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The following Tuesday morning was a welcome event for Miri. For several nights and the days that preceded them, she had been fretting non-stop about the state of her home or appearance, dreading what her mom was going to think of it when she had arrived. Now that Lori had already come and gone, the green-eyed girl was finally able to sleep well into the afternoon, as had become her custom whenever no one was there to heckle her awake.

It was around 1:30PM when Miri's stomach began growling and aching, the empty feeling being nearly the only thing that could rouse her from bed outside of another person's intervention. She lay under her blankets, awake but eyes closed as she pondered what would be quick and easy in the kitchen, unwilling to spend the time and effort it would take to actually cook something.

Miri laid there in bed for another 30 minutes before actually throwing her legs over the side of the mattress, forcing herself to sit up as she brushed the tangle of hair out of her face. She lifted her hand to her chest, pressing and pinching the soft layer of skin there as she attempted to convince herself to give whatever she had in the house a chance before taking her new car to grab some chili cheese fries from the diner. For a moment, she thought about what her recent ritual of eating fast food for breakfast would do to her figure, feeling her chubby belly resting warmly on her thighs as she leaned slightly forward in bed before getting up to find decent clothes.

"Well, at least I know where I get my appetite from," she thought aloud as a memory image of her mom's fatter, but similarly shaped waist flashed in her mind.

Miri tugged the lip of her lacy, red panties over her stomach, smoothing out the line from her thighs to her waist, then grabbed a mostly-clean purple tee from the basket of laundry she never quite seemed to get around to folding. Even on the off chance that she did however, the piles would sit folded on her bed as she became distracted by tv and would eventually wind up on the floor or back in the basket as Miri binge watched whatever show she'd been into, eagerly trying to catch up to Tawny and Megan so she could talk about it with them.


Miri grabbed a crumbled pair of jeans from the side of the bed and wiggled from side to side as she pulled them up, feeling the waistband material from yesterday's outfit stretch to accommodate her as best it could. Even as a skinny teen she'd had some difficulty finding pants that fit her somewhat disproportionately wide hips, but as she progressed through high school, she found that her weight gain had only added to the problem.
Now, the plump college student required a belt to tighten the loose denim above her ass since her hips and butt jutted out much further than her waist did, creating a gap that one could see her underwear through if they looked down into it. Even as she tightened the thin black strip of leather, she felt the denim pull downward towards her, still exposing the small of her back while simultaneously pressing into the thick ring of fat around her hips and waist, giving her a generous, flabby muffin top in the front and sides that consisted of a large roll around her belly button and a smaller, thinner one beginning to form just over it.

Looking into her mirror, Miri lifted her arms in the air and watched as her shirt rose about an inch or two, exposing some barely tanned skin, but not so much that she felt the need to change. She checked for any blemishes before washing her face in the bathroom sink, then applied some light makeup to darken her eyelashes, and finally brushed her long, stick straight hair out of it's unkempt state. Miri decided to forego the shower both due to an impatience for being hungry as well as wanting to keep the natural oils in her hair from washing out. She posed and took a few selfies on her phone, happy with her brilliant white smile and the glossy shine of her hair.

With her morning rituals complete, she threw on a pair of latticed black sandals, grabbed her keys, and headed out the door.
The BMW drove as she remembered, having had to ferry her mom around whenever she didn't feel like driving, which was fairly often. Again, Miri's resentment flared up, irritated that while she had had to walk nearly everywhere she went, Lori couldn't be bothered to be the one to drive herself to her own appointments.

"Fucking lazy." She muttered, still relishing in the comfort of the vehicle and delighted that she herself didn't have to walk all the way down to the mall area to get something to eat.
It dawned on Miri that she should be thankful for her mom's generosity considering that was why she could drive in the first place, but that soon devolved into an irritated notion that Lori wasn't being generous at all. It was more than likely, the young woman realized, that her mom had simply wanted to buy a new car since she didn't have to pay for another person in the house, but didn't have a place to put her old one.
Miri's driveway just happened to be a convenient place.

After finding a parking space, Miri made a beeline for the cafe, reluctant to be in the heat or deal with the afternoon sun for longer than she wanted to, which basically meant at all. Soon, she came upon Alice's, the reasonably sized almost-restaurant that she and Megan had visited before. Miri chastised herself for not paying enough attention to remember the name of the establishment more than it's general location.

Stepping inside, she felt the warm, humid air hit her and drown her in the smell of meats, cheeses, and sauce. Smiling, she hungrily stepped forward into the line, marginally distressed at the three or four people ahead of her. After a few seconds of standing around, she noticed a plastic bench protruding from the dividers and opted to give her legs a rest, somewhat tired and aching slightly  from her walk from the parking lot. In high school, standing and walking for hours just came with the territory of being a kid, and as Miri thought back to those days, standing in front of the school or on the school track, she recalled how absolutely oblivious she was to just how much legwork the adults had been forcing kids to do.

"Fucking ridiculous." She thought out loud, muttering under her breath. Feeling the relief in her puffy legs, she sighed, recalling the increasing difficulty of being constantly on her feet  as she finished her thought.

"Luckily, that's not me anymore."

The line began moving, and Miri hoisted herself up from her seat, looking around the restaurant and observing it's patrons as she did so.
Virtually every person sitting at a booth enjoying a meal or standing at the soda fountain refilling a cup was impressively obese. She saw a married couple sitting nearby with several plates surrounding both of them as they eagerly dug in, still laughing and chatting with their young and fairly still-thin kids, a boy and a girl, who also had large, albeit smaller meals in front of them.
Miri looked across the room to a wide pair of brunette women who stood facing the counter, their many rolls of back fat pouring out of their matching exercise shirts.


Even though she'd let herself get a little pudgy over the years, Miri reasoned with herself that she was still nowhere near as obese as anyone in town.
The smallest person in the entire building aside from Miri herself was the cashier she'd spied during her first visit, already showing the results of working around food all the time and prompting Miri to again verbally confirm her earlier suspicions.

"Someone is looking especially round today..." she trailed off quietly as she stepped up to order.

"Hi! Welcome to Alice's, what can I get you today?" The cashier said in a sing-song voice, flashing a smile as she did so.

The girl appeared to be in her late teens and vaguely of Hispanic origin. Mixed, Miri figured as her eyes momentarily dropped to her name tag.


"Monkey?" Mori asked quizzically, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes.

"It's Monica, but yeah." The girl responded cheerfully.

Miri tilted her head backward and slowly nodded.
"Ohhh. I was confused for a sec, I'm sorry. Can I actually get an extra large child cheese fry with sour cram and extra avocado?"

"Sure thing! And it's cool. Happens like every day," laughed Monica.

"Z'at gonna be all?"

"Uhhh...." Miri thought for a moment, staring up at the menu.
"Actually can I also get a breakfast burrito with that? Combo please."

"Suuure thing....." Monica drawled slowly as she typed in the order on the cashier's screen before looking up again.
"I like the breakfast burrito too. They're a little greasy, but who cares, right? I've had one like, almost every day since I started working here."

Miri had to hold herself back from being catty and picking at the genuinely sweet girl in front of her, but even so, she couldn't deny her willingness to believe Monica's claim. Her smokey black hair looked a little greasy from the environment, matted down and pulled into a messy ponytail. She had a honey tan and a tiny mole just off the side of her lip that was indeed cute, but offset by the puffy roundness of her cheeks that continued down below her chin which was threatening to double should her diet stay the same.

Walking away, the supple Asian narrated her thoughts yet again as she filled an extra large soda cup.

"That girl just can't control her appetite."
A second thought hit her as she capped her cup and pictured the rest of the patrons in her mind.

"No one here can, apparently. No wonder everyone is so fat."

As she looked up, she saw once more the family of four, both parents greedily stuffing their faces   while their husky children did the same as if their second (or third) burgers were going to vanish if they weren't eaten fast enough.
Peering around the corner, a massively round-bellied girl appearing to be in her early twenties with short bleached-platinum hair and heavy eye makeup stared at a single milkshake surrounded by two empty plates covered in garbage and another empty milkshake glass. She was panting heavily, causing her enormous stomach to press into the booth table when she breathed, unbuttoning several buttons on a pair of black jeans before sighing heavily and reaching for the shake.

Miri stood at the counter, continuously sucking on her straw as she waited for her food, silently judging Monica as she buzzed back and forth between the grease vats and cash register, sneaking handfuls of fries here and a chicken strip there, playfully putting her finger to her lips when she turned and saw the soda-buzzed Korean.

"Jeez she's gotten big," Miri stated flatly, noting Monica's fuller figure compared to the last time she'd seen her.

The cashier had exhibited a potbelly before, but now it had swelled forward impressively, filling out her uniform shirt and straining her belt as it attempted to hold the last inch of fabric beneath her slacks. While Monica's legs remained soft, but fairly thin, her upper arms had grown spongy and thick, causing small splits in the sides of her short sleeves. Her belly seemed to have taken most of the weight, leaving her formerly disproportionate bust looking less prominent, but emphasizing the cashier's thick double chin.


Unsurprised, Miri shook her head and sighed.
"Looks like everyone who eats here gets huge.

The last statement gave her pause. She had gotten so caught up picking on everyone else, she'd accidentally criticized herself; a mistake she'd been making too often for her liking since moving into town. She reasoned that she wasn't exactly thin either, she wasn't as big as everyone else.

In an attempt to ease her conscious and deflect her shame she recanted, sighing, "But at least I'm not fat like THAT."

The catty remark did indeed make her feel better about her size, recalling how much thinner Monica had been than her on their first meeting, and how insecure Miri had been about her own quivering belly mushrooming over the shorts she barely fit into since she'd quit running before the move.

Now, seeing the thinnest girl in town having grown too big to tuck in her shirt was immensely satisfying.

She received her order and sat down with a happy grin, biting her lip slightly as she spaced out two orders of chili cheese fries and their matching breakfast burritos.
Pausing momentarily, Miri contemplated whether or not she would be able to finish all of what she had set in front of herself and just what it would do to her figure.

Excited and salivating, she reasoned quickly that she could always save the leftovers for later. She rolled her eyes at her own moment of guilt, reflexively chastising herself for going from a tiny and trim teen who only ate two meals a day and never over 1000  calories to an overweight college student binging on cheese and greasy potatoes.

The thought was dismissed as quickly as it came and Miri took several euphoric bites, eagerly awaiting the next

Miri waddled her way out to the parking lot, stuffed to the gills and wrapped up in a delirious food coma. She felt her heavy belly  drooping downward in front of her and sighed. The gluttonous Asian girl looked down at her belly, suddenly very aware of how fat she’d let herself get. But instead of anger and resistance, she simply patted her flabby gut in resignation.


"Oh well. Better get used to it. It's not like I'm gonna be losing weight anytime soon."



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