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A little something special for my Slutty Tier patrons while I continue writing my other two stories. This is a shorter one involving two friends moving in together just as their lives were causing them to drift apart.

*Note: All characters are over the age of 18 and no sexual depictions of minors is intended or implied

March 22nd, 2023


Vicky Duke was a sweet, but troubled girl. Early on, she was fairly popular and outgoing, but as her classmates began to grow up and change around her, Vicky found it hard to leave behind the things she loved growing up. It wasn’t that other college students didn’t enjoy video games and anime. Not by a long shot. The real problem was that while other college nerds were chatting about My Hero Academia and Chainsaw Man, Vicky was still full into her Pokemon phase and acted as if she expected everyone else to love it as much as she did
It wasn’t that liking the pokeymans, Digimans, or Yugimans was all that unusual, but rather the extent how MUCH she liked them and how INTO her devotion to those fandoms was even in college. She would pretend to be various pokemon as a way of trying to be cute to her friends, though virtually all of them told her they found it annoying. Perhaps if she was more charismatic , she would come off as nerd-cute, but unfortunately nothing about the obese blonde weeb could be called elegant.

She claimed to have a split personality, and would pretend to switch between what she would passionately describe as the “sweet, innocent Vicky” and the cruel, powerful, demon queen Lucinda. Lucinda of course had no actual powers and would only ever appear at convenient times, but Vicky insisted she was real and demanded that everyone be afraid of her.

The most off-putting thing about her, as decided unanimously by the group that loosely called themselves her friends in that she always hung around them was her obsession with weird fictional romance, particularly around Wreck-It Ralph. If it wasn’t bad enough that she was 350 pounds, wearing loli dresses everywhere she went, and speaking in a cringey kawaii accent, Vicky was always trying to insert herself into some kind of shoujo love fantasy by naming herself as the main character and insisting that her new crush was the male lead, even if the guy virulently denied it. But no man could ever live up to her image of perfection: Wreck-It Ralph.

After seeing the movie and sequel over 50 times, claiming to watch them every weekend back to back, Vicky’s weird, horny obsession with the character was common knowledge even outside of her nerd circle. At one point, her Communications teacher had assigned the class to give 5 minute speech on someone they loved or idolized. Brimming with enthusiasm, Vicky walked up on delivery day to give a rousing speech about Wreck-It Ralph’s masculine superiority over all other video game mean, making sure to highlight such attractive qualities as his immense strength and his emotional vulnerability. She was cut off towards the end when her professor stopped her speech early, as she had begun discreetly trying to fondle one of her breasts as she began describing what it would be like to be married to Ralph and live in his arcade game world, but ended up pinching a nipple too hard and moaned on accident.

Needless to say, she was not welcome in that class after that.

Anyone with access to the internet had probably seen or heard about BexxiBae at one point or another. Initially, she had started off as a cute, tiny gamer girl who made her fame as a competitive Call of Duty player while her mom recorded her matches and posted them on youtube. Throughout 2018 to 2020, Bex had become the queen of Fortnight and had many popular videos in which she streamed herself playing games like Bendy and the Ink Machine or showing off impressive structure builds in Minecraft. Eventually, she became known as a dazzlingly beautiful and sexy woman, and her popularity skyrocketed.

While there was an outcry against the number of men obsessively objectifying and begging BexxiBae to start an Onlyfans the very second she was able, it really wasn’t that big a shock to anyone when she ended up doing it. Within 3 months, Bex was already making over $4000 every 30 days, but knew full well not to rely only on being pretty for too long. While she may have been a competent gamer and budding celebrity, Bex’s parents had instilled in her the importance of hard work and humility. She still lived in the same town, and vowed to use the money she received online to go to her college tuition and other bills until she graduated with at LEAST a bachelor’s. Despite this, her parents still made her life a living hell with their constant nagging about her public appearance and being known the world over as a slut who with a streaming channel.

Conveniently, her oldest friend had been eager to move out of her parent’s house and had offered on multiple occasions for the two of them to find an apartment together. Bex for her part wasn’t sure about the arrangement. Originally, she and Vicky had been inseparable. From pretending to be pokemon trainers to long hours spent trying to beat Twilight Princess in the dark of each other’s bedrooms during sleepovers, they were perfect for each other. But while Bex had matured and grown more sophisticated in both taste and personality, Vicky still acted like she did all her life, just in a bigger body. She always wore anime inspired clothes and spoke like a cringey otaku weeaboo non-stop, even as everyone around her distanced themselves from her. And for every year more beautiful and poised the dark-haired Bex became, Vicky had only grown fatter, dumpier, and ever more dorky looking.

Bex had turned down and delayed Vicky’s offer over and over again, but it didn’t stop her friend from pushing for it. Finally, Bex grew tired of her parent’s nagging and caved to the idea, figuring that she could at least get away from the bullshit while she worked on school and building up a bigger nest egg for her own place. At least living with Vicky, she would have an equal say in what went on, and that alone was worth putting up with Vicky’s pretend alter ego Lucinda Deathfang every once in a while. Even then, she and Vicky were still good friends and hung out a few times a month, which was more than Vicky could say about anyone else.

All in all, she was pleasantly surprised with the new living situation. While Vicky was messy and her cringey, obsessive weeb tendencies were definitely annoying, the two did manage to get along pretty well for the most part. Both girls kept to themselves most of the time, but would share meals or watch the occasional movie together. Bex even tried to help her friend get more subscribers by doing collaborative streams, but it soon became evident to both women that no one was interested in Vicky’s flabby body or screechy, grating mannerisms.
After the channel fell through, Vicky became depressed and stayed inside even more, constantly dredging through books of witchcraft and ordering hundreds of dollars worth of crystals with her financial aid money. Various charms and symbols adorned the apartment, several of which being little more than merchandise from various fandoms, but any attempt to remove them came with an accusation about disrespecting Vicky’s “religion.”

One day, after a particularly difficult day dealing with a few creepy fans trying to stalk her around the college, Bex returned to the apartment to find every lightbulb switched out for pink ones and the room completely dark save for some pink paint drawn into yet another symbol on the floor and Vicky chanting beside it with a small, pink dildo in her hand. As much as Bex initially wanted to walk out or demand to know what was going on, she instead quizzically and angrily stared at her roommate until she acknowledged her. Vicky looked up, but didn’t stop chanting, now creepily looking her friend in the eye and causing Bex to want to scream.

But she didn’t. Instead, she found herself panting in time to Vicky’s unintelligible chanting, and soon slumped down onto the couch in a manic, lazy, horny heat. She didn’t understand what was going on, but she felt her hand slipping unbidden into her panties while the other one worked the button and zipper on her jeans as she watched her roommate caress the tiny rubber penis in front of her.

“Do you want this?” Vicky asked, holding up the dildo. With every fiber of her being, Bex knew she wanted to leave. Her brain screamed at her to get up and walk away, but something in her groaned with pleasurable tenseness and she reasoned with herself over and over that just a few more seconds of this wouldn’t hurt. Instead of screaming, she nodded breathlessly and opened her legs.

Vicky approached and slid the toy inside of her friend, grinning maliciously through her glasses as she began to pump it in and out of the internet porn star. It didn’t take long for Bex to spasm and shudder as she bucked helplessly on the dildo, feeling vaguely alarmed at both the increase in arousal the orgasm had caused as well as the feeling of the dildo taking up more and more space inside of her. Each orgasm left her feeling emptier, more desperate to be filled by her fat roommate’s sex toy, feeling it grow in size as she came onto it time and again. Nearing her limit, Bex tried to tell Vicky to stop, but the obese nerd simply growled at her, demanding that she give her what she wanted and to not hold anything back, thus causing the superstar streamer to cum again and somehow engorge it further.
Eventually, Vicky removed the toy and both of them stared at it for a few seconds. It was fat and thick, with heavy balls filled with some kind of weighty fluid. The entire thing glowed from the inside, and Vicky stared at it greedily before dropping to the ground and forcing her fat pussy to take as much of it as she could.

As she impaled herself over and over, Bex watched with a strange sort of fear and sadness she couldn’t explain. She watched her roommate moan joyously, almost triumphantly as her flabby double belly plopped up and down onto a marshmallowy set of unshaven, cellulite dominated thighs and felt as if she were watching a boyfriend cheat on her. She imagined heartache and arousal of seeing her fiancee about to cum inside of her fat loser roommate, oblivious as to why she felt that way and too tired and helpless to do anything about it. She felt….empty. Hollow. And somehow….lesser for it.
Vicky however was having the time of her life, and before long, broke through her frantic moaning to demand that Bex watch her. The two made eye contact and Bex felt her heart sink into her chest and tears well up in her eyes as the toy began to churn and seemingly ejaculate pints of whatever fluid it had been filled with into Vicky’s seemingly endless womb with not a drop spilling out. As the blonde lay basking in the afterglow of pink light, she grinned at her devastated friend and asked “Aww, what’s wrong? You look absolutely drained.”

“I….don’t know.” Bex replied, hot tears streaming down her face.

“I feel…..like a glass or orange juice.”

Vicky laughed. “What the fuck? A glass of orange juice? What, did you go bad? Tip over?

“No…” Bex said, fighting to keep her eyes open as she slumped further into the couch.

“You drank me.”



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