be here for it.”

Maya stomped away, livid and shaking. She felt like crying  Her hands were cold and trembling. There was a sense of power that crept over her as she stormed off, ignoring Makoto’s attempts to call her back, even as the poor girl’s voice grew raspy and choked, probably from tears. But more than powerful, she felt ashamed. Maya regretted talking to her best friend in the world like that. Even worse, the only two things she had the desire to do was to turn around and run back to apologize, or rush home and stuff the most phallic object she could find between her legs.

She ran home as quickly as she could.

For hours, Maya lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She had passed out for a while after a vigorous masturbation session, not even realizing that the vibrating dildo on her nightstand hadn’t always been there until after she woke up. The light from the windows had faded from a tawny orange to a pale, dim blue, signaling that she’d missed most of the day either fucking herself stupid or sleeping off the soreness from the orgasms. Regret began to seep back in as her thoughts turned to that afternoon. More than anything, she knew that what was happening was wrong. It was נוֹרָא. It was unholy, and she shouldn’t have been fucking with it in the first place, especially at the expense of her best friend. ESPECIALLY especially just for bigger boobs and darker, sexier clothes. Hot tears trickled down the side of her face, salt burning her eyes in the process and she turned to reach for her phone.

A gentle, bubbly tune faded in as the screen went bright, momentarily blinding the weepy, dark adjusted girl as it lit up. As her vision cleared, Maya squinted at the screen and began frantically swiping down to adjust the brightness to a more manageable level so that she could see why it was her phone was going off so suddenly.

*7:30 PM: Class*

The words on her screen nearly made her vomit as a wave of nauseous fear flooded over Maya. It was telling her to go back to the abandoned campus. Back to school. Her hands shook and her breath came in stuttered inhales as she swiped away the notification. Maya’s thoughts immediately jumped to Makoto.

[Hey. I’m sorry about earlier. Something is definitely wrong with me and it’s making me act in ways I never used to. I’m worried and don’t want anything to come between us]

She hurried through typing and sent the message, noting with increasing alarm that the longer it took to type, the less interested she became in actually sending the message. At first it was the fear of how Makoto was going to respond, and then a nagging feeling that she was just overreacting. Anger and irritation returned in the form of resentment for her friend’s wet blanket attitude. This too, Maya realized, was a symptom and sent the message as quickly as she could to prevent herself from taking it back.

[I don’t mean to be mean. I love you. You’re my best friend. Something is wrong with me. I know it wants me to go back]

Maya began kicking herself immediately after sending the message. She knew she was going to still go. All that had accomplished was alarm her already paranoid friend who in all likelihood was just going to freak out and try to stop her from going back to the campus. Shaking her head, Maya turned her phone on silent and moved towards the door.

The gate was unchained and unlocked when Maya arrived, this time with pale lamps leading the way down a paved path to the school building. She’d come on a manic impulse upon seeing the alarm, but now that she’d arrived she felt the horny energy beginning to dissipate. What could have possessed her to think that right after having a blowup with her best friend and then an emotional breakdown shortly after, the best thing to do would be to go straight to the place that caused the problem and deepen it’s hold over her, she thought. Still, despite her internal monologue chiding her for being stupid and reckless, she continued on.

“No, stupid! What are you doing?!?!?” She screamed at herself internally without showing even a sliver of concern on her face. She knew she wasn’t possessed or anything. Her mind was her own and even though she was consciously screaming against herself to stop, it was no different than when she would open Geometry Dash on her phone and play games when she should have been typing something up. Maya knew she needed to stop, and then simply….didn’t.

The doors still creaked horribly as she opened them and stepped inside the building. Where once there was darkness and the chilly ruins of a burned down building, now there was warmth and light. Granted, it was only candlelight but there were enough of them to illuminate the room enough for Maya to navigate easily enough. She stepped across the still-groaning floorboards towards the reception counter where another receptionist stood. This one was edgier than the others. More modern. She looked more like someone you’d find in the new age section of Barnes and Noble or in the back of a poetry club drinking black coffee than the middle of the woods dancing and casting spells. She too had massive breasts, displayed neatly in a midriff-baring tubetop and tousled black hair that wound downward into two braided pigtails.


“Maya Katz?” She asked, grinning at Maya like a cat with a secret.

The intrepid young woman took a somewhat trepid breath before answering and approached the desk with her blood racing.

“That’s me.” She said. “What is it tonight? Demonic Influence 101? Intro to Vampirism? ….Defense Against the Dark Arts?” 

Maya almost clapped her hand over her mouth after the sudden burst of sarcasm, but again, didn’t. She really had no idea where it had come from. It wasn’t that she wasn’t afraid or worried about what was happening. It was more like an impulsive defense mechanism to alleviate what only she saw as a tense situation. Regardless, the receptionist still smiled at her.

“Cute. You are to report to room 177. Ethics.” The pigtailed goth grinned.

Maya was slightly taken aback. Ethics sounded like a perfectly normal, reasonable college class to be taking but couldn’t help but wonder what horrible, twisted interpretation of it would manifest in the classroom.

“…Okay.” Maya said, her voice now devoid of the confidence she’d had only moments ago.
She walked down the hall and scanned the number plates on the sides of each closed door, wondering with morbid curiosity what was going on in each one. The warmth of the place had also caught her attention. It still wasn’t actually *warm* warm, but Maya could tell from her own lack of shivering that the building wasn’t nearly as cold as it had been the first time. The second night, she realized, had been slightly warmer as well. Though at the time she was too scared and worried for herself to be able to tell the difference between then and the previous evening.

Maya walked through the door and found herself walking on soft, thick, luxurious carpet. Candelabras lined the burgundy walls and paintings of macabre beauty hung next to them. Cliché as it was, Maya was afraid to look at them due to an unsettling and unshakeable feeling that the faces and people in the paintings were watching her. Her heart was beating achingly hard and her breaths were shaky, but Maya never once stopped moving. Her slow, careful, treading pace eventually led her to a single room where a woman in a black dress stood staring out of a window. She could see light pouring in, but only a sort of dim, gray light that floated in from a gray, lifeless world outside.

“Sit.” The woman’s voice said in Maya’s mind. She hadn’t spoken a word, but still she heard the command as if it were she herself imagining what the strange woman’s voice would sound like. There were several black chairs with padded red seats standing around the edges of the room and Maya wasted no time in one, unwilling to piss off the woman who was most assuredly her next “teacher.”
The woman turned to face her student in so much as she could “face” anything. She had long, waving hair that looked to be a sort of Scandinavian icy platinum blonde. Her skin was pale and her tantalizing body was tucked with care into a beautiful black ballroom gown, but as much as she looked, Maya couldn’t make out the woman’s face. It was clear that she HAD facial features, but no matter how hard she squinted or strained her eyes there was a sort of shifting, hazy bleariness around the woman’s face that prevented her from truly seeing it. It was deeply unsettling, but Maya had no choice but to give up lest she draw the ire of a spirit that may not have wanted to be seen.


“Miss Katz.” The faceless woman’s voice spoke in her mind as her physical head tilted and lolled to the side, looking at Maya before lifting back up.

“You have lived a life of faith, have you not?” It said, appearing more and more to be a genderless creature or spirit as opposed to an actual woman.

“I have.” Maya said out loud.

“Mitzvot. Halachah. To do what is right and good in the sight of the lord. Tell me…What does that mean?” The faceless woman asked.

Maya took a preparatory breath and began answering. “It means to follow God’s word and to create a just society of peace and harmony that we as people may live happily and flourish through sacred deeds and correct actions.” 

“How succinct.” The faceless creature said. “…And dogmatic. You are told to follow scripture as law, but there is more to and less to goodness than avoiding pork or washing your body or knowing when and how to work. You are taught to give unto others and sacrifice for the good of the whole, but if everyone merely gives away what they have to those who have nothing, what is left to use? What use is it to give to those who squander their gifts and fail to appreciate what it is they have?”

The debate wasn’t one she was expecting, but Maya could now see why the class had been called Ethics as well as the twist on it. Still, she felt compelled to answer sooner than later. 

“It isn’t for me to decide who is deserving. Only to give when and where I can when it is needed.” She said.

The faceless woman stood in place, it’s head shifting arbitrarily, mimicking human movement patterns like an NPC in a video game would if you skipped through their dialogue. 

“Then you too squander your gifts. You give of yourself to those who do not appreciate, reciprocate, advocate. You lend to a void that does not return your graces. Who does this serve?”

“It….serves me. To know I did the right thing is good and fulfilling for me.” Maya said, already doubting herself. Perhaps it was the situation or the creature’s influence, but everything about the place made her unsure and uncertain. Maya had only been able to answer the way she did out of defiance against whatever was trying to seep into her mind.

“…We shall see…” The creature said.

It waved a gentle hand and a door opened, allowing the creature to exit, implying that Maya was to follow. The spirit did not walk, but floated with unnatural speed and fluidity, perfectly steady as it glided across the floor into the other room.

With a dry gulp, the wary girl stood up and walked into the next room where another scene lay before her.

Maya stood in a room with a beautiful blonde girl around the same age. The girl hadn’t responded when she entered, nor could any trace of the faceless woman be seen. The girl was sitting on the ground where some sort of rug or round carpet lay under her, a sort of arcane looking sigil woven into the carpet’s design. For all intents and purposes, Maya didn’t even feel like she was really there herself given that the girl sat calmly, seemingly unaware of her observer. 

“Do what is right and good.” Came the faceless once more.

Maya approached a podium in front of the blonde girl, who sat humming a peaceful tune with a beautiful voice like honeyed vanilla. On the podium was a single tarot card sitting next to a crystal circle embedded in an ivory plate. Maya looked at the card and saw a depiction of a naked blonde woman pouring water into a river or lake while several pointed stars loomed overhead. It was drawn in a primitive looking style reminiscent of the medieval or middle ages, she wasn’t sure. The word “L’etoiles” was inscribed on the bottom of the card, but Maya had no idea what that even meant, so she reached out to study it more up close. The moment she touched the card however, a rush of information flooded her mind, bleeding into her brain like tiny, ice cold needles.


In that moment, Maya became aware of who the girl was as if it were a memory she’d simply forgotten. Rebecca Winslow: The Star.
Surprised, Maya flinched, dropping the card to the ground. The memories stopped pouring in as did the piercing sensation in the Jewish girl’s brain, but she still didn’t know what she was supposed to do. She had no choice, she realized, but to pick the card back up. Once again, her mind and body tensed as the needling sensation returned, and with it came a deluge of visions.

Rebecca Winslow was one of five siblings in a reasonably well off middle class home. Her relationship with her siblings was rocky at times but she loved them all the same and in the end, they loved her too. She would go to school every day, hang out with her friends, and then go to cheer practice. She may not have been as athletic as the other girls, but she still made captain sophomore year and held the title until she graduated. She was the lead in the school play and the head of the ASB. For all intents and purposes, she was a model student. Her family was proud of her for her accomplishments and often praised her for them, rewarding her with lavish gifts like a new car at 16 or a full $50,000 down on a house the moment she left high school. She did well in her classes and was generally popular with the exception of a few haters. Life had been good to her. Were everyone so lucky, the world would have been a much better place. 

Maya released the card and felt her brain throb from the tension. The feeling of being punctured on all sides had gone away, but a dull, thick ache persisted as she looked out at Rebecca, still apparently blissfully unaware that anything was going on at all. She sat, resplendent and beautiful as any archetypical popular girl should, her pale blonde hair falling down onto a beautiful dress revealing yet more tantalizing cleavage.


But something WAS happening. Beneath her, the filigreed sigil had begun glowing a pale gold, it’s light rising all around the girl who sat at it’s center. Maya saw the crystal dais begin to glow gently, a luminous purple outline in the shape of the card taking form in the center. Maya’s first intuition was to place the card on it, face up as would only be proper. But the moment she picked it up again to do so another set of visions played in her head.

Rebecca Winslow was the favorite of five siblings. Because she was gifted with natural beauty that most everyone was drawn to from a young age, she was given extra special treatment, often to the exclusion of the other kids. Her birthday parties were expensive, lavish affairs while the other kids were contented with cake and a few presents every year. She was never in trouble for anything, despite being the usual cause of conflict in the house. Her siblings knew this, and were constantly furious with her, but Rebecca would simply shrug and smile, knowing full well that even if the others brought up her special treatment they would simply be punished for their jealousy of their high-achieving sister….As they had been many times before. Her elder two sisters had received a stern talking to and help applying for financial aid when they had gone to college while Rebecca received a huge chunk of their savings just to make sure she lived in comfort. Rebecca knew it was because she was their favorite; just like she knew that none of her younger siblings were going to get what she did either.

She went to school, yes, but she never did her own work. Rebecca had a darling acting ability that did serve her well as in most of her classes there was some poor sap of a boy that she convinced to do her work for her. In Honors English, the student was a girl who was also hopelessly smitten with Rebecca, and fell for her attempts to play them all against each other so they would compete for her attention. 

Whatever she couldn’t achieve by just showing up and being fawned over, she employed more aggressive tactics to get. This almost always involved sex and seduction, pressing male and female teachers to rig tryouts or give her flawless grades despite putting in literally no effort towards almost any of her exploits. She did work hard to remember lines for the school play and she still functioned as head cheerleader, but she only had the opportunity to practice to get as good as she did because Mr. Ward, the Drama teacher didn’t have a problem getting fucked and sucked twice a week by a teenage girl.
Mrs. McCorey, the ASB teacher took turns giving and receiving oral sex with Rebecca while her husband Mr. McCorey enjoyed pounding her increasingly plump but always curvy ass in the locker room office after hours for the position of cheer captain every year. Her lack of required exercise and generous treatment had indeed fattened Rebecca up a bit, but because of her natural hourglass figure, most of the weight poured directly into her hips, ass, and tits, leaving her boobs huge, her face unmarred, and figure sexier than ever just in time for thicker figures to become popular.

College was the same, if not worse. By then, Rebecca had blossomed into a professional sex predator who used her body in every situation she could. Almost everyone who had a problem with her was just another person who had fallen for her scheme and been replaced by someone more useful. To most of the student body, Rebecca was the perfect, stunning angel who could do no wrong. To the rest, she was a cock hungry monster who had been blessed and ruined by her innate physical beauty.

She had been lamenting this very fact one night all alone, crying over her own shameful life and fearing the inevitable day when her beauty faded and she was left with nothing but her own obvious ineptitude. It was that very night that she’d received an email informing her of her acceptance and full ride scholarship to Bright University without ever even applying. Her tears dried, and her award winning smile returned. Ashamed or otherwise, Rebecca Winslow owned the world through sheer sex appeal…. And she absolutely knew it.

Maya was still holding onto the card when the visions stopped and her vision cleared as if she had simply gone away for a while and returned to her body. Now she looked at the smiling blonde with nothing but fury and contempt. Rebecca Winslow was everything Maya hated growing up: a spoiled princess who got everything she had for free and had no problem selling out, abusing, or outright betraying everyone around her to get what she wanted.

“Do you still believe that she is good and just? Has she performed her sacred deeds to your satisfaction? If you deem her deserving of her gifts, simply place the card in the upright position, allowing her to retain her precious rewards. However, if you find her unworthy of her wealth and prosperity, you may place the card in the reverse position, stripping her of her ill-gotten wealth and the means to which she attained it.” The voice of the faceless woman said, once more resounding in her mind, uninvited.

Still, Maya couldn’t believe all she had seen. Despite the repulsive actions of her parents and the willingness of her teachers and role models to turn Rebecca into what she became, in the end it was still Rebecca herself who chose to continue. Even in her most private moments, when she felt grief and guilt over her actions, not once was there ever a sliver of motivation or desire to change her ways. In that moment, she was every rich bitch that hassled Maya for lokming frumpy and nerdy. She was every bully and tormentor who attacked her for her faith or used her for some favor. Maya glared, shaking her head at the girl, then slapped the card onto the dais in the reverse position, sealing her fate.

In that moment, the sigil on the ground began to glow and a powerful wind blew upward from the sigil. The room’s furnishings faded into the darkness until they had vanished completely, leaving only the circle, the girl, and the dark, bleak floorboards. Maya watched as Rebecca’s hips narrowed and breasts receded, growing smaller and thinner until there was scarcely anything but skin and bones. Her stomach too had shrunken, alleviating her of her sensually plump stomach and cherubic face. Her hair grew stringy and limp, losing it’s color and shine. In the end, all that remained was an emaciated, miserable waif who only then begun to notice where she was before looking down and seeing what had become of the body she had built her life around.


Maya’s anger had begun to abate as she saw what she had done. Guilt began to creep in and turn to doubt, but before it could fester, the faceless creature’s voice returned.

“Well chosen, Miss Katz. For your piety and judgement, you shall be justly rewarded.”

Instantly, Maya’s blood began to boil red hot. Every vein pulsed to life and every artery burned as if pumping molten steel throughout her body. Her chest rippled with heat, growing heavier and heavier as Maya nearly fell to the ground in pain. Her hips blazed in agonizing heat, growing wider and softer as she writhed. Maya’s waist bubbled and puffed outward like a crucible marshmallow before settling and cooling into it's new form. The pain subsided enough for Maya to climb to her feet and rush to the door, frantically looking for a means to escape her ghostly assignment. When she opened the door however, she tumbled out not into the hallway that she’d entered from but out onto the campus lawn, dimly lit by the dusky, pre-dawn sky and the gray-blue of the morning pale.

The pain had vanished with the cold of the early hour and Maya trudged heavily towards the gate, feeling her body’s new weight but refusing to look down. It was only when she passed by the darkly reflective windows of the old school building that she lost the will to avert her eyes, only to have them widen instead at what she saw. The woman in the window was still Maya Katz, but grown plump and curvaceous. Her body looked soft, but sensual while her pale rounded face was adorned with not-unattractive dark lipstick and eye shadow.

“……Holy shit.” She said, pawing at her newly cherubic face.

It was a face that she recognized in more ways than one. The features were hers, but the softness and clarity of her skin was that of the former Rebecca Winslow. Maya guessed that her body’s new proportions and size were stolen from her as well. Though not her intention, Maya couldn’t help but be pleased with the result.


“This……” She said, delirious with giddy delight and surviving the ordeal once more only to come out even better for it.

“This is the fucking best!”



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