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Mia’s wedges clopped loudly as she waddled her way across the floor of Aura Inc.’s shiny floors. She expected the place to be more cold and clinical than it actually was. Much of the building was furnished warmly with polished wood floors instead of the clacky, sterile tile flooring she’d expected. The place looked cozy and comforting despite it’s brutalist exterior. There was a short haired blonde woman sitting at the reception desk typing away contentedly on her phone. She wore an exceptionally professional white blazer, but underneath it was a burgundy tie with no undershirt that gave her a sort of tomboyish, playful vibe to offset her otherwise corporate image.


“Hey there, excuse me..” Mia began. She had a sweet voice and spoke melodiously; a facet of herself that she’d either intentionally or unintentionally charmed many people with over the course of her lifetime.

“Oh hey there! Welcome to Aura Inc., my name is Samantha, how can I help you?” The woman piped up happily.

“Hi, my name is Mia Bradly? I made an appointment online a couple days ago for today at 2pm.” Mia said politely to mask her nervousness.

Samantha opened up a file on the desktop computer and began clicking and typing for a second or two before saying aloud “….Yep. Mia Bradly, I have you for the romantic immersion therapy at 2. Your room will be the last one on the left. Remember to take your shoes off before you get into the bed and follow all procedures listed on the wall to the letter. The doors will remain locked until your time is up, so feel free to take your time and get comfy while inside.”

Samantha smiled and looked Mia up and down. “We’ll get you all fixed up in no time. Soon you will know exactly what you want and who you want to be.”

The sentiment was supposed to be sweet, Mia assumed, but something about the way she said that last part sounded a little ominous. Still, Trinh swore by the place and was looking better than ever so Mia was more than willing to take the chance if it found her some confidence and a new boyfriend.

The room was easy enough to find. It was right at the end of the first hallway just as described, but it was what was inside that surprised Mia most. A massive, luxurious looking bed took up a good portion of the room while a nightstand with a pair of headphones on a charging pad sat next to it. She stepped inside the room and closed the door, a sudden rush of giddiness and excitement coursing through her as the feeling of security within a strange new place put a happy wiggle into her hips and a smile on her face. On the wall was a list of rules and procedures to follow in order to begin the therapy session.

The rules were pretty straightforward: Don’t bring food or drinks inside, don’t break shit, no smoking, and keep the place as clean as possible. Procedures were equally simple: Put the headphones on, press the begin button on the remote, lay back, wait to be told your time is up.

“Seems simple enough.” Mia shrugged, unsure of how well the treatment was going to work. In truth, she hadn’t really done much research into what the treatment was. She skimmed over the specifics of the hypnotherapy blah blah blah posted on the company’s website, figuring that she’d just figure it out when she got to the place, but now sitting down on the bed and putting on the headphones, she wished she’d paid more attention.

“Welp.” She shrugged, a grim sense of determination twisting into a sideways grin. “Here goes…whatever.”


She laid down on the bed and hit play.

At first there were nothing but sounds. They were imperceptible at first, but then grew in intensity. Mia had expected to hear ocean waves crashing while a disembodied woman’s voice told her to “relax” and “go deeper” over and over until she got bored or fell asleep. Instead it was like she was being massaged by the sounds in her ears, lead by the percussive blearing as colors began to take shape behind her eyelids. Pink was first. Or rather, a dark burgundy. That soon bled into violet, then deep blue. The colors moved in front of her tiring mind like oil on water, sluicing and shifting without tangible shape. Then suddenly, Mia woke up.

She found herself on a city street, but not the likes of any she knew. There were people talking all around her, but everything was muted. Dreamlike. Mia could feel the sunlight on her skin, the cool air all around her, but that too was suppressed in favor of a tugging feeling towards the end of the street. Strangely enough, there were no cars on the road. Instead, people wandered the roads and sidewalks casually, blissfully unconcerned that anything could drive up and hit them.

Mia began walking as well, pulled forward by a nagging feeling like a taut, invisible string was connected to her chest and tugging her in a single direction. She passed by a café and felt her head automatically turn to look at a stunningly beautiful blonde sipping away at some bubbling drink.

(People around you notice your confidence)

There it was, Mia thought. The disembodied woman’s voice she’d expected to hear when she started the treatment now spoke to her, but still she couldn’t quite say she was actually able to really take it in properly. It was more like Mia’s body was moving on her own through a desensitized world and any thoughts she had were just background commentary. She felt like an observer in her own mind, watching and listening as another her made and followed through on decisions just as she would.

(They see you as beautiful and worthwhile and respond to it)

The blonde woman looked up, her tan face smiling subtly at Mia as she passed by. She was clad in a fancy white tanktop with puffy, shear sleeves that failed to reach her shoulders. It was clearly a fashion piece, Mia thought, but a pretty one. It showed off her impressive bust, which in turn only helped to frame her stunning face and dark eyes.


Mia felt herself move again, taking note of an attractive man watching her through the window of a sports bar across the street. He was good looking too, and also clad in white. He looked to be more blue collar, his white button down adorned by gray suspenders as he stared at her with a scrutinizing grin. His hair was a loosely combed tousle of blonde hair over Robert Pattinson-esque features that she didn’t find entirely displeasing.


Mia felt…vulnerable. For all her effort to the contrary, she felt uncomfortable having such a good looking man looking at her.

No, not looking, she realized. Staring. Watching.*Observing* her. Whoever he was, Mia felt like he was seeing into her mind and soul and not just her body, seeing the insecurities and flaws while still smiling all the same. It was unnerving, but she couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement at the idea off being so seen.

Mia felt herself waddle down the street, but without the exhaustion of a brisk pace at her size. She could no longer feel the quaking jiggle of her thighs and butt or the tugging droop of her belly. There was no sweating or aching no matter how far or long she walked. Indeed, there was no chafing.

(You are beginning a journey. A journey of self love and discovery)

“There are a lot of white people here.” Mia thought in her head, scanning the surrounding environment for a single person of color, but found none.

Instead, her eyes locked onto a scantily dressed woman with long brown hair in white. She was thicker than the other women on the street, all of which were clad in varying styles of snow white clothing. This one in particular made Mia slightly more comfortable in her own skin. Her arms were possessed of some visible flab and her back sported two visible creases below the shoulder blades before flaring into a gratuitously fat ass that rocked from side to side with every swaying step she took. She had nothing on the genuinely fat-enhanced dump truck of an ass that the supersized black woman carried, but it was entrancing to watch nonetheless. Where Mia was blobby and doughy, fat all over, this white girl retained the charm of wide hips and a big butt without completely giving up her slender figure entirely. She still had a shape, and it looked incredibly good to her unknown observer.


“What I’d give to look like that.” Mia thought casually, as simple as breathing.

(You are a confident woman who knows how to make herself desirable)

“I don’t know about that…” Mia thought aloud, hearing her own voice in the same way as the other without her lips ever moving.

“But this bitch definitely does.”

Before she realized it, Mia was following the girl with the big butt into a neighborhood. She was enthralled by the feeling pulling her towards the other woman, giving mindless chase while fixating on the two jiggling asscheeks the girl in white was putting on display.

Eventually the woman rounded a corner and disappeared into a house. Mia moved towards her, almost frantic to catch up as the anxiety of being all alone returned to her.

(You know how to display your strengths, and know when simply being yourself isn’t enough)

“I know I’m not enough. That’s why I’m here.” Mia huffed, suddenly feeling the weight of her body return as the house grew further and further away, the road stretching infinitely in front of her.

(You know that you are not good enough. You need to change if you are ever going to find someone who wants you)

Mia huffed and puffed in agony, a cramp forming under her long buried rib. She tried to reach for the spot to soothe it even slightly, only to sink her hand into nearly a foot of thick, squishy flab. Everything hurt and as she watched her goal move further and further out of reach, she felt only shame. She sobbed and snarled at the ground, defeated.

“GOD DAMMIT!!!” She yelled, feeling the pavement burning against her plump fist.

(Happiness comes to those who deserve it. You are not good enough)

The voice echoed in her mind as the world spun around her, just as serene and pleasant as it had ever been.

(You need to be more. You need more)

“I need it. Please, I need more…” Mia sobbed. In truth, she didn’t even feel sad. Her body simply went through the emotions and sensations on it’s own as she watched, her consciousness fading.


The sudden sound nearly scared Mia out of her skin. She jumped in the bed, her arms flailing with balled fists as she tried to repel whatever it was that was attacking her.

“Miss Bradly? It’s Samantha. Your time is up. Please place the headset onto the charger and exit the room at this time.

Samantha’s voice was clear as crystal. Mia sat up and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. She remembered the treatment being dreamlike, but couldn’t for the life of her remember what exactly it had been about. She knew there was peace, excitement, fear, even something sexy had happened, but none of the specifics would come to her mind. It was an exciting feeling. Climbing out of bed, Mia felt…confident, she thought. She placed the headphones on the charger and looked into the mirror, fluffing her bouncy black curls and smiling at what she saw.

“Still….I suppose that’s not enough, is it?”

Her reflection didn’t look *horrible* she realized, but she definitely could have been doing more to look better. Dome foundation and concealer would hide her pores. A little lipstick wouldn’t hurt either. Ideas flooded to her mind about her hair, leaving her glowing with inspiration. She walked out of the room and smiled.

“So, how was it?” Samantha asked, smiling.

“It was incredible. I don’t even know what really happened but I feel INCREDIBLE.” Mia gushed, using her arms to fully emphasize her elation.

“Excellent!” Samantha beamed. “So I take it we’ll be seeing you again soon for another appointment?”

“Oh absolutely!” Mia said emphatically. “I need to do this again, and soon. Count me in for the end of the week.”

“Can do!” Samantha smiled, her beautiful face shining with enthusiasm.

Mia couldn’t help but smile as the blonde receptionist plopped into her chair cutely and began typing in Mia’s next appointment. She flicked her hair backwards, revealing a little red heart tattoo just beneath her ear just long enough for Mia to notice.

“Alright Miss Bradly. Welcome to Aura Incorporated.”

Sounds of tiny glass bottles clicking filled the bedroom as Mia sat on her bed with her hair pulled up and a makeup brush in her hand. It’d been so long since she had even bothered with trying to wear makeup even just to look nice. She twisted and turned, posing in the mirror for herself, giggling with glee. Aura Inc. had already left her completely inspired and rejuvenated after just one session, she thought. What would ten sessions be able to do?

She finished dusting under her eyes with a purple eyeshadow and checked her work. It looked good, but she didn’t quite feel happy with the depth of color just yet.

“Hmm….”Mia said, putting more product on the brush and smiling into the mirror.

“I think this will be good for me.”



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