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Demon Lord's Horn



The Sword Saint is clearly in an abnormal state.

Did he go insane from the curse? Is it because of the Demon Sword he was using in the tournament? This is bad!

For Lucy-chan, I think she's normal on the inside, but when you hear the 'Demon Lord's gene' or 'curse', his state is more like it.

He comes off like he has Demonified; it's the feeling that his original personality has crumpled and yielded to his urges.

And then, I guess his targets are the Princess and I.

Did he make a wish to the cursed Demon Sword to 'fulfil his desires' before the tournament? and it stuck around?

"Alicia, over here!"

The positioning is bad! The Princess is standing by herself!



Ah, Alicia got caught!

"Sword Saint-sama, why!?"

"Please let go of Alicia-sama, Gromond-sama!"

Him 'catching' her, means he won't be engulfed in madness and kill her instantly? In his own words, he's saying that he'll rape her after all.

"Let Alicia go, Sword Saint"

I hold the 【Holy Sword of Rebellion】 and 『Mirror Shield』 in my hands respectively.

Is he in a state where it's possible to have a conversation? He may be the head of an organisation, but he has gone and done something that's an instant out if it's exposed.

I have a feeling that he's lost his senses since he clearly looks strange.

"Let go of the Princess, Gromond. This is the final warning"

Mayria holds her hand out in front and gives him a strong warning as such.

As for Lucy-chan, she's riding on Yuri's shoulders, in a threat display state. Yuri is taking her stance with her restraints off.

"Hahaahaa! I'm gonna rape this woman!"

"Mayria, I can't imagine it's still the personality of the regular Sword Saint"


Mayria and I signal with our eyes. If the target is the Princess, then the 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 is already configured.

It's not a one-on-one this time; it's a party battle. If there are other attackers, I'll direct all the aggro to myself and go on the defensive; it's a simple strategy.


"Oh Earth Clump!"

Mayria creates a golem and goes into her battle stance as well.

Sword Saint-wise, is Mayria's capabilities something to be wary of? I only managed to win through affinity advantage, so it's difficult to gauge her capabilities.


The Sword Saint, while still carrying Alicia on top of his horse, suddenly looks at Mayria silently.


Alicia, who was caught by the Sword Saint's thick arm, stops dead in fear.

The Sword Saint's eyes, were directed at me after he glanced at Alicia for an instant, and then he laughed.

How scary.

It's the smile of a real and unhinged Demonfolk; how scary.

"I'm gonna make the Princess mine, ya know, Hero-samaa?"



Huh!? The Sword Saint turns his horse around, and unexpectedly brings Alicia in the opposite direction of us! Yo-......, are you seriously running away with those capabilities and that entrance! Fight, Sword Saint!

"Mayria-sama, Hero-sama! Please save me......!"

Alicia's words were conveyed to us, who were half taken aback by those actions and froze.

Looking at how the first one she relies on is Mayria, her conquest is going less than ideal.

"Shinta-san, use your skill"

"If I transport her on top of a moving horse, Alicia will be thrown into the world on the other side at that speed; it's dangerous. I'll monitor them and send her to Japan and get her safe the moment the horse stops"


I was thinking, 'before it turns into an instant-death-ish situation', but the Sword Saint, who we don't know is sane or insane, straight-up kidnapped Alicia.

Bloody going the cliché event of abducting the Princess!

"His objective of going out of the way to kidnap the Princess is......to defile her?"

"In addition to being engulfed in miasma, he has that appearance. His desires have come out to the surface, and he is doing things that the usual Gromond-sama suppresses with his reasoning? is what it looked like"

'Desires', you say.

"......mayhaps he has the idea that, what hurts Shinta-san the most, is defiling Alicia-sama?"

We, despite being taken aback, get onto the carriage and prepare to chase after Alicia.

"Cuckolding huhh......"

I, too, am not in the position where I can say she is my 'most beloved', but she is a lover I put in the effort and built a relationship with; there is no way I don't have any possessiveness or attachment.

It'll probably take time for her to recover if I let her get traumatised. I may be able to protect Alicia's body with the Transportation Technique, but I can't overlook her getting traumatised either.

"I'm not gonna let you do as you like, Sword Saint"

I have my eyes on you even now. Don't you underestimate the skill-possessing Hero.

When having a cuckold play, you make it so that we can see Alicia losing herself after getting my permission!


"We just have to chase after this light dot on this *radar*, right"

"I'd think so. The radar, was functioning properly"

So that it's visible from the driver seats as well, the radar is slid to the front from its fixed position.

"Rather, what's with that fellow? Why did he become that strange?"

Yuri spelt out her thoughts.

"Don't know. ......is the Demon Sword he was using in the tournament the cause?"


I ask Mayria, a researcher of the Demon Lord's gene.

"Seeing how Gromond-sama's body had mutated, there should be no doubt that he took in the Demon Lord's gene into his body"

"That, can we return it to how it originally was?"

"......the current me does not have the technique to return that to how it originally was"


Well, if she can return that to how it originally was, Lucy-chan won't be having a hard time.

"That Demon Sword, I wonder where he acquired it from? I would imagine it got into a situation like that because of the Demon Sword used in the fighting tournament......"


The video of the Sword Saint carrying Alicia and galloping on his black horse, is being projected in my eyes.

Alicia being silent on top of the horse, is because her life will be in danger if she gets dropped at that speed.

But her expression isn't dead.

I suppose it wouldn't be Alicia to be abducted, be in fear, and call it a day.

She's a tenacious woman.

Though that has nothing to do with whether or not we'll go and save her, and we're aiming for a rescue in the form of quickest・most optimal. I don't intend to give up the shitty woman who has started becoming adorable.

......so, about the Sword Saint, as I thought, his looks are abnormal. The horn growing on his head and the black tattoos around his body.

"It has a 'Demon Race' kind of feeling"

"......that old man?"


"Demon Race, is it? I heard that was a word that referred to the Demihumans in the Kingdom in the past......"

Is it a racist term? It's a world where the Demon Country actually exists, and the Demon Lord and monsters are the enemies of humans after all.

"His horn is aggressively assertive for some reason"

It's sticking out of his head fiercely.

Is it a metaphor for his phallus?

Stop it!

"I wonder if we should just call it the 【Demon Lord's horn】 or something?"

Demon Lord's horn. It is not the horn of the Demon Lord that actually exists, but I guess that which accumulated miasma, composition-wise, is indeed a 【Demon Lord's horn】.

"If, as a result of taking in the Demon Lord's gene, his appearance turned into something like that, then Lucy-chan sure is pretty stable huh"


Mayria and I are sitting in the driver seats, Yuri and Lucy-chan are sitting in the backseats, and we are chasing after Alicia and the Sword Saint with the carriage.

"It is because stabilisation was also part of the research. In Lucy's case, I believe the image after transformation having been established inside her body from the beginning also plays a big part"


It's atavism after all.

In contrast, the Sword Saint has taken an awful turn.

"He acquired the powerful Demon Sword with his authority and connections as the Hero counter-measure and planned to win. But, because he lost to Shinta-san, his desires that were amplified to their utmost right beforehand transformed into a curse, and he ended up like that, perhaps?"


"Is the response that was in the castle town since a few days ago that of the Sword Saint's?"

"That I do not know, but......the response on the radar might have appeared and disappeared, because he mutated and suppressed it repeatedly"

The birth secret of the 【Demon Sword Saint】 that nobody knows, huh.

While organising the things that happened, we drove the carriage.

"The horse stopped!"

The 【Demon Sword Saint】 who found a cave? gets down from the horse while still carrying Alicia.

How corny bringing the abducted Princess into a cave! Cut it out!

"Use your skill?"

"I'll use it right away when he's about to lay his hands on her"

"Understood. Shinta-san, please keep an eye on Alicia-sama closely"


Because the route a singular horse and a carriage can take is different, it seems it'll be a bit of a detour.

However, on our side, we have a tracking radar alongside a magic GPS. If you're thinking you got us off your back, you're too naive, Demon Sword Saint.


"Sword Saint-sama, why are you doing this....... No, what in the world, is that appearance?"

"Haha, no fuckin' idea, Princess-sama. I can somehow tell that it's because of this sword though"

Oh? He has the reasoning to be able to have a conversation, doesn't he. Furthermore, the Sword Saint himself has also grasped the cause.

"It felt the worst initially, but it ain't bad now that it's come to this. I ain't gonna lose to a scrub like that ever again!"

I guess he's referring to me. As I thought, at my level, I'm gonna be treated as a scrub.

I forcefully produced the results, but I can't be overconfident in my capabilities. Since both Mayria and Yuri are around this time around, let's rely on them.

"Having your appearance changed into that monster-like appearance......that appearance, it is already an appearance that is even uglier than Demihumans and Beastfolks"

Princess Alicia who naturally spews her racist words. Don't go casually showing off your human supremacy side.

It's just that, even so, I guess the current Sword Saint is the one with the out verdict.

"Haha, I thought so too. But it's surprisingly not bad, this! I'm a monster? Aah, I wonder if this is also what ya call an omen of the Demon Lord's resurrection?"

"An omen, of the Demon Lord's resurrection, you say?"

"I can bloody tell, the current me. 『Gather, become stronger, survive』, it says........ That the Demon Lord ain't born in the Demon Country. That it's born anywhere, and just bloody arrives at the Demon Country at the end"

......according to this Otherworld's history that Mayria talked about, that's exactly the case.

And at the very end, you either eat the 【Demon World Plant】 or get parasitised, and reach the true Demon Lord.

The current Demon Sword, is being swallowed by the instincts ingrained by the Demon Lord's gene?

"......'gather the Demon Lord's gene, and head to the centre of the Demon Country', both the Hero and the Demon Lord sure act the same huh"


I have an incredibly bad hunch over there.

Are we the Hero party? Or are we the Demon Lord party?

"Sword Saint-sama, you have lost your mind"

"Hahaha! Maybe! But, ya know. I don't feel like I care!"

At last, Alicia is about to be assaulted.

"I'm gonna rape you, Princess Aliciaa! You were born to be my woman!"

"Don't go saying whatever you like......!"

She may be threatened by his mutation, but it wasn't Alicia to cower in fear.

"──oh Flame!!"

Alicia slams a lump of fire that she had seemingly amassed at the 【Demon Sword Saint】 without holding back.


Did he not come up with a magic counter-measure against a Magician who has the power to resist even when she's buck naked?

I'm getting the feeling that his intelligence has slightly, fallen.


But, it looks like there wasn't a need for a counter-measure.


His burnt skin is recovering. He might be able to use Healing Magic, but that comes off close to my Self-Recovery ability.

"Is that all you've got, oh Princess-sama"


Princess Alicia is still in her fighting stance despite so. But she's probably at a disadvantage.

"Then, it's time to have fun! Do you prefer somewhere bright? I'll let you choose whether to do it here, or do it in the hole over there at least!"

Are you a hooligan or something.

"I refuse to choose either! Having one beast for a partner is more than enough!!"

......how Alicia-like to disparage me at the same time as well here.

Won't you say 『I am the Hero-sama's woman!』 there at least? On the surface, I'm your lover and your fiancé after all!


"Now then, you're gonna become mine!"


"──【Otherworld Transportation Technique】, activate"



Princess Alicia, is my woman, Sword Saint.

"Mayria, I sent Alicia to Japan"

"Is that so. Do we have a peace of mind for the time being?"

"Aah. It's probably way safer than the current situation"

That's why.

"......let's settle things with the Sword Saint for real, no holds barred"

I can't stand being chased after endlessly after all. Let's have him receive the payback for trying to lay hands on my woman.


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