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Memories That Were Brought Back

I took out the computer and printer from the package I received from Yamamoto.

A computer and printer huh. But, first and foremost, it's the power source.

"Nina. Could you tell the Head Maid to call an engineer who knows about this lamp's Light in detail over for me"


A woman who is called a 'Light engineer' showed up after a while.

"I am sorry to keep you waiting. How can I help you?"

"I want to use Light like this lamp; is it possible to lay another one of this wire?"

"Yes. The Light Wire huh. Where should I lay it"

"Then, all the way to this table please"

"Understood. Please give me a moment"

Saying that, the Light engineer woman removed the cover on the wall where the lamp's cord was coming out. She changed the parts inside, installed a part with 2 wires coming out instead of 1, and closed the cover.

After extending the Light Wire all the way to the table from there, she cut it with a pliers-like tool. It's totally the same as an electrical cord. It'll be a great help if there's a plus and a minus on the inside.

"And what would you be connecting to this Light Wire?"

"Aah, please let me have a look at that wire for a bit"

"Yes. Here you go"

"Aah, as I thought, there are two huh. Can I borrow the tool just now?"

"Eh, are you able to use it?"

"Eeh, I think I likely can"

It came out slightly when I stripped off the cord's tip and pulled the two wires with the pliers. The voltmeter pointed to about 200 volts when I tried connecting it to the voltmeter. The converter seems usable since the input writes 'up to 240 volts'. I immediately connected the 2 wires to the converter, and the green light lit up.

"Alright, with this, it looks like I can use it. Thanks. I appreciate it"

"Ye-, yes. I am honoured to be of help. I will excuse myself then"

Because there were four outlets on the converter, I was able to plug in the laptop's AC adapter, the printer, and the digital camera's charger.

I immediately loaded a photo paper in the printer, and after that, I read the instructions, connected the digital camera, and printed the photo of the five of them just now.

The printer is printing the photo while making whirring sounds. Everybody is staring intently at it. The photo paper is then spat out from the printer. I show everybody that photo.

"This is the photo I took just now"

"Uwah! What is this"

"Did it draw it? But this does not look like a drawing"

"It is extremely beautiful!"

"It is interesting, right?"

"Yes. It is interesting!"

I then power up the computer. All the set-up had already been completed when I did. The photo of the wallpaper displayed on the LCD monitor was a photo of the members of the medical department I belonged to gathered en masse at the nurse station. Everybody is facing over here with a smile and posing with peace signs and thumbs-ups.

"Aah, Miss Takajima, Doctor Kimura, Professor Aoki, Okamoto-san, Doctor Igarashi, Watanabe-san, and Yamamoto!"

I saw their smiling faces, called out their names, and unwittingly teared up. The tears that flowed ceaselessly trickled down my cheeks and fell onto the table. I stopped moving then and there and simply kept on crying.

Upon seeing the image of the hospital, the faces of my friends, the memories of fighting Mai's sickness with her ended up being brought back.

Okaa-san hugged me tightly from behind silently. The maids and Stellaria softly stood up from their seats and quietly left the room.

"Sorry. Okaa-sama"

"There is nothing to apologise for. It ended up coming back to you huh. It is alright to cry without holding back when you are sad, you know"


I wonder how much time has passed since then. I was hugged tightly on Okaa-san's lap before I knew it. I turned to Okaa-san again after wiping my face raspingly with my hands,

"Okaa-sama. I, am fine now. My apologies for worrying you"

"Tsukuyomi. I will always be watching you, always be by your side"

"Thank you"

I then started rechecking the laptop's content.

I take a look at the desktop's icons. There was a photo folder when I did. There was a tremendous number of photos inside when I opened the folder. I take a look at the photos inside, and they're apparently places and activities inside the hospital related to me.

It seems they're not all just taken by Yamamoto when I take a look. There were even photos I believe were taken by Miss Takajma and the nurses.

As I was viewing it in a slideshow, something took me by surprise. I stop the slideshow and go a few photos back.

When I did, in that photo was, Mai and me.

It's a photo we took in the hospital. I don't remember when the photo is from. I hurriedly check the photo's property, and the file's date, which I believe is the date of the photograph, indicates 8 years ago.

In other words, it's when we were 23 years old. I'm in a white gown, but it was when I was still a fledgling doctor, and Mai's condition still hasn't taken a turn for the worst. Maybe that's why, both of us were still cheerful. But I don't remember who took this at all. I enlarged that photo and looked at Mai's face for the first time in a long while.

It was at that moment. Some kind of an image surfaced in the back of my head. I can see a large field and a hill. The entire surface is filled with yellow flowers like a carpet. A white horse walks over slowly from there.

An adult woman and a girl were riding that white horse. I wonder if they're parent and child. It's a girl I've never seen before. She's still not big. I guess about 5 to 6 years old?

Her strawberry-blonde hair extends all the way to her back, and her eyes are red. It didn't feel like Earth from her outfit. I wonder if it's somewhere in this world. It gradually faded away until I could no longer see it as I was thinking about that.

I wonder what was that just now? But maybe it's thanks to that, it looks like I got through looking at Mai's photo without being that shaken.

"Okaa-sama. This is Mai and me in our previous world"

"My! This! Both of you have black hair huh"

"Eeh, for the most part, the people in this country have black hair with black eyes. There are also those with slightly lighter pigmentation though"

"How old were you in this?"

"I think we were likely, 23 years old"

"It was when you were a year, older than me currently huh. As I thought, you have an intelligent-looking face huh"

"More importantly. Are you alright looking at Mai's face?"

"Ah. E-, eeh, actually, just now, an unknown scenery and a female parent and child surfaced in my head right as I was looking at this photo. Maybe because I was distracted by that, I am alright for some reason"

"What kind of scenery was it?"

"Eeh, it is a field and a hill similar to this country's Nemophila Hill, but instead of Nemophila, yellow flowers bloomed on the entire surface, and a parent and child on a white horse were walking over from there"

"Yellow flowers? An entire hill of yellow flowers during the autumn is it......it is not Nemophila Kingdom huh. Could it be Tsukuyomi's previous world?"

"No, I do not think it is Earth. That girl's hair and eyes, were the same as Mira and Stellaria after all. You do not see that on Earth in the first place"

"My! Is that not a lady Tsukuyomi likes then!"

"Eh? What do you mean by that?"

"You like them, right? That hair and eye colour"

"D-, do I?"

I like Mira and Stellaria's hair and eye colour. Is it? I put it aside for now and looked at the computer desktop's icons again.

There was a folder named 'videos'. There are not only photos, but videos as well? I clicked on that folder, and there were folders divided into various genres. There were tons of videos inside.

For example, in the space folder, there are documentaries on the orbital ring, the space elevator, the journey to the comet, the formation of the solar system, the formation of Earth, and the space station.

In the vehicle folder, there are spaceships, aeroplanes, the bullet train, automobiles, ships, motorcycles, and even bicycles. Other than that, there were also animals, plants, agriculture, culinary, and medicine folders. The latest medical information was also compiled in their individual branches. This sure is a great help.

They probably gathered it thinking these videos may be useful in the world on this side. By the way, there are movies and anime as well. Maybe I'll watch it with everybody one day. The projector was for the sake of this huh.

I titled the photo I took myself with the computer. There were more than 100 photos. I left a copy of the photo on the computer and sent a letter with the SD card to Yamamoto. There were 5 whole extra SD cards to use for the digital camera.

In the letter, first, it's my thank you for the clothes. I then informed him that I managed to use the computer and printer without any problem, and also conveyed my thank you for the numerous photos and videos he saved for me on the computer.

I also wrote that I'll pull the letter back again in a week since they will probably have thoughts and questions upon seeing this picture, designated a date and time, and sent the sealed letter.

I pulled the letter over a week later. Inside the envelope, there was no letter, only an SD card.

I insert that SD card into the computer and check what's inside when Okaa-san, Stellaria, and the others are around. There was only a single video file inside. My hospital friends were shown when I played it.

One by one, they were having fun talking about their thoughts and questions about the photo I sent.

Every one of them was saying that they were impressed and jealous by how beautiful I was reborn.

There were some of them who were going on and on about how it's unfair or how it's cheating. But they all cheered me on at the end.

The next thing we have the most is, as I thought, the reaction to the photo of the Moon Capital that floats in the sky. Everybody saying how it's unbelievable, how it's beautiful was a given, but Yamamoto was talking as though he understood its mechanism.

He was running his mouth, saying his theory is that it's made of a ore that repels this planet's magnetic force as though it's all true. Nevertheless, he was quite impressed by the space elevator.

He told me he'd love for me to take that elevator all the way to space and film a video for him.

After that, Okaa-san was the most popular and was complimented as being extraordinarily beautiful. Okaa-san was listening to it while blushing bright red all the way to her ears. I found it amazing how they can understand each other at times like these.

The second most popular was Stellaria. As expected, Stellaria was praised a whole lot, saying she was cool, she was beautiful, and how they wanted to marry her, and she turned bright red as well.

The third most popular was Olivia-kaa-sama. They were saying how she's seductive, how she's sexy, and as expected, it seems the guys were done in by her adult woman's charm.

They also bombarded the group of three maids with the word cute, saying how it's like a café, how they're like idols.

I was requested by Yamamoto to film an interview video of us and send it over at the end of the video.

"Okaa-sama, my friend on Earth told me to send a video of our family; would it be alright?"

"Is a 'video' the moving picture we watched just now?"

"That is right"

"Just us?"

"I was thinking of having Stellaria and Nina and others join us as well since we are doing it"

"Yeah. I suppose it is fine if it is all of us"

"Okaa-sama. Could you wear your dress? Stellaria as well"

"Eh? Dress?"

"Me too?"

"I want you to dress up as beauties the likes of which they have never seen before and show off to them since we are doing it"

"That is......embarrassing"

"You will be seen anyway. In that case, is it not better to be more beautiful! Also, let's film outside where we can capture the castle. It will be brighter that way, and it will capture you more beautifully"

"Eh! Outside? Is that not unnecessarily embarrassing!"

"Then, let's do it like this. Nina and others will prepare for the filming outside first, and after Okaa-sama and Stellaria change into dresses, we will teleport outside with Teleportation. If we return to the room with Teleportation right after the filming is done, you will not be seen by anybody"

"I see. I guess it is okay if that is the case"

"Bu-, but I am not sure I should also wear a dress......"

"Stellaria. Please!"

"I-, if Tsukuyomi-sama asks me to, I will have no choice but to obey......"

"Sorry for forcing you. Stellaria. Thanks!"

"Is it alright for us to stay in this attire?"

"Mira. Sorry. There is, in a way, a demand for that appearance, you know"

"Demand? is it?"

"Yeah. It means you are cute"

"My! Cute, you say!"

"Earth's guys love cute girls like you three, you know"

"Thank you......"

I brought the three maids and went outside. I floated in the skies and went around the place, wondering where I could capture the castle at a beautiful angle, and I found a spot where I thought, 'this is it'.

I set up the tripod, fixed the camera, and had Nina and others line up with the castle behind them. I had them introduce themselves, starting with Nina.

"I am Tsukuyomi-sama and Armeria-sama's personal maid, my name is Nina"

Saying that, she slid her left leg to the back, pinched her skirt, and did a curtsy.

"I am Nemophila Kingdom, Marquis Teo Meyer's third daughter, serving as Tsukuyomi-sama and Armeria-sama's personal maid. My name is Mira Meyer"

This is also a marvellous greeting.

"I am Nemophila Kingdom, Marquis Noah Richter's second daughter, serving as Tsukuomi-sama and Armeria-sama's exclusive maid. My name is Lia Richter"

Un. Perfect. I suppose this will do for a prim and proper noble version.

"Then, I have a request for the three of you. Could the three of you line up and make the greeting pose just now while energetically saying, 'I am Nina! I am Mira! I am Lia!', starting with Nina"

"Ye-, yes"

"Then, 3, 2, 1, go!"

"I am Nina......I am Mira......I am Lia......"

"Ahー, your expressions are a bit stiff......could I ask you to give a more cheery smile? And, can you speed it up a little"

"Then, one more time. 3, 2, 1, go!"

"I am Nina! I am Mira! I am Lia!"

And then all 3 of them made the greeting pose.

"Alright! Nice. All three of you are incredibly cute!"

I wonder if I ended up going a little overboard because all three of them are too cute......


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