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The Fashion Culture Of This World

Being in Ranunculus Royal Castle, there was something that slightly bothered me.

It's something that I'd actually felt at both Gladiolus Kingdom and Edelweiss Kingdom as well. These three countries are on the equator and have a pillar. Because it's on the equator, it's hot no matter when I come. That said, it's not hotter than the regions on the equator on Earth.

It might be because the distance between this planet and the sun is great, or the sun is small.

But, what's hot is hot. Everybody's outfit is thick in spite of that. Purposefully wearing long sleeves is something common in southern countries with intense sunlight.

But, I don't think their fabric is thick as well. As for why, I noticed that......

Everybody, reeks of sweat. Including the women. I'm sure they've ended up getting used to it and not noticing because that's how it is for everybody. But it's hard to go up to their faces and say, 'it stinks'. I wonder what I should do.

After having lunch in the castle, I invited Charlotte-kaa-sama to the balcony and tried asking her while pretending to look at the scenery.

"It may be rude to ask this after coming to Charlotte-kaa-sama's home country......"

"My! Rude, you say. You can ask me anything"

"Erm. I think maybe it is because the fabric of the people's outfits in the castle is thick, everybody is sweating a lot. Why, do you not dress lightly?"

"Aah. We reek of sweat huh. You are right, you know. I, too, am constantly thinking that I hate it. But that seems to be the same for Silvia-nee-sama and Julia-nee-sama's places as well"

"Is the fabric of the outfit, as I thought, thick?"

"It is also partially because of that, but I think the fault lies with wearing multiple layers"

"Why, is it such an outfit?"

"I do not know either. I think it is likely something that has been passed down as tradition"

"Then, I suppose you are not able to wear other outfits huh"

"Who knows? It might simply be because we do not know about them, you know. The brassiere has already been accepted after all. But the ladies might have ended up becoming unnecessarily hot though"

"Aah, you are right. There is the chance of heat rash forming at places where the brassiere makes contact huh "

"Eeh, exactly. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"No, I am completely clueless when it comes to garments. But if it is Earth's clothes, I think there are clothes that are comfortable even in the hot summer though"

"Are you going to procure it from your Earth's friend again like you did with the brassiere?"

"Ah! There's that approach huh!"

"Ahー, but, even if we have a sample, we do not know whether we can make it the same, right?"

"We should be able to since a clothing workshop in a big country like Ranunculus would also be skilled, no? We managed to make the brassiere in Campanula Kingdom's boutique after all"

"Then, shall we try asking every country? 'Is there any country that would like to use the Otherworld's clothes as a reference and make new comfortable clothes that match their country?'"

"What do we do about the countries that volunteer?"

"Yeah. We will give them Earth's apparel as samples. We could probably just have them create their own unique new apparel using that as a reference"

"That is a good idea huh. They might even come up with new dresses. I would most certainly like to ask you to do that!"

"Understood. Let's pay a visit to every country then, shall we"

I had Charlotte-kaa-sama talk about it to the King of Ranunculus, and I talked about it personally at Nemophila. I had the Moon Palace's ship relay a message to all the remaining countries.

Around the time Charlotte-kaa-sama and Otou-san returned to the Moon Palace, the responses from pretty much every country had been compiled. As expected, only the big countries and countries with a promising clothing industry answered that they want the samples.

After sending Otou-san and others to the Moon Palace, I returned to Nemophila with Teleportation right away.

I wrote a letter to my friend on Earth, Yamamoto. 

I want him to prepare Earth's Western clothes as samples since the clothing culture in the world on this side is behind. Stuff with northern countries and winter in mind, stuff with being directly on the equator and summer in mind, and also stuff in the middle. Men and women, top and bottom, innerwear and outerwear, 20 pieces each of all these for samples. And I want him to put a fashion magazine in as well.

The box size needed to transport them in one go, and since I think Yamamoto's room will probably not work because that box is surely going to be huge, I want him to designate a different place. Also, I wrote that I want him to choose a place I can remember. And, how many pieces of the gold coin I sent previously it will cost. How many days it will take for him to get the items ready. So on and so forth.

I wrote these requests and questions, designated a time and date since I'll pull his response over again, and wrote that I'd like him to put it in this envelope and place it on the table.

I then sent the letter to Yamamoto's house with Telekinesis.


Now then, all that's left is to wait for his response.

Since there were many various requests, I designated it to be a week later. I then pulled the letter over at the date and time I designated with Telekinesis.


On top of my hand, the same envelope as the time I sent it appeared. The pieces of writing paper probably increased. It's clearly thicker than when I sent it.


Aoi Masamichi-sama

It looks like you are doing well huh.

You turned 6 years old(31 years old) huh.

I went and chose the clothes in a huge panic. I counted on Miss Takashima from the same department for the female things, and she accepted it readily. She's rooting for Aoi as well after all, and she's looking forward to hearing the stories of the world on that side.

Also, since Miss Takashima was saying that it's better to not only put in clothes, but thread and fabric samples as well, I left it to her.

Regarding the container to use for transportation, since it will be about 40 cardboard boxes, I would like it to be 2 meters wide and 3 meters tall. If we are talking about a place that Aoi knows and is spacious, I can only come up with the hospital's rooftop.

Considering the possibility of rain, there is the need to keep the time you send the box over until you send it back to your side again to the shortest huh. It'll be troublesome if we're seen by the security guard as well after all.

4 pieces of the previous gold coin will do for the cost. Miss Takashima was saying that she's going to make one piece into her own collection.

The transportation date will be the first of April at 18 o'clock. We will fill the container in an hour, so please collect it on the same day at 19 o'clock.

Also, I'll put in a digital camera, so please take pictures of Aoi's family, the land that floats in the sky, and the orbital elevator and send the SD card to me. I'll take a picture of us who aged by 6 years, so look at it with the camera's LCD.

If you also want to print the pictures you took, I'll send a printer over as well. Since the power sources don't feel like they'll be compatible, I'll search for a higher voltage converter as well. Please tell me if there's anything else you want, like a computer or whatnot.

One more thing, about the world on that side, since I have a guy who seems to know such things in detail amongst my university schoolmates, I tried indirectly asking about it; the guy was saying that it might be something called a 'parallel world'.

Basically, it's just a different dimension, and Earth and the world on that side are right beside each other?, so it seems. In the past, I wouldn't believe something like that even if I heard about it, but now, I go, 'that must be what it is'. Well, I don't know the details though.

Lastly. Please write a letter more frequently. I can't contact you from over here after all, and everybody, is fidgetily wanting to know about the world on that side.

Well then, I will be waiting on the first of April.


Yamamoto Takuya

Aside from the writing papers, there's a clothing manufacturer's quotation inside. Digital camera and computer huh. I wonder if they'll be useful for something if I have them?

Immediately, I requested Nemophila's carpenter and had them create a large wooden crate to use for transportation.

After giving it some thought, I decided to write a letter to Yamamoto again and have him send a laptop and a printer, photo paper and normal paper, and a converter as well. I added 2 more pieces of large gold coin. And then, I put the full cost of 6 large gold coins into this envelope and sent it.

And then, on the first of April at 18 o'clock. I teleported the large wooden crate to the rooftop of the university hospital where I had worked.


The box that was in Nemophila Royal Castle's courtyard disappeared.

An hour later, I pull it over from Earth this time around. Since it should be incredibly heavy, I concentrated more than I ever had and pulled it over.



The wooden crate appeared with a heavy-ish sound. Looks like the transportation is a success. I tried slightly pushing it with my hand, but it's so heavy that it doesn't even budge. It's probably jam-packed inside.

It's a door on one side of the wooden crate. When I opened the crate, it was packed tightly with cardboard boxes. Country names were written on the boxes largely with a marker. I'd written the names of the countries that I would be sending them to in the letter beforehand. They probably also thought it's easier to differentiate it that way.

From within, I took out the two boxes with 'Nemophila (Men) 'Nemophila (Women)' written on them and tried checking out what was inside.

First, it's the women's. Suits, coats, ensembles, down jackets, wedding dresses, fleeces, sweaters, maid outfits, one-pieces, mini skirts, blouses, jeans, nurse gowns, underwear top and bottom sets, several types of girdles, several types of hats, socks, pantyhoses, pumps, high heels, boots, and even sandals. There were so many inside that I went, 'it's impressive that they managed to gather all this'.

For the men's, there are suits, dress shirts, neckties, coats, leather jumpers, sweaters, jeans, jerseys, work clothes, doctor gowns, underwear, t-shirts, aloha shirts, several types of hats, socks, belts, boots, leather shoes, sneakers, sandals, and whatnot.

Furthermore, there are even samples of several types of fabric and threads, buttons and fasteners, and even hooks inside.

Other than that, the fashion magazines were divided into men's and women's, and there were also pattern papers and books on how to make Western clothes.

It's perfect. This is the work of Miss Takajima. Her work is always perfect. Her attentiveness and planning where she goes, 'if you're doing this, then you'll need that. If you have that, then this is also necessary.' are perfect. I really appreciate it.

After that, I distributed these Earth's clothes samples to the 20 odds countries that needed them.

I lined up the clothes and shoes on the large table in the reception room and explained how they are used along with their characteristics one by one for every country.

The garment-makers are a given, the Kings and Queens, the Princes and Princesses, all of them were opening their eyes widely in shock, and then they were struck with admiration. It took about 2 hours per country, and I spent a week going around the 20 odds countries.

I decided to take just 10% for the proposer fees when it comes to all the garments. It'll certainly become an enormous sum of money in the future, but I kinda thought they could have some use for it hereafter.

I went around the various countries, and while I was at it, I went and took the pictures Yamamoto asked for. I took pictures of the various countries' castles, shrines, and pillars, and though I don't know if it'll show or not, the orbital ring as well with the biggest magnification just in case.

I took tons of pictures such as the Moon Capital floating in the sky seen from Campanula Kingdom's Gloriosa boutique, the Moon Palace, which I floated in the skies and took like an in-flight photo, the Moon Palace's large-scale ship, my father and his seven wives, Okaa-san and me, and Kohaku and Ar and I in a row.

I went around the various countries, and now that things have settled down, it's time for the digital camera, computer, and printer.

All of them had significantly advanced from the ones when I was alive. The laptop became thinner, and the digital camera also became capable of filming high-quality videos.

In the set is a camera's tripod, a light, a battery converter, and also a voltmeter, and while they're at it, there's even a small-sized projector. I guess he's telling me to look at the photos with everybody.

First, I'll start up the digital camera and browse the taken photos on the LCD screen. First, it'll start with the photos Yamamoto took. At the moment, behind me, Okaa-san, the three maids, and Stellaria are taking a look together.

"Tsukuyomi. What is that?"

"This is something called a camera. It captures scenery, people, and whatever is there and saves it"

"I do not quite understand"

"Let me show you since my friends on Earth are captured inside"

The first photo. Yamamoto and Miss Takajima are standing in front of the hospital.

"Uwaa! There are people!"

"This is a photo. These are my friends and fellow doctors, Yamamoto and Takajima"

"Are they still young?"

"Both of them are 31 years old. And they are both not married yet"

"Eh? Then, does it mean Tsukuyomi also had an appearance that is around this age as well?"

"It was 6 years ago that I lived in the world on that side, so I think it would be younger though"

"But is that not an adult!"

"I mean, yeah. I was an adult, you know"

"What is this large castle at the back?"

"That is not a castle. It is the hospital that I had worked in. It is something the same as the shrine over here"

"It is that big? How many floors are there?"

"Erm, if I remember correctly, it had 12 floors"

"12 floors? It sure feels like you will end up getting exhausted if you climb that many stairs huh"

"No, there is the ascension-descension device like the ones at the ships and pillars, so we do not climb up and down the stairs, you know"

"Hooー, that is amazing huh"

The second photo.

Looks like Yamamoto bought a new car; it's a photo he took in front of that car.

"It is again, the same person huh. Is that a ship behind him?"

"It is a vehicle that runs on the ground called a 'car'. It does not fly in the skies. It is something the same as a small-sized ship on the inside"

"It runs on the ground huh. How strange"

It's strange? Yeah. That's what you would think if the common sense is different huh.

The third photo.

It's apparently a photo of when he went to Akihabara. There are many people captured in the vicinity.

"What is with this number of people!"

"Everybody, has black hair! Their faces also somehow feel similar"

"Their outfits sure are strange huh! Their skirt is so short! Their legs are showing, you know!"

"The building at the back is shining. I wonder what it is?"

"This is what I meant when I said, 'you will end up bumping into people if you don't avoid them while you walk'"

"There really are tons of people huh. It looks like there are more men"

"Yes. This place most likely, has more men"

"It is amazing!"

"How about I take a picture of everybody then. Please line up over there"

The 5 of them lined up with the three maid between Okaa-san and Stellaria.

"Now then, I will be taking your photo! Here I go!"


"Now, that box just said something!"

"Haha. That is the shutter sound. Now then, this is the photo I just took"

"Uwaーーh! I got inside!"

"My! What is going on?"

"Is this alright! It is scary"

"Everybody, it is alright. I just captured how you looked just now"

Now then, it doesn't do any good to surprise them too much, so I guess I'll keep it at this.


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