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*Chelsea Richter, age 18

“Oh my god, are you SURE?!”

So lately my mom and I have been getting along pretty well. It’s not quite like when I was little and for like a few months last year, but it’s been pretty good. She was busy with her new boyfriend Greg, and I was more interested in getting out of the house to hang with my friends and maaaaaybe see if any of the guys from school were hanging around. 

What surprised me was that the moment I learned I was graduating high school with honors, they just sort of decided that I was an adult and even bought me a car. My mom is already pretty well off with her job, but Greg is apparently the senior plant operator for the local power company and makes like stupid amounts of money. So when I go to the mall now, Greg just hands me money. At first it was like fifty bucks, but that turned into one, and then two, and then THREE hundred dollars at a time. I wanted so hard not to like this guy at first  but my GOD I have NEVER felt so pampered.

My mom is especially happy about it. Not only does she get whatever she wants and we don’t have to worry about money, AND her daughter and new boyfriend get along….I definitely can see why she walks around like she’s blissed out all the time.
She’s also gotten fat. Like really fat. Greg is either into it or had somehow not noticed either, because he treats her exactly like he always has: Like a horny prince charming. I guess if your man likes how you look and you’re not upset about it, there’s really no reason to kill yourself trying to lose weight.

Honestly, at this point I am getting scared that I’m not going to find someone who loves me like that. Preferably without me having to gain like a hundred and fifty pounds to realize it. She doesn’t look bad at all, but I enjoy being trim and active and just a liiiiiittle teensy tiny bit slutty every once in a while. And a belly does not a seductress make. I would like to keep my body the it is.

.....Though a little more boobs and butt would be nice. 

And both Todde and Justin's exes were pretty curvy.

........I suppose I could stand to thicken up a little.

*Olivia Richter, age 33

“Yes Chelsea, that’s all for you!”

I am so incredibly happy lately. I had a very hard time growing up, and both my mother and my ex boyfriend have tormented me since I was old enough to talk back to people. It’s funny because I used to be such a little street rat but I turned out to be this like giggly mother hen. Whenever I tell Chelsea that I know what it’s like to have a hard life, she just kinda laughs and insists that I must have been better off than I imagined. I’m just like…”Yes Chelsea, PLEASE do tell me more about what I was like in 2003.” 

That’s why it was so funny that when she went through her little grumpy emo phase that she would get upset with me if I wasn’t upset when she tried to be edgy and rebellious. She’d act out or start sighing over and over and playing some cringey emo song right near where I was, insisting she didn’t want my attention. Like, really Chelsea? You’re gonna try to use the cringe against me? ME? The girl who basically LIVED in the New Age section of Barnes and Noble buying manga, spellcasting books, magic cards, and literally anything that had to do with Enya? You can’t out-cringe me, CHILD. I INVENTED  the cringe. But she eventually got over it and now she’s exactly the valley girl I kinda thought she was gonna grow up to be. 

I worry that Greg and I are spoiling her too much, but she’s also a straight A student and is about to graduate high school with honors. Her friends are sweet, if not kinda stupid, and the guys she hangs around are reasonably wholesome. She has those boys wrapped around her finger too, she’s just too insecure to notice it yet. She’s so well behaved and we have the money to do it, so we figure she deserves the reward. After all, what’s the point of working so hard if you can’t enjoy the rewards?
I myself may be enjoying a bit too much, myself. As it seems, I have gotten um….rather ROUND as of late and I am beginning to become slightly self conscious about it. Greg is great and is excited to see me every way he can, which is sweet, but I don’t feel as capable and outgoing as before. I am happier than I’ve ever been in my life and don’t get me wrong, being fat princess is a dream, but I personally don’t like feeling like I’ve gone soft. It makes me feel vulnerable.

Ughh, this is bullshit. How was I supposed to know that eating upwards of 4,000 calories by eating out twice per day every day and never exercising would SOMEHOW turn me into a fucking marshmallow?

Ehhhnnn…….I hate dieting so muuuuuuuuch.

…..My tits look AMAZING though.



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